Wise Woman Ways to Prevent Depression

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:16 AM | 0 comments »

The dark months are a time of rest and renewal, not a time of high energy. The fairies return to their underground homes at Halloween and return aboveground on May Day. Give in to the slower pace of the winter. Expect less of yourself; enjoy more time in bed. Stop fighting the dark. Let it be deep and nourishing. Before electric lights, humans slept twelve hours a day during the winter. Recognize the softer energy of contemplation and enjoy it, just as you do the active energy of summer.

Herbal tonics can help us lighten up and stay healthier all winter. My favorite winter tonics are sunlight, St. Joan's wort tincture, elder berry tincture, linden infusion, sauerkraut, and organ meats.

Get out into the sun. Not just in the winter, but in the summer too. And skip the sunscreen. Overuse is causing an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency, which leads to depression, weak bones, and cancer. For optimum mental and physical health - and for sustainable energy - humans need 15-30 minutes of unfiltered sunlight on hands, face and eyes (no glasses, no contacts) every day. You won't make vitamin D in the northern states during the winter, but sunlight still has beneficial effects on the pineal gland, and thus, overall health. Special high-intensity lights are used to help those who deal with winter depression; but natural sunlight is preferable.

Hypericum perforatum is the botanical name for the famous St. John's wort, better known to me as St. Joan's wort. This yellow-flowered plant thrives in the hottest, sunniest locations and spends the summer soaking up the sun so she can give it back to you when the outer or inner skies are grey. A dropperful of the tincture, taken as often as every two hours, if needed, can brighten your mood rapidly. I love the winter, so I use Hypericum as an antiviral. A dropperful a day (more if flu threatens) helps prevent colds and the flu.

Elder berries are the fruit of the magical elder bush (Sambucus nigra). All parts of the elder have been used to help us get through the winter. It is said that a powerful woman lives in the elder; I call her Elda Mor, though she has many, many names. If asked to help, she will. But she resents demands and grows furious if she is used without thanks. As much as a teaspoonful of elder berry tincture can be used daily to improve mood and immunity.

Linden blossoms (Tillia Americana or europa) are the world's most popular winter tonic. I make an infusion by brewing a half-ounce (weight measurement) of the flowers in a quart of boiling water. I steep my infusion, tightly covered, off the heat, for at least four hours. For remedial relief of sore throat or bronchitis, I start with cold water and bring the herb and water to a boil together. A big spoonful of honey in each cup of the infusion - strained and heated - isn't necessary, but adds delight.

Sauerkraut, or any naturally fermented vegetables including Kimchee, feed the underground parts of our beings. A small serving daily from the beginning of December through the end of March can totally prevent the flu. Let the summer stored in the vegetables speak to you of joy.

Organ meats are an old secret for staying healthy, especially in the winter, when we need the concentrated goodness of meat. Liver is a powerful, rich source of vitamins D and A, as well as iron and other minerals needed to keep depression away and strengthen immunity. Eating animals is the surest way to love them and help them. When we buy organic meats, we are voting for well-tended animals who live with dignity and who take pride in contributing to our well-being. When we refuse to eat animals, we leave them in the hands of those who don't care. And we short-change our own health.

Green blessings!

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material on this website/email is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion

Susun Weed

PO Box 64

Woodstock, NY 12498

Fax: 1-845-246-8081

Visit Susun Weed at: The Wise Woman Center;and Ash Tree Publishing

For permission to reprint this article, contact us at: susunweed@

Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her 4 best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women.

Beneficial Colon Cleanse Products

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:16 AM | 0 comments »

I've been experiencing a few minor health issues recently, such as fatigue and general sluggishness. I visited my doctor, who promptly ruled out any serious underlying causes.

His only advice was the usual stuff about limiting my intake of caffeine, eating healthier food, and getting enough rest.

The problem is that I already do those things, but haven't noticed any improvements in my condition at all. I figured it wouldn't hurt to consult with an expert in alternative medicine, so I made an appointment last weekend.

This guy suggested that body detoxification might be in order -- not from drugs or alcohol, of course, but from all the harmful toxins that I've consumed in processed foods over the many years.

He then recommended several colon cleaanse products for me to try.

I have never gone through a colon cleanse products before, so I wanted to do a bit more research on my own before going out and buying anything.

Primarily, I wanted to confirm if these colon cleanse products would truly be beneficial for my body, and whether or not I'd have to worry about any unknown side effects.

I also was looking for information about how to do the procedure, since I wasn't sure what would be involved.

I've spent the last few weeks checking different alternative medicine websites to read about why periodical cleansing is helpful.

There are hundreds of sites out there that address all the different aspects of detoxification and body cleansing, so I was able to find a lot of excellent information about the general process, as well as good details about what the over-the-counter colon cleanse products actually do.

For example, I have learned that residue from food toxins can build up at various spots along your colon's wall, which can then cause irritation, inflammation, and reduced function in the long run.

And, the residue collects excess mucus and additional waste, thereby becoming a prime breeding ground for bacteria.

The bacteria can lead to a whole host of physical ailments, including the fatigue I've been suffering from.

Good colon cleansing products can remove this waste, and resolve the health issues stemming from those harmful buildup.

After reading this info, I definitely wanted to try colon cleanse products for myself. I pulled out the list of recommendations that the specialist had given to me, and looked those items up online.

I found that they were indeed highly rated by the users, so I decided to go ahead and order two different ones. The website I went to offered full cleansing kits for a big discount and also free shipping, which made my decision even easier.

My colon cleanse products are now on the way and should be here within the next few days. I can't wait to see what kind of beneficial effects they'll have on my body!

Get a total body clean up now with Master Cleanse Secrets. More expert tips on body detox at Natural Body Detox.

If you are prone to sun burn and work in the sun a lot then it makes sense to get you skin checked out at least once a year by a professional. Skin cancer screening is a process where your skin is examined for any blemishes, marks or bumps that may be cancerous. It can identify potential problems early on and thus increase the chances of treating the disease effectively and without fuss. However, you should also examine your skin from time to time for any changes. In order to do this successfully you need to know a bit about skin cancer. This article will list the three types of skin cancer and their typical signs and treatment.

There are three types of skin cancer. The first two mentioned are considered to be benign most of the time so they are easy to treat. However it is still important to identify and treat them as soon as possible as they may spread and lead to a more serious problem.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. It will normally manifest as a waxy bump on the skin. It may also appear as a flesh or brown colored mark. It is typically found on the face, neck, chest and back but can occur anywhere on the body.

As most cases of basal cell carcinoma are benign and do not spread to other parts of the body treatment is relatively easy and effective. The bump or mark is simply cut out or frozen and removed. This can be done in 30 minutes at a doctor's surgery.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma is similar to basal cell carcinoma and has the same methods for treatment. However it is more liable to spread than the other type and therefore needs to be treated immediately it is diagnosed.

A Squamous cell carcinoma is typically noticeable as a red bump or nodule. It can appear on the face, neck, or arms. On some occasions it will occur on the ears or lips. The nodule will be hard to the touch. As it develops it may become scaly or have flaky skin on the surface. It will continue to develop to become a crusty lesion where the nodule used to be. It is usually treated by cutting or freezing.


Melanoma is the least common of the 3 types of skin cancer however it is the most serious of the three, especially if it goes undiagnosed or untreated. Of the three it is most likely to spread to other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes and vital organs of the body. If this occurs (known as metastasizes) then it becomes difficult to treat and may involve chemotherapy and other aggressive treatments. Early detection is crucial for a melanoma but they are often very hard to identify. This is why it is important to get a screen once a year by a professional in the diagnose of skin cancer.

It is important to be aware of the three types of skin cancer as you can be alerted to any potential skin problems with this knowledge. However it is far better to prevent skin cancer from occurring than ever having to go through a procedure to remove skin cancers. Prevention means limiting your exposure to ultraviolet rays either by avoiding them or wearing some form of protection against them.

For more information on the symptoms of squamous cell skin cancer visit You will find details on skin cancer on the nose and popular sun creams.

The Spread of Breast Cancer

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 PM | 0 comments »

There was a time when the main victim of breast cancer was white, well off women. The disease was though to afflict only women in developed societies. Breast cancer may have had a limited range in the past, but today breast cancer is changing. In Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, breast cancer rates are rising at enormous levels. In the past decade alone, breast cancer rates in these less developed countries have risen as much as seven times. The huge increase in breast cancer rates in less developed countries is quickly putting an end to the well off, white woman stereotype.

By the year 2020, it is estimated that 70% of global breast cancer rates will come from those living in developing countries. Some of the reason for this change is actually because of better sanitation and control of diseases. The technological improvement in these developing countries has extended the life spans of the low and middle class residents. Since breast cancer affects an older demographic of women, a longer life span is part of the reason why breast cancer rates are rising in developing countries. A further reason why breast cancer rates in developing countries are rising could be because of the spread of western habits. Habits such as fatty diets and lack of exercise may lead to higher breast cancer rates.

While these higher global breast cancer rates are a concern, global efforts have been formed to fight breast cancer. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is an advocacy group with 125 affiliates around the world. The group is putting together a plan of action against breast cancer for 31 countries. Breast cancer is a rising problem, but many people are uniting against the disease.

The author is the owner of

His site contains a wealth of breast cancer information.

It also allows users to earn breast cancer apparel and to

promote breast cancer awareness. Come check out the site

to learn more breast cancer information, earn breast cancer

apparel, and promote breast cancer awareness.

There are a handful of vitamins and nutrients the body needs each day, in order to stay healthy and function on a regular basis. They help to provide various organs with what they need to perform their primary function, and also help to fight off disease and other factors that can cause the body to malfunction. Calcium is one of the most important minerals that must be included in the human body, since it helps to promote bone health, promotes healthy circulation, and is even important for various muscle groups in the body.

Because calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, it is important to provide the body with calcium through food and supplements. There are various foods that provide a sufficient amount of calcium, such as various dairy products like milk and cheese. Several vegetables are also great sources of calcium, such as broccoli, cabbage, and kale. Even though there are several food items that contain great amounts of calcium, it can also be beneficial to take a supplement to ensure the body is getting the daily required amount.

There are various calcium supplements available, some of which are actually combined with many other essential vitamins and nutrients that the body needs. They come in either pill or liquid form, which makes it possible for the vitamins to be absorbed by the blood stream. One of the best ways to take a calcium supplement and ensure the body is getting enough is in liquid form, especially when it is taken along with a meal. They contain other essentials that help to promote calcium absorption in the body, such as vitamin D, Orotic acid, Chondroitin, and Glucosamine.

Providing the body with the required amount of calcium each day is essential, since calcium plays a huge role in disease prevention and overall health. It is necessary for keeping bones strong and healthy, and can help to prevent osteoporosis from occurring. Because bones are living tissues that constantly change throughout life, it is important to provide them with enough calcium to maintain bone mass up until adulthood. By providing the bones with enough calcium to grow to peak levels, less mass will be lost during the later years in life.

Calcium is also beneficial for individuals with high blood pressure, since it can help to lower it when combined with a healthy diet. Studies have shown that those with increased calcium in their diet had the greatest decrease in blood pressure, when placed on one of three diets that all contained blood pressure friendly items. Since calcium can help to lower blood pressure levels in many adults, it also helps to prevent various diseases related to high blood pressure from occurring.

Cancer is another disease that can be greatly influenced by calcium intake, since calcium can actually help reduce the risk of developing various types of cancer. Various studies have shown that increased levels of calcium can actually help to prevent colon, rectal, and even prostate cancer. Although the exact reason why the risk level is reduced is unknown, individuals who consume at least the daily required amount of calcium showed a lower risk of cancer as well as various cancer precursors.

Higher intake of calcium is also beneficial for weight management, which can help to prevent many health related conditions from developing. Obesity, diabetes, and even heart conditions can be prevented with a healthy weight, which can be achieved by taking a high amount of calcium each day. Even food items that are low in fat contain the same amount of calcium as the non low fat alternative, which makes it that much easier to maintain a healthy weight in order to prevent disease.

Consuming enough calcium on a regular basis is important, since it helps to keep the bones, muscles, and various organ groups strong. It can help to prevent certain diseases from developing, such as osteoporosis, weight related diseases, and even some forms of cancer. By consuming at least the daily requirement of calcium on a daily basis, it can be easy to stay healthy and live a long and happy life.

Ron Godlewski has written many articles on health, wellness, and maintaining vitality as we try to protect ourselves from chronic disease (like cancer) through lifestyle diets. You can obtain more information on the importance of calcium and proper nutrition to reduce cancer risks, receive a FREE quart of a nutritional supplement or call him toll free at 1-888-LFI-CUST (1-888-534-2878).

body cleansing serves to neutralize and remove the toxins that get stored up in the human body. The structure of cells and tissues in the body are unfavorably adjusted by a toxin to the end that they can no longer effectively perform their functions.

Even food additives contain toxins, as do tobacco and pesticides and pollution all over the environment.The functions of the body are maintained by clearing out toxins through body cleansing.Although body cleansing is not a common practice, it has so many profits that it should be incorporated into the regular time table of more people.

Ways in which body cleansing can pay off for you are noted below. Lends a hand to checking ailments:

Diseases are as a result of chemical and hormones in the environment that are exposed for prolonged periods to the body, causing it to store up some of these toxins.Taking oral contraceptives as an example, they will certainly result in some type of cancer in a woman who uses them repeatedly than in a woman who hardly ever comes in contact with them.Another instance is cigarette smoking.

Tobacco and nicotine contain chemicals that build up in body cells and tissues. The chemicals from cigarettes, in keeping with research results,

Body cleansing restores health:Body cleansing goes a long way in the cure of all kind of diseases, fibromyaglia, syndromes, and disorders, not to mention degenerative diseases.While helping in the treatment of the diseases, body cleansing does not actually cure them.

The digestive disorder referred to as Irritable Bowel syndrome has two symptoms, diarrhea and constipations that are abridged by body cleansing. Amassed toxins coagulate to stay the ability of the colon to absorb adequate nutrients that the body needs.

The colon once loaded with toxins, fails both to absorb nutrients and filter water back into the bloodstream.Dehydration and autointoxication are the consequences of this.Therefore, the body should be cleansed and the colon included in a bid to clean out built up toxins and permit the body to function freely.

The Simple body cleanse is a great way to start. Or you could attempt one of the healthy recipes for toxin cleansing to begin with

Sun protection for everyone

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 AM | 0 comments »

Summer is a time for fun and a chance to enjoy the great outdoors. But watch out - it's not all that fun. Although the sun gives us warmth, kills micro-organisms, and helps us produce vitamin D, it also has bad effects that include sunburn, photosensitivity, photo allergy, cataracts, premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer.

Although people with brown skin are generally not vulnerable to the harmful effects of the sun, that doesn't mean they won't develop skin cancer later. Anyone can be affected regardless of their skin color. It all boils down to how much time you spend under the sun.

Others risk factors include a history of sunburns or skin cancer, living in a sunny or high-altitude climate, fragile skin, having lots of moles, age, exposure to chemicals, coal or arsenic, and radiation.

Those most likely to develop skin cancer are election campaigners, military and police personnel, athletes, drivers, farmers, beach lovers, and schoolchildren.

To avoid trouble, here are some practical ABCs to follow courtesy of Dermaxin, a popular anti-aging cream that helps fight wrinkles and restores your skin's natural beauty.

Be like a vampire. No, don't sleep in a coffin but avoid going out between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun's rays are strong.

Make a fashion statement. Wear sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, and don't forget your umbrella. Long-sleeved clothes and long pants are fine provided they're made of a tightly woven material that blocks sunlight.

Protect your skin. Cover it with chemical and physical sunscreens, and forget what your mom or grandmother told you. Don't rely on folk remedies, baby oil and regular lotions. Vegetable or mineral oils won't protect you from sunburn.

While baby oil and other home remedies may feel good, they won't stop the sun's rays from burning you. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Select one with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. Apply it liberally on exposed parts of your skin, including your lips, the tips of your ears, and the backs of your hands and neck, and have fun in the sun.

"For the most protection, apply sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapply it every two hours throughout the day, as well as after swimming or exercising. Apply sunscreen to young children before they go outdoors, and teach older children and teens how to use sunscreen to protect themselves. Keep sunscreen in your car as well as with your gardening tools and sports and camping gear," said the Mayo Clinic.

So go ahead. Enjoy yourself but take care. You won't lose the fight against skin cancer if you follow these good sun protection habits.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine Check out for details on Dermaxin.