Wise Woman Ways to Prevent Depression

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:16 AM | 0 comments »

The dark months are a time of rest and renewal, not a time of high energy. The fairies return to their underground homes at Halloween and return aboveground on May Day. Give in to the slower pace of the winter. Expect less of yourself; enjoy more time in bed. Stop fighting the dark. Let it be deep and nourishing. Before electric lights, humans slept twelve hours a day during the winter. Recognize the softer energy of contemplation and enjoy it, just as you do the active energy of summer.

Herbal tonics can help us lighten up and stay healthier all winter. My favorite winter tonics are sunlight, St. Joan's wort tincture, elder berry tincture, linden infusion, sauerkraut, and organ meats.

Get out into the sun. Not just in the winter, but in the summer too. And skip the sunscreen. Overuse is causing an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency, which leads to depression, weak bones, and cancer. For optimum mental and physical health - and for sustainable energy - humans need 15-30 minutes of unfiltered sunlight on hands, face and eyes (no glasses, no contacts) every day. You won't make vitamin D in the northern states during the winter, but sunlight still has beneficial effects on the pineal gland, and thus, overall health. Special high-intensity lights are used to help those who deal with winter depression; but natural sunlight is preferable.

Hypericum perforatum is the botanical name for the famous St. John's wort, better known to me as St. Joan's wort. This yellow-flowered plant thrives in the hottest, sunniest locations and spends the summer soaking up the sun so she can give it back to you when the outer or inner skies are grey. A dropperful of the tincture, taken as often as every two hours, if needed, can brighten your mood rapidly. I love the winter, so I use Hypericum as an antiviral. A dropperful a day (more if flu threatens) helps prevent colds and the flu.

Elder berries are the fruit of the magical elder bush (Sambucus nigra). All parts of the elder have been used to help us get through the winter. It is said that a powerful woman lives in the elder; I call her Elda Mor, though she has many, many names. If asked to help, she will. But she resents demands and grows furious if she is used without thanks. As much as a teaspoonful of elder berry tincture can be used daily to improve mood and immunity.

Linden blossoms (Tillia Americana or europa) are the world's most popular winter tonic. I make an infusion by brewing a half-ounce (weight measurement) of the flowers in a quart of boiling water. I steep my infusion, tightly covered, off the heat, for at least four hours. For remedial relief of sore throat or bronchitis, I start with cold water and bring the herb and water to a boil together. A big spoonful of honey in each cup of the infusion - strained and heated - isn't necessary, but adds delight.

Sauerkraut, or any naturally fermented vegetables including Kimchee, feed the underground parts of our beings. A small serving daily from the beginning of December through the end of March can totally prevent the flu. Let the summer stored in the vegetables speak to you of joy.

Organ meats are an old secret for staying healthy, especially in the winter, when we need the concentrated goodness of meat. Liver is a powerful, rich source of vitamins D and A, as well as iron and other minerals needed to keep depression away and strengthen immunity. Eating animals is the surest way to love them and help them. When we buy organic meats, we are voting for well-tended animals who live with dignity and who take pride in contributing to our well-being. When we refuse to eat animals, we leave them in the hands of those who don't care. And we short-change our own health.

Green blessings!

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material on this website/email is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion

Susun Weed

PO Box 64

Woodstock, NY 12498

Fax: 1-845-246-8081

Visit Susun Weed at: The Wise Woman Center;and Ash Tree Publishing

For permission to reprint this article, contact us at: susunweed@

Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her 4 best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women.

Beneficial Colon Cleanse Products

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:16 AM | 0 comments »

I've been experiencing a few minor health issues recently, such as fatigue and general sluggishness. I visited my doctor, who promptly ruled out any serious underlying causes.

His only advice was the usual stuff about limiting my intake of caffeine, eating healthier food, and getting enough rest.

The problem is that I already do those things, but haven't noticed any improvements in my condition at all. I figured it wouldn't hurt to consult with an expert in alternative medicine, so I made an appointment last weekend.

This guy suggested that body detoxification might be in order -- not from drugs or alcohol, of course, but from all the harmful toxins that I've consumed in processed foods over the many years.

He then recommended several colon cleaanse products for me to try.

I have never gone through a colon cleanse products before, so I wanted to do a bit more research on my own before going out and buying anything.

Primarily, I wanted to confirm if these colon cleanse products would truly be beneficial for my body, and whether or not I'd have to worry about any unknown side effects.

I also was looking for information about how to do the procedure, since I wasn't sure what would be involved.

I've spent the last few weeks checking different alternative medicine websites to read about why periodical cleansing is helpful.

There are hundreds of sites out there that address all the different aspects of detoxification and body cleansing, so I was able to find a lot of excellent information about the general process, as well as good details about what the over-the-counter colon cleanse products actually do.

For example, I have learned that residue from food toxins can build up at various spots along your colon's wall, which can then cause irritation, inflammation, and reduced function in the long run.

And, the residue collects excess mucus and additional waste, thereby becoming a prime breeding ground for bacteria.

The bacteria can lead to a whole host of physical ailments, including the fatigue I've been suffering from.

Good colon cleansing products can remove this waste, and resolve the health issues stemming from those harmful buildup.

After reading this info, I definitely wanted to try colon cleanse products for myself. I pulled out the list of recommendations that the specialist had given to me, and looked those items up online.

I found that they were indeed highly rated by the users, so I decided to go ahead and order two different ones. The website I went to offered full cleansing kits for a big discount and also free shipping, which made my decision even easier.

My colon cleanse products are now on the way and should be here within the next few days. I can't wait to see what kind of beneficial effects they'll have on my body!

Get a total body clean up now with Master Cleanse Secrets. More expert tips on body detox at Natural Body Detox.

If you are prone to sun burn and work in the sun a lot then it makes sense to get you skin checked out at least once a year by a professional. Skin cancer screening is a process where your skin is examined for any blemishes, marks or bumps that may be cancerous. It can identify potential problems early on and thus increase the chances of treating the disease effectively and without fuss. However, you should also examine your skin from time to time for any changes. In order to do this successfully you need to know a bit about skin cancer. This article will list the three types of skin cancer and their typical signs and treatment.

There are three types of skin cancer. The first two mentioned are considered to be benign most of the time so they are easy to treat. However it is still important to identify and treat them as soon as possible as they may spread and lead to a more serious problem.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. It will normally manifest as a waxy bump on the skin. It may also appear as a flesh or brown colored mark. It is typically found on the face, neck, chest and back but can occur anywhere on the body.

As most cases of basal cell carcinoma are benign and do not spread to other parts of the body treatment is relatively easy and effective. The bump or mark is simply cut out or frozen and removed. This can be done in 30 minutes at a doctor's surgery.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma is similar to basal cell carcinoma and has the same methods for treatment. However it is more liable to spread than the other type and therefore needs to be treated immediately it is diagnosed.

A Squamous cell carcinoma is typically noticeable as a red bump or nodule. It can appear on the face, neck, or arms. On some occasions it will occur on the ears or lips. The nodule will be hard to the touch. As it develops it may become scaly or have flaky skin on the surface. It will continue to develop to become a crusty lesion where the nodule used to be. It is usually treated by cutting or freezing.


Melanoma is the least common of the 3 types of skin cancer however it is the most serious of the three, especially if it goes undiagnosed or untreated. Of the three it is most likely to spread to other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes and vital organs of the body. If this occurs (known as metastasizes) then it becomes difficult to treat and may involve chemotherapy and other aggressive treatments. Early detection is crucial for a melanoma but they are often very hard to identify. This is why it is important to get a screen once a year by a professional in the diagnose of skin cancer.

It is important to be aware of the three types of skin cancer as you can be alerted to any potential skin problems with this knowledge. However it is far better to prevent skin cancer from occurring than ever having to go through a procedure to remove skin cancers. Prevention means limiting your exposure to ultraviolet rays either by avoiding them or wearing some form of protection against them.

For more information on the symptoms of squamous cell skin cancer visit You will find details on skin cancer on the nose and popular sun creams.

The Spread of Breast Cancer

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 PM | 0 comments »

There was a time when the main victim of breast cancer was white, well off women. The disease was though to afflict only women in developed societies. Breast cancer may have had a limited range in the past, but today breast cancer is changing. In Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, breast cancer rates are rising at enormous levels. In the past decade alone, breast cancer rates in these less developed countries have risen as much as seven times. The huge increase in breast cancer rates in less developed countries is quickly putting an end to the well off, white woman stereotype.

By the year 2020, it is estimated that 70% of global breast cancer rates will come from those living in developing countries. Some of the reason for this change is actually because of better sanitation and control of diseases. The technological improvement in these developing countries has extended the life spans of the low and middle class residents. Since breast cancer affects an older demographic of women, a longer life span is part of the reason why breast cancer rates are rising in developing countries. A further reason why breast cancer rates in developing countries are rising could be because of the spread of western habits. Habits such as fatty diets and lack of exercise may lead to higher breast cancer rates.

While these higher global breast cancer rates are a concern, global efforts have been formed to fight breast cancer. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is an advocacy group with 125 affiliates around the world. The group is putting together a plan of action against breast cancer for 31 countries. Breast cancer is a rising problem, but many people are uniting against the disease.

The author is the owner of

His site contains a wealth of breast cancer information.

It also allows users to earn breast cancer apparel and to

promote breast cancer awareness. Come check out the site

to learn more breast cancer information, earn breast cancer

apparel, and promote breast cancer awareness.

There are a handful of vitamins and nutrients the body needs each day, in order to stay healthy and function on a regular basis. They help to provide various organs with what they need to perform their primary function, and also help to fight off disease and other factors that can cause the body to malfunction. Calcium is one of the most important minerals that must be included in the human body, since it helps to promote bone health, promotes healthy circulation, and is even important for various muscle groups in the body.

Because calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, it is important to provide the body with calcium through food and supplements. There are various foods that provide a sufficient amount of calcium, such as various dairy products like milk and cheese. Several vegetables are also great sources of calcium, such as broccoli, cabbage, and kale. Even though there are several food items that contain great amounts of calcium, it can also be beneficial to take a supplement to ensure the body is getting the daily required amount.

There are various calcium supplements available, some of which are actually combined with many other essential vitamins and nutrients that the body needs. They come in either pill or liquid form, which makes it possible for the vitamins to be absorbed by the blood stream. One of the best ways to take a calcium supplement and ensure the body is getting enough is in liquid form, especially when it is taken along with a meal. They contain other essentials that help to promote calcium absorption in the body, such as vitamin D, Orotic acid, Chondroitin, and Glucosamine.

Providing the body with the required amount of calcium each day is essential, since calcium plays a huge role in disease prevention and overall health. It is necessary for keeping bones strong and healthy, and can help to prevent osteoporosis from occurring. Because bones are living tissues that constantly change throughout life, it is important to provide them with enough calcium to maintain bone mass up until adulthood. By providing the bones with enough calcium to grow to peak levels, less mass will be lost during the later years in life.

Calcium is also beneficial for individuals with high blood pressure, since it can help to lower it when combined with a healthy diet. Studies have shown that those with increased calcium in their diet had the greatest decrease in blood pressure, when placed on one of three diets that all contained blood pressure friendly items. Since calcium can help to lower blood pressure levels in many adults, it also helps to prevent various diseases related to high blood pressure from occurring.

Cancer is another disease that can be greatly influenced by calcium intake, since calcium can actually help reduce the risk of developing various types of cancer. Various studies have shown that increased levels of calcium can actually help to prevent colon, rectal, and even prostate cancer. Although the exact reason why the risk level is reduced is unknown, individuals who consume at least the daily required amount of calcium showed a lower risk of cancer as well as various cancer precursors.

Higher intake of calcium is also beneficial for weight management, which can help to prevent many health related conditions from developing. Obesity, diabetes, and even heart conditions can be prevented with a healthy weight, which can be achieved by taking a high amount of calcium each day. Even food items that are low in fat contain the same amount of calcium as the non low fat alternative, which makes it that much easier to maintain a healthy weight in order to prevent disease.

Consuming enough calcium on a regular basis is important, since it helps to keep the bones, muscles, and various organ groups strong. It can help to prevent certain diseases from developing, such as osteoporosis, weight related diseases, and even some forms of cancer. By consuming at least the daily requirement of calcium on a daily basis, it can be easy to stay healthy and live a long and happy life.

Ron Godlewski has written many articles on health, wellness, and maintaining vitality as we try to protect ourselves from chronic disease (like cancer) through lifestyle diets. You can obtain more information on the importance of calcium and proper nutrition to reduce cancer risks, receive a FREE quart of a nutritional supplement or call him toll free at 1-888-LFI-CUST (1-888-534-2878).

body cleansing serves to neutralize and remove the toxins that get stored up in the human body. The structure of cells and tissues in the body are unfavorably adjusted by a toxin to the end that they can no longer effectively perform their functions.

Even food additives contain toxins, as do tobacco and pesticides and pollution all over the environment.The functions of the body are maintained by clearing out toxins through body cleansing.Although body cleansing is not a common practice, it has so many profits that it should be incorporated into the regular time table of more people.

Ways in which body cleansing can pay off for you are noted below. Lends a hand to checking ailments:

Diseases are as a result of chemical and hormones in the environment that are exposed for prolonged periods to the body, causing it to store up some of these toxins.Taking oral contraceptives as an example, they will certainly result in some type of cancer in a woman who uses them repeatedly than in a woman who hardly ever comes in contact with them.Another instance is cigarette smoking.

Tobacco and nicotine contain chemicals that build up in body cells and tissues. The chemicals from cigarettes, in keeping with research results,

Body cleansing restores health:Body cleansing goes a long way in the cure of all kind of diseases, fibromyaglia, syndromes, and disorders, not to mention degenerative diseases.While helping in the treatment of the diseases, body cleansing does not actually cure them.

The digestive disorder referred to as Irritable Bowel syndrome has two symptoms, diarrhea and constipations that are abridged by body cleansing. Amassed toxins coagulate to stay the ability of the colon to absorb adequate nutrients that the body needs.

The colon once loaded with toxins, fails both to absorb nutrients and filter water back into the bloodstream.Dehydration and autointoxication are the consequences of this.Therefore, the body should be cleansed and the colon included in a bid to clean out built up toxins and permit the body to function freely.

The Simple body cleanse is a great way to start. Or you could attempt one of the healthy recipes for toxin cleansing to begin with

Sun protection for everyone

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 AM | 0 comments »

Summer is a time for fun and a chance to enjoy the great outdoors. But watch out - it's not all that fun. Although the sun gives us warmth, kills micro-organisms, and helps us produce vitamin D, it also has bad effects that include sunburn, photosensitivity, photo allergy, cataracts, premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer.

Although people with brown skin are generally not vulnerable to the harmful effects of the sun, that doesn't mean they won't develop skin cancer later. Anyone can be affected regardless of their skin color. It all boils down to how much time you spend under the sun.

Others risk factors include a history of sunburns or skin cancer, living in a sunny or high-altitude climate, fragile skin, having lots of moles, age, exposure to chemicals, coal or arsenic, and radiation.

Those most likely to develop skin cancer are election campaigners, military and police personnel, athletes, drivers, farmers, beach lovers, and schoolchildren.

To avoid trouble, here are some practical ABCs to follow courtesy of Dermaxin, a popular anti-aging cream that helps fight wrinkles and restores your skin's natural beauty.

Be like a vampire. No, don't sleep in a coffin but avoid going out between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun's rays are strong.

Make a fashion statement. Wear sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, and don't forget your umbrella. Long-sleeved clothes and long pants are fine provided they're made of a tightly woven material that blocks sunlight.

Protect your skin. Cover it with chemical and physical sunscreens, and forget what your mom or grandmother told you. Don't rely on folk remedies, baby oil and regular lotions. Vegetable or mineral oils won't protect you from sunburn.

While baby oil and other home remedies may feel good, they won't stop the sun's rays from burning you. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Select one with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. Apply it liberally on exposed parts of your skin, including your lips, the tips of your ears, and the backs of your hands and neck, and have fun in the sun.

"For the most protection, apply sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapply it every two hours throughout the day, as well as after swimming or exercising. Apply sunscreen to young children before they go outdoors, and teach older children and teens how to use sunscreen to protect themselves. Keep sunscreen in your car as well as with your gardening tools and sports and camping gear," said the Mayo Clinic.

So go ahead. Enjoy yourself but take care. You won't lose the fight against skin cancer if you follow these good sun protection habits.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine Check out for details on Dermaxin.

Toxins built up in the body are counterbalanced and done away with by body cleansing. Changes in the structure of cells and tissues in a body are caused by toxins, ending in the hampering of their functions.

Even food additives contain toxins, as do tobacco and pesticides and pollution all over the environment.The functions of the body are maintained by clearing out toxins through body cleansing.Although body cleansing is not a common practice, it has so many profits that it should be incorporated into the regular time table of more people.

A few body cleansing advantages are covered here. Disease prevention:

Diseases are as a result of chemical and hormones in the environment that are exposed for prolonged periods to the body, causing it to store up some of these toxins.For instance, it is clear that the prolonged use of oral contraceptives by one woman leaves her more wide open to certain cancers resulting from the chemicals and hormones they contain than another woman who has never known them.Another model case is the smoking of cigarettes.

Tobacco and nicotine contain chemicals that build up in body cells and tissues. The chemicals from cigarettes, in keeping with research results,

Body cleansing restores health:Body cleansing goes a long way in the cure of all kind of diseases, fibromyaglia, syndromes, and disorders, not to mention degenerative diseases.While helping in the treatment of the diseases, body cleansing does not actually cure them.

For example, Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms, constipation and diarrhea are extensively addressed by body cleansing. The body requires nutrients but the colon is no longer able to absorb these needs when it has been loaded with build ups of toxins.

The nutrients and water that should find its way back into the bloodstream are both blocked off.Dehydration can result from this, also autointoxication.Eliminating toxins therefore must embrace the colon into other body cleansing functions that will permit the body to function at its best.

Body Cleansing is the way to begin to cleanse your entire body. Although there are many kinds of cleansing, I.E. toxin cleansing. You really should Cleanse the entire body and not just parts of it.

body cleansing aims to rid the body of toxins that build up within the body. A toxin changes the structures of cells and tissues in the body, thereby also adversely affecting their performance.

You will find toxins everywhere; ranging from food additives to pesticides, from tobacco to all other forms of pollution in the environment.The functions of the body are maintained by clearing out toxins through body cleansing.Body cleansing should be done more regularly seeing as it has so many profits that it offers to the currently few people who do it.

Just a few of the merits of body cleansing are related below. Lends a hand to checking ailments:

As a consequence of prolonged periods during which the body is exposed to external hormones and chemicals, the cells and tissues store them up and cause a disease in the person.For instance, it is clear that the prolonged use of oral contraceptives by one woman leaves her more wide open to certain cancers resulting from the chemicals and hormones they contain than another woman who has never known them.Cigarettes will be another example.

Nicotine and tobacco emit their constituent chemicals to be stored up in the body within its tissues and cells. Evidence from research shows that lung cancer is caused by this chemical.

Illnesses are treated by Body cleansing:Body cleansing goes a long way in the cure of all kind of diseases, fibromyaglia, syndromes, and disorders, not to mention degenerative diseases.Body cleansing is very cooperative in the treatment of disease symptoms even though it does not actually cure the disease itself.

For example, Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms, constipation and diarrhea are extensively addressed by body cleansing. Pent up toxins in the colon prevent it from absorbing the needed nutrients into the body.

Water in the colon is also blocked from being filtered back into the bloodstream, coupled with the nutrients that cannot be absorbed.This invariably results in d autointoxication coupled with dehydration.To disinfect the body of toxins, it is therefore imperative that the colon is also considered so that the end product is a body that is free to function at top efficiency.

Body Cleansing is the way to start to cleanse your whole body. Although there are many styles of cleansing, like toxin cleansing. You really should Cleanse the whole body and not just pieces of it.

Health Benefits of Flaxseed

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 AM | 0 comments »

One food that I highly recommend to all my patients is flaxseed. The health benefits of this little seed make it sound like nature's wonder drug: it can help protect against heart disease, cancer, and diabetes; it can reduce cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory benefits; it's even been shown to reduce hot flashes in postmenopausal women!

Flaxseed is helpful in managing women's health issues because it contains high levels of lignans, which are phytochemicals that are converted in the body into hormone-like agents that block the estrogen pathways and limit estrogen in fat cells.

Limiting estrogen is important because it can help prevent estrogen dominance, a condition that can lead to numerous health problems including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), insomnia, irregular bleeding, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, and breast cancer. In fact, many physicians treat women with breast cancer by adding flaxseed to their diets. It should be noted that only the seeds (not just the oil) provide the proper estrogen-blocking effect.

Flax is a mega-source for an omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid. Omega-3 is a great support for cardiovascular function, skin health, and joint health. It's also an excellent source of fiber (1 tablespoon ground = 2 grams of fiber), which can improve regularity and help prevent colon cancer, as well as helping to lower LDL cholesterol levels.

You can put flaxseed in muffins, breads, cookies, cereals, cottage cheese, sprinkle it on salads, and add it to soups. Make sure the seeds are ground and kept in a closed container in the refrigerator. An amount of approximately 25 grams per day of ground flax will provide a medicinal effect. This equals 4 tablespoons per day.

You can find flaxseed in both the ground (milled) form and in whole seed form in almost any grocery store, usually in the health food section. I like to buy it in whole seed form and grind it myself in a small coffee grinder; it tastes better when it is fresh-ground and you'll retain more of the nutrional value. However, the milled form may be more convenient for you. Either way, it's important to understand that you should use the ground form because it is a soluble form of fiber that is much more effective in reducing cholesterol and triglycerides and excess estrogen. The seed form can also be irritating to those with bowel problems.

AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Flax should not be eaten within one hour of taking medicines or vitamins because of its absorbing properties. It can actually absorb and eliminate the medicines from your body, making them ineffective.

Dr. Tina Marcantel is a naturopathic physician in Mesa, Arizona. She practices holistic, integrative patient care. For more info visit her website at

Ask any person needing to raise funds out of nowhere how they plan to do it and they'll invariably come up with a list of ideas which all involve asking people to donate in one way or another – be it time, money, goods, or any combination of those.

How many boxes of cookies, raffle tickets and door knock appeals have you paid for that had nothing to do with raising money for something? None, right? I don't know about you, but much as I'd like to help, I really get tired of people asking for donations.

Whether you are raising funds for a sick person who needs treatment, a sporting group that wants to travel to a competitive event, or a charity you believe in, it is difficult to get away from the need to ask people to donate.

In fact, the reason for this article is because rashly I offered to host a pink ribbon "Girls' Night In" to raise funds for "Breast Health" (no WAAAY will I support breast cancer!) and found myself a little stumped, because I have only recently moved to this state and do not yet know many people I can invite or ask to participate.

So how can I follow through and raise a meaningful contribution?

As I thought about it, I thought of other ways I'd like to help the community or the world.

1. Surf Life Savers

2. Pandas and other endangered species, WWF

3. Amnesty International

4. A lady I saw on the news who cares for animals injured on the roads – and other stories on TV about people who are doing something worthwhile

5. Parents, Children, Grandchildren

6. Seniors and Disabled

7. Research into breast health and other women's health issues

8. Many others....

You'll have your own list… People everywhere want money.

I want to do something to help them all long term so they don't have to suffer the indignities of continually putting their hands out asking for money.

You see, although I want to help, I have a bit of a problem with just donating. I think the handout mentality is disempowering and "unhealthy" for both individuals and groups. Far better to help them to become financially empowered, so they can be self-funding and independent.

Then I came across a story online that caught my eye. I sat up and took notice.

Fundraisers: How would you like to generate a decent amount of money like $50,000 or $100,000 per year? How could you possibly do that without asking people for donations and a lot of work?

Well, it can be done. No donations and no work required.

I read about charities,non-profits, disabled people, and even events, in parts of the USA, Canada and the UK, which are all being funded using an adaptation of the principles detailed in the book "Financial Freedom on $1 a Day" by Suzanne Kincaid. Nobody is being asked to donate, yet they are generating considerable incomes. It's even working in New Zealand.

Then it hit me like a blinding flash of the obvious. An epiphany of sorts, where it all fell into place so simply.

Yet would it work for Breast Cancer issues? …Did I even have the guts to try?

Would we be willing to support each other in this way?

Because although this concept does not rely at all donations; it does rely completely on participation. Individual participation that benefits the whole, where you are asked to spend a small amount of money on a regular basis for the good of the group - while you yourself get the benefit of that purchase.

Sort of like a "modern-day" version of the old multi-level or network marketing idea, where profit sharing occurs, yet with the "big difference" being that these days, it is done online and nobody has to go selling soap powder, or cosmetics, or anything at all, to their friends.

It is simply the strategy of utilising a profit-sharing membership subscription, in return for which the participant receives online goods and services, free advertising of their own business, free web page, ebooks, music – including free songs you can download anytime you want, online courses and more, including a share in the revenues generated by the members, and even the option to sell your own products.

These people are raising some serious money.

So let me ask you… Would you be willing to support "Breast Health" and/or any other beneficiary of your choice by joining a membership that you even stand to profit from yourself?

If you asked me that question, my response would be two questions; "What do I have to do?" and "How would I profit?"

So here's what you need to do

1. Purchase a membership subscription for $15 joining fee and $15 per month, or two subscriptions for $30 joining fees and $30 per month – that's $1 a day

2. Maintain this subscription for twelve months, or until it is self-funding and requires no further cash input from you – no commitment, you are free to cancel at any time, but in order to benefit the group and yourself best, you need to give it time to grow

3. That's it – no further action required from you

And here's how you profit

1. Part of the joining fee is paid via profit sharing back to the members

2. Part of the monthly subscription revenue is paid via profit sharing back to the members up to a maximum of over $4,000 a month per member, or double that for two subscriptions

3. If you're in business, you can generate additional profits by selling your own goods or services on your member's web page and keep the full 100%

4. You can advertise your own online or offline business for free and keep 100% of all sales generated in this way

I'm aiming to get as many people and groups involved as possible and everyone who participates gets their own profit-share as well. It is a huge win-win all round. The entire community can benefit from participating.

If you have a group, special purpose, or charity you'd like to raise funds for, or even if you need more money for yourself, I will be happy to help you or tell you what you need to know to organise your own fund. The beauty is, rather than competing, we can each benefit from joining forces and helping each other.

Breast Health aside, show me a family that could not use an extra income these days?

Karen Adams © 2007 For more information on how you can support Breast Health through participation, and how to download your own free copy of the book "Financial Freedom on $1 a Day," please visit Karen Adams' blog or email her at threebuddies@

The population of women in the US stands slightly higher than 150 million with about 157 million projected by 2010. This compares to a male population of slightly more than 145 million with about 151 million projected by 2010.

The median age of women in the US is approximately 38 years old where as the median age for men is approximately 35.

Among US women age 20 and over, 64 million are overweight and 34 million are obese. Pretty scary statistics when you look at the overall female population, especially when you consider that an unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, both associated with obesity, can increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, breathing problems, arthritis, gallbladder disease, and osteoarthritis.

Only about 85% of women have had a regular check up within the past two years.

Slightly more than 12% of women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some time in their lives, about 1 in 8. The average age is 61. The estimated number of breast cancer cases in the US for 2007 is 178,480, which amounts to approximately 26% of all cancer incidences in women and the estimated deaths from breast cancer is approximately 40,000.

Even scarier than breast cancer, the rates which have actually been declining since 1990, is the incidence of lung cancer. There is expected to be over 98,000 new cases during 2007, about 15% of cancer incidence but the mortality rate is much higher! The estimated deaths from lung cancer is almost 71,000 which amounts to approximately 26% of all deaths due to cancer occurring in women. Lung cancer death rates have been rising and rising dramatically since about the mid-1970s, actually doubling in the years from about 1980 to 2000. Since then it has stabilized.

Then there's heart disease, the number one killer! Heart disease incidences and death rates for women have been on the rise. Experts attribute this to the changing roles in women. More women work and they tend to work higher profile jobs than ever, leading to increased stress, a major contributing cause of heart disease. Women also tend to have to fulfill the more traditional female roles as well with taking care of home and family along with working and now more than ever you have many one parent households with a woman as the head of the household, caring for children, home and financial stability.

Changing roles and equality for women are coming at a high price and this means we also need to be ever more vigilant about caring for our health and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

The author of this article, D. Raeke, is a natural health advocate with an interest in the many facets of womens health and life issues. You can visit her at Women's Health - Information and Resources for a Woman's Health and Life Style for more information.

Our body reacts to stress by producing the hormone adrenaline. For every molecule of adrenaline produced, one molecule of vitamin C is needed. A depletion of vitamin C in the body will lead to cardiovascular problems.

Negative emotions are by far one of the 3 most important factors in illness with diet and environmental toxins.

Included under emotions are: stress, work, family, neighbours, transport, depression, bad news, death relatives/ friends, loss of job, divorce, moving house and any negative event that worries or depresses you.

It is not the event itself that is important but the way you process it.

Yes, the way we process an event is what does the damage. Not the event itself.

For example, one person loses her job and goes into severe depression because their whole life revolved around their work. They felt needed and the income was needed to pay the bills. This person has a greater chance of getting sick than the person who loses her job but hated it anyway and knows that they can get a better job easily.. or enjoy the extra time doing nothing.

A story to illustrate this point:

A customer came to me suffering from liver, oesophagus and lung cancer. His chances of survival with modern therapy were 0.1% at best. He followed a very strict Macrobiotic diet and recovered. Eventually, he went back to a normal diet and died quickly after receiving thermal chemotherapy in Germany (and eating hospital food). His cancer had been emotionally triggered by his wife having three miscarriages in a few years. This gentleman desperately wanted a child with the woman he loved and could not accept that he may never have one. This triggered his first cancer (oesophagus). It was not the event that triggered the cancer but the way he processed it.

What to do?

To be positive, it is very important to make plans for the future. Keep your dream(s) alive. Have a goal, have an ambition. It is OK to be happy. We are not meant to suffer. Many people who try to become spiritual think that being poor is the only way to be. This is not my understanding. Most successful spiritual teachers are well known and well off. Does this mean they are bad? Not at all.

They are successful because they believe in what they are doing. They live their dream. God, or whoever you believe in, never meant us to suffer and be poor. It is OK to enjoy life. Money is just a mean of exchange. You need some to be able to live your dream, help yourself and help others.

It is difficult when you have been diagnosed with a cancer or another serious condition to remain positive. Especially if your body is giving you pain signals. It is hard to imagine that you are getting better. The problem will compound itself, the pain will force your mind to concentrate on this part of the body, and the more you concentrate or it, the more you will feel (or imagine) the pain.

Affirmations such as "everyday in every way I am getting healthier and healthier" are good. Saying it however is not enough. You should also try to visualise your tumours or disease shrinking and disappearing. Constantly keeping this image and autosuggestion in your mind can greatly help your body to heal. The best time to repeat the words is last thing at night just before going to sleep or first thing in the morning when you wake up. This is the time when your mind is in alpha state and is most receptive to suggestions.

Good exercises are:

Visualise your tumours being eaten away. There are different ways of doing this. Use whichever way suits you best:

* For example a child may visualise his tumours eaten as in a PAC MAN game.

* An adult may prefer to visualise his tumours being soft rocks that are gradually eroded by the waves of the sea.

* Imagine that each in breath floods your body with a shoal of hungry Piranhas that are eating away your problems and cleansing your body.

Use whatever method is best for you. Make up your own. As long as your visualisation is strong, you believe in it and you do it frequently, it will help you.

The support

Emotional support and belief from your spouse, partner, friends or family is important. If this is not given, it is better to leave. A very negative home environment will keep the disease alive and spreading. I know that doing this is not easy at all, but you are worth it.

Ideally, the cooking associated with recovery should be from a healthy person with positive energy.

A Story - The power of the mind - From the New York Times, 13 October 1998:

"Many doctors know the story of 'Wright', who was found to have cancer and in 1957 was given only days to live. Hospitalised in Long Beach, California, with tumours the size of oranges, he heard that scientists had discovered a horse serum "Krebiozen", that appeared to be effective against cancer. He begged to receive it. "His physician, Dr Philip West, finally agreed and gave Wright an injection on a Friday afternoon. The following Monday, the astonished doctor found his patient out of his 'death bed', joking with the nurses. The tumours, the doctor wrote later, 'had melted like snowballs on a hot stove'.

"Two months later, Wright read medical reports that the horse serum was a quack remedy. He suffered an immediate relapse. 'Don't believe what you read in the papers, the doctor told Wright. Then he injected him with what he said was 'a new super-refined double strength' version of the drug. Actually, it was water, but again the tumour masses melted.

"Wright was 'the picture of health' for another two months - until he read a definitive report stating that Krebiozen was worthless. He died two days later."

Emotional Freedom Therapy" (EFT)

Many people go for counselling when they have negative emotions (depression, stress, anxiety, panic attack etc..) and many are disappointed with the results. Negative emotions are brought up to the surface and they are left to deal with them. No advice, as the counsellor is not allowed to offer any.

The sufferers may have to follow this therapy for months sometimes years and often with no concrete results. There is a much quicker and better way.

In December 2000 I was introduced to a therapy called Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT). The thinking behind this therapy is that negative emotions are not only locked into the emotional (the mind) but also into the physical (body). Trying to get rid of negative emotions by just working on the mind will not work as we are only addressing half the problem. The EFT motto is:

"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system".

As we all know that we are Mind, Body and Spirit. However we tend to forget it.

EFT is based on the belief that emotional imbalances are linked to imbalances in the body's energy system. We cannot release negative emotions just by working on the mind. We must also release imbalances from the body.

Correcting these imbalances, which is done by tapping on certain points, often leads to rapid remedies. EFT uses meridian points.

Meridian points are also used in Acupuncture, Acupressure and Shiatsu and find their origin many thousand years ago. Could men thousand of years ago have been wiser than us? I think so.

Patrick Hamouy teaches Reiki Healing, Indian Head Massage, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), Anatomy & Physiology, Oriental Diagnosis & Psychic Development. He sees customers for consultations.in Macrobiotic, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) and Removal of toxic products from the home environment Full information on his web site at:

Counteracting and eradicating toxins in the body involves body cleansing. Toxins adversely influence cells and tissues in the body, revising their functions.

The environment everywhere contains all kinds of toxins, gotten from tobacco, pesticides, and even food additives.Unwanted toxins are simply cleaned out through cleansing the body to sustain the functions of the body.Currently few people have body cleansing carried out on them, but that is probably because they are not aware of the countless advantages that the process has in store for them.

Just a few of the merits of body cleansing are related below. It reduces the power of sicknesses:

Being exposed for long periods to invading chemical compounds and hormones that are inadvertently built up in the cells and tissues of a body, causes it to develop diseases.As an example, a woman who constantly uses oral contraceptives is more likely to develop certain cancer types due to their constituent chemicals than a woman who never touches them.Also as an illustration is cigarette smoking.

Cells and tissues mount up alarming levels of chemical from nicotine and tobacco within the body. These chemicals have been proven by research to cause lung cancer.

Diseases can find cure through body cleansing:Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and several others have been known to meet more than their match in body cleansing.While helping in the treatment of the diseases, body cleansing does not actually cure them.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, for instance, can be addressed by using body cleansing to address and diminish its diarrhea and constipation symptoms. The colon fails to absorb nutrients and needs of the body due to built up toxins.

Besides starving the body for nutrients, it also fails to soak up sufficient water for the bloodstream.This invariably results in d autointoxication coupled with dehydration.Eliminating toxins therefore must embrace the colon into other body cleansing functions that will permit the body to function at its best.

Body Cleansing is the way to begin to cleanse your entire body. Although there are several styles of cleansing, I.E. colon cleansing. You absolutely should Cleanse the entire body and not just parts of it.

We all know that physicians are the primary group of customers for pharmaceutical sales drug representatives. But there is another group of healthcare professionals that is important in many therapeutic areas.

One company marketed a multi-purpose skin cream. It was used as a moisturizer for dry skin and also acted as a popular base for pharmacists to add other chemical compounds to form medicated prescription creams for patients with various skin conditions.

Naturally, the drug representatives for this product called on physicians including family doctors, pediatricians and dermatologists, the primary users of drugs for the skin. One day, a doctor told one of these drug reps that some of his cancer patients were coming back from the cancer clinic with this product upon recommendation of the staff there.

The rep did some further investigation by visiting the cancer center and found that the nurses there were routinely advising all patients going through radiation treatments to use this particular cream product.

The clinic nurses showed the rep that they made up their own special sheets that had directions for care after radiation treatments and included the liberal use of this specific cream by product name in order to reduce the effects of radiation burn. These sheets were handed out to every single patient who went in for radiation treatments.

The rep took these findings back to his pharmaceutical company and it was soon determined that all nurses working in similar cancer treatment centers across the country should be called on by the company's sales force. Some other cancer centers were already on board with this product while many were not.

The pharmaceutical sales force did a special campaign to call on all cancer clinic nurses to inform them about how other cancer nurses were recommending the product and soon, all cancer treatment centers enthusiastically came on board with adding the company's product as part their post-treatment care guidelines.

Many of these cancer clinics also had small pharmacies in house and upon follow up visits, the drug representatives found that many of these pharmacies have been stocking up on the product. In fact, the majority of these tiny cancer pharmacies carried more of the product in stock than typical major retail pharmacies!

Sales of the company's cream product skyrocketed to record levels not because of increased promotion to doctors, but to cancer clinic nurses. Although these nurses were not physicians, they proved to have the power to recommend certain products directly to patients which in turn significantly increased sales.

The lesson from this case is that although physicians are the primary customer group to call on in pharmaceutical sales, other types of healthcare professionals could be just as important for certain products. It's a matter of finding out who the important players are for specific drug products.

There have been many other cases where nurses had positive impacts on sales of drugs in other therapeutic areas as well.

Clint Cora is the author of the book "How To Get A Dream Job In Pharmaceutical Sales - Direct Inside Advice and Guidance from a Sales Manager". He had a very successful fourteen year career as a pharmaceutical sales representative, sales trainer, product marketing manager and a national sales manager. More information about pharmaceutical sales careers can be found at

Reducing Colon Cancer Risk With Diet

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 PM | 0 comments »

Colon cancer is very rare regions were peoples diet are mainly vegetables, and gain. It's more common Western nations and the US where a large part of their diet is meat.

A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains help prevent colon cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends at least five servings of these foods each day.

It's very hard to determine exactly what components of a healthy diet are protective. Some research has zero in on several possible.

Low Fats – Dietary fats and colon cancer have clear links. Fats boost the body's production of bile acids, which promote rapid cell growth.

High fiber – The indigestible part of plant-based foods, fiber moves food through the bowel quickly, reducing its contact with carcinogens and bile acids.

Oat bran has little help in colon cancer risk. But, Wheat bran helps more then vegetables and fruit fiber.

If you can get 25 grams of dietary fiber per day from vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grain cereals, and breads.

Calcium – studies show that calcium protects the colon by neutralizing bile acids and fatty acids. You should consume at least 1,000 Milligrams of calcium each and every day.

Antioxidants – not enough vitamin C and E and beta-carotene seem to increase the risk of colon cancer. You should eat a lot of fruits vegetables because these are the best sources of antioxidants.

Exercise – If you are not very active your chance of colon cancer increase. Physical activity reduces your risk by hastening the passage of waste through the body. It also stimulates blood flow to the colon. Try to stay as active as possible, do exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

Natural Cleanse opens the door to weight control, healing and rejuvenation. colon cleansing is the process of eliminating impacted waste from the colon, and clearing the colon to allow for proper absorption of vitamins and minerals. Colon cleansing can be a safe and valuable process for eliminating toxins from the body and restoring normal muscular activity in the colon.

We all know that a, strong and well functioning colon is quintessential to maintaining the best possible health.

Steven Johnson is committed to helping people maintain healthy and effective lifestyles. For more information on a fiber rich diet and other health supplements please visit his website Alternative Health Supplements.

Women and Cancer Risk Factors

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:16 AM | 0 comments »

Experts are expecting 178,000 women to be diagnosed with large-scale breast cancer and 62,000 of locally confined cancer. This is the prediction, however do not stand by and wait and see what will happen. No, all precaution must be taken seriously. Know the risk factors; some may appear uncontrollable but others are.

The very first factor of developing breast cancer is being female followed by advancing age. This type of cancer develops in seventy-five percent of women over the age of fifty.

Get to know how your breasts look and feel at a very early age giving the opportunity to notice any changes such as dimpling, skin redness, lumps, or thickening tissue. Any of these changes should be reported to your health care provider immediately. The health care provider will look for these changes clinically about every three years in your twenties and thirties and then annual mammograms after forty.

Although mammography screenings detect the disease in its early stage and reduce the mortality rate, it's not sensitive enough to detect abnormalities in dense breast tissue. For that reason, women over forty years of age with high risk of cancer and those with dense breast tissue should have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as well as the mammograms.

*This was recommended by the American Cancer Society in March 2007 of women with twenty to twenty-five percent or greater risk of breast cancer or ovarian and other form of cancer.

Now back to the risk factors, two have been named, sex and age. Next is family history. The risk is high if someone in your family was diagnosed with cancer before menopause or age fifty. If that someone is a mother, sister or daughter the risk doubles. But only five to ten percent of breast cancers are linked to inherited changes. These suspected inherited changes are mutations in certain genes which have been linked to breast, ovarian and colon cancers.

Find out about your family history, talk to relatives and if there is a strong family history, genetic testing may be in order. Talk to your health care provider about your family genetic make-up there could be clinical trials or other preventive methods available for high risk women. Studies have shown a fifty percent reduction in chemoprevention. Of course this involves an estrogen inhibiting drug (tamoxifen).

If breast cancer has occurred, the risk is great for reoccurring cancer in other breast tissue. Although some conditions were benign there is still a risk of breast cancer at a later time, such as atypical hyperplasia (an over growth of cells in the breast ducts), and dense breast is a factor as well.

Take charge of your health; be observant of your environment and lifestyle. Stay away from pesticides and hazardous chemicals even household products. Watch your lifestyle, diet, weight, excessive alcohol and other unhealthy habits that maybe a breast cancer risk.

Start in your early twenties and observe your body, notice any changes, read articles concerning breast cancer, know your family history, and talk to your health care provider and asking questions. Be vigilant about breast screening; if you are at high risk ask for a MRI along with your mammograms.

Carolyn Bell Smith, committed to help others improve their health, lifestyle, fight sickness, disease, and building a strong immune system. Author and creator, Healthy LifeStyle and More, and Lifestyle Tips Newsletter yourhealthrenewed Subscribe to our newsletter ezine_newsletter

The links between cancer and excessive alcohol consumption have been well known for some time, but with every passing quarter, cancer researchers are revealing yet another type of cancer influenced by levels of alcohol consumption.

Just last week Canadian researchers revealed that drinking has been clinically and causally lined to increased rates of esophagus, larynx and oral cavity cancers, and that the risks for those cancers decline substantially as people quit drinking, and very much like smoking, the risk equals the rates for non drinkers two or three decades after achieving abstinence.

Don't leave it until too late

Researchers explain that cancer rates actually go up dramatically in the year or so after an alcoholic or alcohol abuser quits drinking, but decline progressively after that, and ultimately the risks equal those of non drinkers. The reason that the first couple of years are a period of increased cancer incidences is that far too many people don't stop until already starting to feel the symptoms of those cancers. The message is pretty clear…don't leave it until it's too late.

Well publicized benefits of a glass or two of wine a day for the heart may be offset by increased risks for cancer with even moderate rates of drinking, and even a couple of drinks a day increases your colon cancer risk by nearly 25%.

Alcoholics need worry

But moderate drinkers don't likely have significant cause for concern, its people drinking heavily, people abusing alcohol, and alcoholics that need to be particularly concerned about these future health risks.

Women alcoholics are at particular risk to the negative health effects of drinking, and their breast cancer risk is 150% that of non or moderate drinking women.

The health and social costs of heavy drinking are enormous, and in addition to an increased risk for a legion of different cancers, alcoholics face cirrhosis, cognitive deficits, memory loss, early dementia, nutritional deficit's and even heart disease and heart failure. The good news is that much of these risks are eliminated with increasing years of sobriety, and even the heaviest drinkers today can virtually eliminate most of these health deficits after a long period of sobriety.

Much like smoking, if you can manage to quit and keep it up, after long enough time, it's almost as if you had never done it In the first place.

Get help if you need it

The risks of alcohol abuse and alcoholism are many, and if you are drinking at an unsafe level you need to take steps to better your problem, and initiate professional therapy if needed. But there is cause for optimism, and even the worst of us can expect a future of far better health if we can just stay off the booze.

Good luck.

If you need help making a decision about treatment visit Addiction Treatment Centers

Read the daily addiction blog TroubleBlog Drinking for stories of recovery and the latest news on treatment options.


Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 AM | 0 comments »

Is the Passport to Wealth System a plan that works?

Do you want to be a BIG DOG or a little dog??

I have been in search of a homebased business for over 25 years that I could in a short period of time start making the amount of money that I wanted to make from home. I have been in the Real Estate Industry since 1980 and I have always done 6 figure income, but the true meaning of life to me is loving what you do. Getting up every morning and can't wait to get to work. Do what you want when you want. NO BOSSES!!!

I am very thankful for the career that I had since 1980. But I've never have been really happy doing this for a living. I'm sure there are a lot of people in the work force that do well and really don't like their job. But I know there are many people who live pay check to pay check and can hardly get up in the morning to do this daunting task everyday for peanuts. Lousy condition and insane bosses.

I have been in many on-line businesses in which I had no clue what I was doing. Paid thousands in advertising and countless hours on the internet that never did anything for my business but drain money from my account and take time away from my family. Did you know that 95% of all internet businesses fail due to the lack of knowledge and sincere mentors to help you.

I have had businesses other than on line businesses and the amount of money to start this is huge tens of thousands of dollars , will you really make any money quick. Maybe..Maybe not!! Time??? What's that?? If your are successful in a business venture you have no time to enjoy it. 20 hour days 8 days a week. Oh and those employees whose could care less about your business. They come to work ,but most of the time, don't do anything for you. And don't forget the stealing from you. That's inevitable.They will steal from you in the drop of a hat. Honest people are hard to come across. The Passport system can Honestly say are full of honest people who truly want to help you.

For about 25 years now I have searched the internet for the one business that is....Credible, something that you can do from your home with NO budget. That's the funny part. I have sold household items to water filters to surveys to stuffing envelope and they are never what they seem. believe me!! I've been there. Save yourself the headache!!! Use my 25 years of stupid decisions and save yourself!!!

Our system is one of a kind and our mentoring team goes above and beyond to help you become successful. You are actually trained by live people for as long as it takes not some emial system that tells you what to do. Bypass that evil learning curve.The mentors 4u team is one of a kind in my book. Always implementing fresh new wave technology system to keep your business moving forward. It doesn't matter who you are you could be someone who doesn't know how to turn of a computer to a genius mentality. You will always be treated with patience and respect.You can know nothing about the internet and become a very successful business professional in a short period of time.

I sincerely vouch for the passport to wealth system that iIwill include my phone number that you can call me at anytime and ask me about my business.

Do yourself a favor.....

At least take the 20 minutes out of your day to see what we are all about.

I wonder what would happen if you don't???

I would be very upset with myself if it was something that worked and I just blew it off. Think of being financially independent to do whatever you want whenever you want. You can have a life like that. Months down the line I'll be working from my mountain retreat home while you arec still stuck in traffic trying to get to work at 5am

Check it out

You owe it to yourself

Rick Kapsin 661-202-5990 PST

rb.international@ Rick Kapsin an up coming internet professional specializing in internet mentoring systems

Lifestyle Behaviors and the Risk of Death

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:16 AM | 0 comments »

According to the Center for Disease Control in the United States, the life expectancy for American men is 75 (74.5) and women is 80 (79.9). The top killers for men and top killers for women are pretty similar. Here's the list. You may be surprised:

For American Men, the top 8 causes of death over a lifetime are:

No. 1 - Heart disease.

No. 2 - Cancer .

No. 3 - Accidents (unintentional injuries).

No. 4 - Stroke .

No. 5 - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

No. 6 - Diabetes.

No. 7 - Pneumonia and influenza .

No. 8 - Suicide

For American Women, the top 8 causes of death over a lifetime are:

No. 1 - Heart disease .

No. 2 - Cancer .

No. 3 - Stroke .

No. 4 - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

No. 5 - Alzheimer's disease.

No. 6 - Diabetes .

No. 7 - Accidents .

No. 8 - Pneumonia and influenza

It's important to note that these "killers" are over a lifetime, and that the major causes of death shift within certain age groups.

If you are a woman in your 20s, accidents are your biggest risk factor for death. Likewise, from ages 35 to 64, your greatest risk is cancer. For men, from childhood until age 44, accidents are the most significant threat. From 55 to 64, cancer is the biggest cause of death.

Lung cancer is still by far the biggest cancer killer in both sexes. 90% of this cancer is caused by cigarettes. Prostate, colorectal and breast cancer, the other leading cancers have all been associated with high fat diets, overweight and lack of exercise. Smoking is also a primary contributor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

More than twice as many men as women die each year in traffic accidents. Male drivers involved in such accidents are almost twice as likely as female drivers to be intoxicated.

Surprisingly, men commit suicide four times as often as women do. Depression is estimated to affect 7 percent of men in any given year and is a risk factor for suicide. Substance abuse, more common in men, can mask depression.

More women than men have Alzheimer's. In fact, women die of it at more than twice the rate that men do. One reason may be that women generally live longer, and the risk of Alzheimer's increases with age.

Putting all this together, the lifestyle behaviors you can employ to lessen your chances of dying of the big killers or at least putting them off look like this:

1. Avoid smoking, using other tobacco products and exposure to passive smoke .

2. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. .

3. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products.

4. Exercise regularly.

5. Control other health conditions that may put a strain on your heart, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. .

6. Maintain a healthy weight.

7. Limit saturated fats.

8. Be aware of potential cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) in your home and workplace, and take steps to reduce your exposure to these substances.

9. Have regular preventive health screenings.

10 Know your family medical history and review it with your doctor.

11. Use your seat belt.

12. Keep your speed down when driving.

13. Don't drive while sleepy or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

14. Limit your exposure to sun and use sunscreen.

Nothing really new or earth shattering, just common sense!

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research


When we look at our diet and what is good and bad for us, it is always beneficial to look at the way our ancestors used to eat. What has been eaten for 100,000s of years has determined the ability of our body to digest certain food. It will take another few thousand years (at best) before our body is able to digest the junk food some people ingest nowadays.

Prior to the Second World War, meat was expensive and most people only ate it on special occasions or at weekends (if they could afford it). Nowadays, some people eat meat several times a week. Sometimes, several times a day. Mr Richard McDonald and Ray Kroc have probably killed more people than were killed during the Second World War by introducing their fast food restaurants.

Should we really eat meat?

To answer this question, let's consider the following facts:

* Our teeth tell us that we should not eat much meat. Our molars and premolars are for grinding and crushing. Carnivores have teeth that are sharp and pointed, made to tear the flesh of other animals.

* Our saliva contains ptyalin and is alkaline for the digestion of starches. Carnivore's saliva is acid for the digestion of animal food.

* Our digestive system is 30 feet (10 metres) in length to allow the slow absorption of all the nutrients we eat. A carnivore's digestive system is short (only about 3 times the length of their trunk), meat does not get a chance to stagnate and stick to the walls.

* A carnivore's stomach generates ten times as much hydrochloric acid as ours does for the digestion of meat.

* The digestion of meat generates Uric acid. Our liver cannot easily eliminate Uric acid. A carnivore's liver can eliminate ten to fifteen times more Uric acid than ours can.

Where will I get my protein?

This is a standard question when I tell people to cut down or entirely give meat. First, we must learn that we do not just absorb protein from meat. In order for our body to create protein from meat, it must first break the animal protein down into amino acids and then manufacture human protein with these. This procedure is very tiring on the body and extremely inefficient.

Where do you think horses, elephants, cows, sheep etc.. get their protein from? Yes, you've got it: from the grass, vegetation and all the plants they eat.

Secondly, let's clear the misconception about the importance of protein in our diet. The information originates from tests that were conducted on rats. Rats need up to eleven times as much protein as we need in our diet as is illustrated by analysing rat mother's milk. So relax, you are not going to die from a lack of protein if you stop eating meat.

One of my main Macrobiotic teacher, Denny Waxman, used to tell us that the body manufactures protein from just about any food and that we could not be lacking protein unless we stopped eating or were malnourished. This is confirmed by research done in 1957 (Rose, W. "The amino acid requirements of adult man" - Nutritional abstracts and reviews) confirming that nearly all the complex carbohydrates, such as those in whole grains, beans or potatoes, have amino acid profile adequate for human protein needs.

On the subject of protein, it is interesting to learn that in Macrobiotic, we are also told that cancers feed on protein and that we always restrict the amount of protein in a cancer patient's diet.

Some will argue that fat is necessary because it is a source of linoleic acid. As this acid is also contained in brown rice, the body will get an ample supply by following the diet described in this book and this will not be a problem.

Where else can I get protein from?

If you are still worried about your protein intake, the following food has a high content of easily absorbed amino acid suitable for the production of human protein: Peas, lentils, chick peas, kidney beans, fish, tofu, green grapes, iceberg lettuce, collards and kale.

What is the effect of meat on the body?

These days meat is usually frozen, overcooked and as such stripped of all its goodness. It gives an immediate burst of energy and strength. This is OK in colder and Polar Regions if you do not mix the meat with sweet (Yin) food, otherwise it is deadly.

An excess of meat will cause problems of accumulation of matter: clogged vessels and organs, putrefaction and infection. As soon as the animal is killed, meat starts to putrefy. This process is nowadays controlled by the use of freezing that allows us to eat animals killed several days, weeks, months or years (as recent TV programs informed us).

Putrefaction resumes when the meat is unfrozen i.e. just before you start eating it. To properly digest meat takes 3 to 5 days and as much as two weeks in the elderly. This is compared with a proper digestion time of one to one and half day for non-meat eaters.

Should you eat meat on a regular basis, your intestines are never clear and the meat putrefies in your digestive track. Putrefaction produces toxins and amines that accumulate in the liver, kidneys and large intestines, destroys bacterial cultures (especially those that synthesise vitamin B complex) and causes degeneration of the villi of the small intestine.

Saturated fatty acid accumulates in and around vital organs and blood vessels, often leading to cysts, tumours, and hardening of the arteries. Saturated fat also raises the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Over a period of several years, putrefied meat is going to adhere to the lining of your intestines and cause various problems such as IBS, stomach cramps, prolapsed colons, haemorrhoids, constipation, diverticulosis, appendicitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and colon cancer etc...

To compensate for eating meat, the body needs more oxygen in the bloodstream. The breathing rate rises after eating animal food making it difficult to maintain a calm mind. Thinking becomes defensive, suspicious, rigid and sometimes aggressive. A very analytical view is often the result.

It makes the muscles slack and the joints stiff. Daily consumption of meat and dairy food, is at the core of our excessive protein intake, which has been associated with de-hydration and heat-stroke in athletes, fatal exacerbation of kidney and liver malfunctions, increased acidity of body fluids, infant deaths, premature ageing, heart disease, and cancer. A high protein intake creates toxic by-products in the form of unused nitrogen; excreting these can seriously overtax the kidneys, unless large amounts of water are taker to flush them out.

The saturated fat content of meat will then start circulating in your blood stream and start coating your arteries and eventually various organs eventually leading to the development of serious disease such as cancer or heart problems.

In the United states these days, 2 out of every 3 person suffers some form of serious problems related to that very high intake of fat.

"The average American & European intestine carries within it over 5 pounds of putrid, half digested red meat, plus another 5-10 pounds of foul toxic mucous waste impacted of years in the folds of the colon and small intestines."

When the actor John Wayne died, an autopsy revealed that his intestines had grown to 12" (30 cms) in diameter with only a small opening in the middle to allow the digestive process to painfully carry on.

What else is in the meat I eat?

This is one of the problems. Nowadays, the meat that you buy contains a lot of chemicals that you end up eating when you consume your favourite dish:

Antibiotics and steroids in the feed to prevent infections and increase weight quickly. This has had the effect of causing the development of new disease breeding bacteria, resistant to many form of antibiotics and causing a threat to human life.

Sex hormones such as androgens, progestogens and estrogens to promote faster growth. The long term effects associated with the consumption of these are:

Obesity, infertility, diabetes, dwarfism, gigantism, kidney disease, hypertension, precocious puberty, hypoglycaemia, masculinisation of females, feminisation of males and cancer.

Patrick Hamouy teaches Reiki Healing, Indian Head Massage, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), Anatomy & Physiology, Oriental Diagnosis & Psychic Development. He sees customers for consultations.in Macrobiotic, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) and Removal of toxic products from the home environment Full information on his web site at:

Information and first hand knowledge.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer which had metastasized to my liver and given an average of 6 months to live...that was almost 7 years ago.

I firmly believe I am alive today as a result of drinking pau d'arco tea. This is a brief outline of the properties and benefits of pau d'arco tea in laymans terms and why in my opinion anyone diagnosed with Cancer (or many other serious disease's) should drink the tea.

Pau d'arco bark contains many germ-killing substances. The incredible healing effects that pau d'arco tea has become known for are the result of the complex interactions of the inner barks many properties. That is why it is important to take the time to make and drink the tea in its complete and natural form. Many times the so called "active" substance is isolated and stripped away from a plant or herb and manipulated into something completely different from its natural form....losing all the synergistic activity that good old Mother Nature intended.

The healing substances found within pau d'arco are very significant when taken by Cancer victims. They can inhibit tumor growth, kill cancer cells and prevent metastases. Bernhard Kreher a Munich researcher wrote his doctoral work on the immuno stimulating effects of Pau d'arco and found that the body's defense system activity increased by more than 48% when Pau d'arco was regularly consumed.

Pau d'arco contains a large amount of iron and calcium which help oxygenate and strengthen the bodies tissue and immune system. It also contains selenium a powerful anti-oxidant that removes free radicals which can damage cells and trigger disease - including Cancer.

Pau d'arco tea has a holistic effect on the body, meaning the whole body is detoxified. Harmful toxic substances, including heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives and even the residue from chemotherapy are more thoroughly eliminated. Blood vessels, the lymph system, cells, tissue and organs are all cleaned and detoxified allowing the bodies systems to function properly and efficiently.

Despite careful research there are no reports of any negative interactions of Pau d'arco with medications...Pau d'arco instead has demonstrated that it can combine with and enhance many other herbal applications...that is why many herbal blends contain pau d'arco among their ingredients.

One of the great benefits I found was that you feel and see the tea working so fast, my first scan was about 6 weeks after starting to drink the pau d'arco tea and it already showed significant tumor shrinkage....it is also very easy to prepare...

Brewing Instructions...In a stainless steel or glass pot add 3 tablespoons of Pau d'arco to 1 quart/liter of water (I always brew a gallon at a time), bring the liquid to a full boil with the lid on...then keeping the lid on reduce the heat so the tea is at a gentle boil for 25 minutes...let it cool and pour through a funnel and tea strainer into sterilized bottles, you can sterilize any bottle by heating it in the oven at 225 degrees for 10 minutes, I found a great source for bottles in washed out liquor bottles . Refrigeration is optional as the strong anti bacterial properties in the tea prevent any spoiling...I just sit mine on the counter because I think it tastes better at room temperature.

It is recommended that if you are drinking the tea for cancer reasons then a minimum of four, eight ounce cups per day should be drank, I consumed six or seven cups on average per day until the tumors were no longer visible on the scans, then fell back to my present dose of 2-3 cups per day...

Incidently I also can't remember the last time I caught a cold even though many around me have been hacking and sneezing...another great benefit of the strong anti-bacteria and virus killing properties found in the tea.

The most important thing is to buy quality pau d'arco...you want the correct species Tabebuia Avellanedae 100% inner bark in a fine grind...I searched for and tried many pau d'arco sources, some offer it for as little as $5 per pound but believe me you get what you pay for...the less expensive tea tasted very weak and came as shavings or lumps of bark ...not at all like the proper fine grind. I know of only two sources in North America that directly import from Brazil the correct species of fine grind inner bark...

Herb-Care and Prince.

Of course there are no 100% guarantees of a cure but many people have beaten the odds using this tea ....and happily I can say I am one of them!

[This article was dictated to the Author and is free to copy in its entirety provided all links and text are intact and unaltered.]

If you would like to learn more about the incredible healing powers of this tea or wish to purchase authentic premium pau d'arco tea please visit

Considering that 1 in 250 men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer at one point or another, knowing which testicular cancer symptoms to look for can be a life saving bit of knowledge. When you think about it, the statistics are staggering. Not only is testicular cancer fairly common, but it can affect any age group. While you're most likely to be diagnosed with testicular cancer while you're in the 15 to 40 age bracket, everyone from infants to the elderly are at risk. On the bright side, testicular cancer is one of the less deadly forms of the ailment. The mortality rate for testicular cancer as a whole is only around 10 percent, and when it is caught in the earliest stage that number drops to approximately 5 percent.

Still, many people have died from it and it doesn't matter how healthy you are. Take, for instance, Lance Armstrong. The man was a living legend and had won the Tour De France several times when he was diagnosed at the peak of his career. While he ended up living through it, testicular cancer was almost the end of this American Hero. As a result, a huge movement started with people buying and wearing yellow rubber LiveStrong wrist bands. Aimed at raising awareness, the little yellow bands did their job. All that, and many people still don't know many of the testicular cancer symptoms.

If you're unfamiliar with testicular cancer symptoms, please hop online and look them up. There are several of them, many of which are relatively obvious. Others, however, might not send up as many red flags. For example, did you know that dull pain in your lower abdomen is a symptom of testicular cancer? I certainly didn't, until I did my homework. I suggest you do some of your own, it could just save your life one day.

Learn more about Testicular Cancer symptoms at the Mens Health Forum. It's free to join, so visit and become a member today!

If you life has been filled with ongoing stress, depression, emotional swings or if it has seemed like the world is falling apart around you, then please read on. During the course of the past couple of years, in particular, life hasn't been very fun for many of us. I'll bet for some, donating a kidney or giving birth would be a welcome alternative if we would be guaranteed that the ongoing craziness in our lives would end. If you thought it was just you, that only your life was in turmoil, the truth is just about everyone has been challenged over the past few years.

The energy on the planet, this last year in particular, has been extremely difficult for most of us. What I have noticed over the course of the last few years is that the more sensitive you are, the more your life was being affected by "whatever" was going on. In my work, I have talked about this energy for a long time, but couldn't understand its source. Well finally I think I have an answer to what has been happening.

I believe we have been experiencing the effects of Saturn as it moves through different signs of the zodiac.

I would never have looked to an astrological connection to the challenges that we have been facing had it not been for an article written by Carol Barbau about Saturn's transit. While I am not an astrologer, apparently Saturn moved into Virgo on September 2. In the article she talked about how Saturn affected us while it was in its last sign Leo as well as what we could expect as it moved into and through Virgo. In reading the article I was amazed. She described the troubles in my life and the lives of many of the clients I have worked with over the past few of years.

This led me to doing some research on my own into the subject and this is what I will be sharing with you. For me, it was eye opening. I do hope that as you read through this material it will explain or at least help you to understand the who, what, when, where's and why's of what has been going on in your life. Trying to be as complete as possible, I have decided to turn the clock back 5 years to when Saturn was in Cancer and move forward from there.

Before we talk about how Saturn has affected us as it transited (moved through) Cancer, Leo and now Virgo, let's first talk about Saturn and the energy of Saturn itself.

Saturn takes approximately 2 ½ years to move through each sign of the zodiac and 29 ½ years to make one complete rotation around the sun. Saturn can be likened to an authority figure. It is associated with limitation and restriction. It can be harsh, unforgiving and judging. In its limiting role, it needs rules, regulations and structure. It likes to build fences, set boundaries and create systems with carefully strategized steps.

As an authority figure, it points out our limitations and what isn't working in our lives and expects us to rise up to the occasion. Manifesting as frustration, blockages or delays, it shows us where we need to put our effort and make changes in our lives. It works by stripping us down to our essentials and gives us the opportunity to rebuild ourselves. Through this, it allows us to transform our weaknesses into strengths.

While this may sound harsh, without defining boundaries and constructing strategies, our lives would end up being unruly and haphazard at best. In addition, without our flaws being exposed, we would end up making the same mistakes over and over again without learning, improving or growing. And like any good parent, its tough-love approach may seem unforgiving, but it is coming from a place of love.

So now let's go back 5 years and take a look at what astrologers said would be going on in our lives. Starting in June of 2003, Saturn moved into Cancer. Cancer is the sign of love and compassion. It's free flowing nature sees the goodness in all things. It is all giving, embracing and nurturing. Cancer is the guardian of the home and family, which includes our ability to feel of secure personally and within our environment.

So what does that mean or how did we experience Saturn in Cancer. For many, emotional states flared or transitioned back and forth, which may have led some to experience feelings of depression. Remember, Saturn is working on taking us down to our bare bones and with its union in Cancer, it caused us to look really deep inside and evaluate our needs and decide what was truly important to us.

As we began to recognize what we wanted, we started to evaluate our relationship with ourselves and others. As a result, we might have seen major disruptions within our homes or in our personal relationships. In a family unit, it may have manifested as one parent taking on the Cancerian freedom loving role, while the other took on the job of disciplinarian.

We had the chance to see where things were working and observe if our needs were being met. I know, that in my private practice, I saw many people working on this aspect of themselves, where they embarked on the task of nurturing themselves. As they identified who they were and what they wanted, they started to create boundaries in order to correct the imbalances they observed.

As we embarked on nurturing ourselves and breaking patterns of behavior that were no longer useful, it is no wonder why there was so much conflict going on. And probably if you think back, many of the issues experienced revolved around our ability to experience love, nurturing and security in our lives. In the end, it opened many people's eyes to the reality of how they were using their energy – both positively and negatively.

Finally on July 16, 2005, Saturn left Cancer and moved into Leo. In Caner we were presented with the opportunity to discover how we felt deep inside and now, with Saturn in Leo, we were being given the possibility to express who we now were. This was especially true with regard to our personal, professional and romantic relationships. The fire of Leo gave us the impetus to stand up for what we believed in and Saturn added the energy of letting us hold our ground as we began to show the world.

Leo is a sign that likes drama and to perform. It is fun loving and attention seeking. A little bossy and liking to have its own way, even according to astrologers, the transit of Saturn through Leo can and did create a bit of havoc in our lives. Saturn as an authority figure cannot help but to clash with Leo's natural exuberance and need to have the final say-so.

The lesson of Saturn in Leo is many fold. First, we were afforded the opportunity to critically examine ourselves and explore our ulterior motives. We had the chance to evaluate the energy dynamics that occurred between ourselves and others. With Saturn in Leo, we were being tasked to project our newfound selves out into the world and display our "authentic selves" - not in an effort to satisfy our egos, but instead so that we could live our lives with integrity and passion.

For those who were able to find and be their true selves, they were rewarded. In turn, the imposters, meaning those that weren't coming from a place of integrity suffered. What I found interesting was that for many of us parts of our lives worked fine, thus we were rewarded, while in other areas we suffered deeply. This suffering was an indication of the portions of ourselves or our lives that just weren't working – places where our egos were still ruling the ship. As the transit through Leo continued, Saturn, in its parental role continued to strip us of our pride until we had no choice but to change and be ourselves or suffer the consequences.

Operating behind the scenes, this period was most likely overflowing with problems and tension. You may have found yourself anxious, restless and confused. You may have seen your life as being filled with setbacks or failures that hurt your self confidence and self-esteem. During this period of time, you may have had to shoulder more and more responsibilities, yet received no rewards. Instead, life because very serious and basically, no fun at all.

Thankfully, as I said before, Saturn moved into Virgo on September 2 nd of this year (2007). Virgo rules science, medicine, teaching and working for the common good. It is health conscious and service oriented. To me, this is one of the most important aspects of Virgo as we move into this next phase or our lives. This is especially true with regards to our relationships, be they personal, professional as well as our relationship with the planet.

Virgo realizes that we each have a duty to heal ourselves. We can do this by healing the pain of others. It is through these acts of selfless service that we inadvertently heal ourselves – and I think we can all use some healing right now. It is also during this transit period that we will be called to account for our excesses and continued failures as we begin to recognize how our destructive behaviors have contributed to the physical and mental suffering we have had in our lives.

So, wipe your brow and breathe a sigh of relieve because help is on the way. Thank God.

My final comment to you is this. You are being given a wonderful opportunity to heal. Be open to the miracle. Acknowledge the messages of spirit or the synchronicities in your life. Pay attention to what's working and where you are experiencing resistance, setbacks or pain, because these are the areas in most need of healing. Most importantly, be open to the magic that this period has to offer.
