How to detect prostate cancer(part one)

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:15 AM | 0 comments »

Prostate cancer has varoius simptoms, but they are generally also the simptoms for other prostate diseases, besides cancer. So to be sure of the ilness you suffer, it is recommnaded you see a doctor. There are two kinds of examination when seeing the doctor.First is the intreviw, where the patient must respond to questions about his lifestyle, his family genes, habits an of course medical history. Second is the examination itself, made by a urologist or urologic oncologist.

The first thing doctors do in trying to find the cause for your discomfort is to do a blood test and a rectal examination. The blood test is very eficient in giving us varoius details of our state of health, and of course in detecting prostate cancer.First they check the hemoglobin and some amounts of the cells in your blood. If anemia is found, that is one of the causes of cancer, any kind. There is also taken in consideration the number of alanine and aspartate aminotransferase, enzymes that are produced in the liver. If the number is high, that may incicate that the prostate cancer has also affected the liver.However, this number can be large if our body encounters others problems as well, besides prostate cancer. Another enzyme found in bones and liver, which indicates cancer to any of these parts is the alkaline phosphatase. Doctors also check your blood for creatinine, which indicates the state of the kidneys. Elevated levels of this can point to an obstruction, but not necesaryly from prostate cancer.A good indicator in prostate cancer is the prostatic acid, whose level is elevated in almost all men suffering from prostate cancer. But unfortunately, this can also indicate some other diseases, like of the liver.

So as we can see blood test reveal a lot of useful facts, but it can not determin for certain that a person has prostate cancer. This test is more useful for detecting complications in prostate cancer, if one is already diagnosed.

Another enzyme found in blood tests is the prostatic specific antigen, that can be more useful in following in time the response to cancer tretment. It's number can be elevated in benign conditions as well as in cancer of the prostate. Through research, doctors have found standards which indicate in what state the prostate is.It is known the fact that when level higher than 10ng/mL indicates that the patient is most likely to have cancer.

There are also various other ways in detecting prostate cancer, which we are going to talk about in another article.

For more information about prostate cancer diagnosis and about prostate cancer prevention please review this web site