Every woman around the world needs our help. Breast Cancer is now one of the highest killers of women globally, alarmingly affecting women as early as 20 years of age.
Join me in trying to make a difference to the lives of future generations, by creating awareness and donating to research. We cannot afford to be complacent as one never knows when the day will come that someone we love may need some help.
Below is my story. A story about a complete stranger, who passed away from breast cancer late last year, and the life changing impact she had on my life. I hope after you've read my story, you will understand how truly amazing these women are and like me want to help raise the much needed awareness and donations to create a better future for our mothers, sisters, wives, children and loved ones.
10 mths ago a complete stranger passed away from breast cancer .little did I know how she would change the direction of my life forever.
When Belinda Emmett passed away in November 2006, the loss was felt by many. For the last eight years she had become, to many women around the world, the face of courage, strength and shear determination in her battle with breast cancer. Though I did not know Belinda I had followed her story over the years always inspired by her strength and elated every time she went into remission which is why I was so saddened when I heard that she had finally lost her battle. It was that day that I decided I wanted to help, in whatever way I could, to raise awareness and funds to find a cure for this devastating disease.
My naiveté to breast cancer, having fortunately not been affected personally, lead me to seek out those who understood physically, mentally and emotionally the journey women diagnosed with breast cancer were facing. I joined breast cancer forums, spoke to women I new who had been touched by breast cancer personally and did as much research as I could to find out what I could do to help.
One morning after writing in my own diary I came upon the idea of a journal. After speaking with women currently going through treatment, I noticed a common thread from their feedback. Most had commented on how emotionally draining the whole breast cancer treatment was and how lonely they felt even when supported by loved ones. That made me think how helpful it would be to create a place where women diagnosed with breast cancer, could write their own thoughts and feelings as they travelled their own personal journey. After relaying my idea to some of the women I had met currently in remission from their breast cancer, their feedback lead me to believe I was onto a good idea. 8 mths months later and the beautiful 'Your Journey' breast cancer journal was born. A journal ready to not only help women through their journey with breast cancer, but to also raise much needed funds for two very important breast cancer foundations. The McGrath Foundation and the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
A lot of time, thought and support has gone into the creation of this journal of which I am very proud and which has suitably been dedicated to the memory of Belinda Emmett.
It was important to me, that the cover of the journal not only depicted a woman's journey, but that it also be calming and inspirational, which is why I chose my dear friend Meredith to paint the cover. Meredith was able to capture beautifully in her painting, the emotions women face when travelling there own personal journey. Meredith has lost 3 members of her family to cancer, and most recently her best friend of over 20 years and was very proud to be a part of this journal.
The most rewarding experience I have had in the creation of this breast cancer awareness journal is the amazing women I have met along the way, 4 of which volunteered to contribute their own personal breast cancer survival stories. Each story is so very different, yet each one so incredibly inspiring. The one common theme between all of these women, was their new appreciation for what is really important in life, that being family, friends, happiness and health. These women have truly put life in perspective for me.
I have cried many tears of pure emotion from some of the amazing breast cancer support video clips, music and stories I have watched, heard and read over the many months creating this journal. I was in awe of the true bond that these women share with complete strangers from all over the world, giving each other hope, strength and support purely because they understand, care and genuinely want to help each other. There is so much the world could learn from these incredibly amazing women.
I know that my journal is only a very small contribution to the bigger picture, but it is a start.
Imagine if we all made a small contribution to finding a cure for breast cancer how much quicker that cure could be found.
If you would like to know more about the Your Journey journal please visit my website at :http:
Together we can make a difference.
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