"Herbal remedies for trichomonas are among the least impressive home remedies. None are more than 50 percent effective." (1)

Trich is short for trichomonas: a single-celled, four-tailed, protozoan parasite. About five million new cases of trich are diagnosed yearly in the USA.

Trich is normally present in a woman's vagina, intestines, and rectum without causing problems. Trich is pH sensitive. When the vagina becomes alkaline, trich overwhelms the healthy flora and causes symptoms. A trich infection, or overgrowth, is difficult to diagnose (without a microscope) and harder still to kill (without poisons).

Trich is an STD and can be spread by intimate contact. But sex is not required; hardy trich can live in wet, warm places like toilet seats, towels, underwear, and swimsuits.

In women, symptoms of trich infection include a thin, foamy, itchy vaginal discharge that is yellowish green or gray in color and foul/fishy in odor. Infected men are often symptom-free.

Trich can move from the vagina into the urethra and up into the bladder, leading to a urinary tract infection. Conversely, if you have a UTI that won't respond to treatment, it might be trich; check it out.

The homeopathic remedy for women with vaginal discharges that are green and itchy is Sepia.

In my experience, herbs that can coat and dessicate the trichomonas kill them about as well as poisons, either herbal or pharmaceutical.

Powdered charcoal, the kind used against poisoning, is so fine that it drowns the parasite; it also makes a black mess on everything, from your underwear to your sheets and towels.

Oak bark is a first class antimicrobial and drying agent; sitz baths are a classic way to use oak.

Milled medicinal clay, such a kaolin, can be used to dry out and coat the vagina and the trich, likewise, slippery elm bark powder.

The easiest way to use any one of these herbs is buy them already powdered and in capsules. If 4-6 capsules are put well up into the vagina, against and behind the cervix, body heat and vaginal moisture will dissolve them, freeing the agent within. For best results, repeat at least once a day for two or three weeks.

The alkaloid berberine sulfate - found in tinctures of the roots of barberry (Berberine vulgaris), gold thread (Coptis groenlandica), golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis), Oregon grape (Berberis repens), and yellowroot (Xanthorrhiza simplicissima) - is an antimicrobial agent shown to inhibit the growth of - and to induce morphological changes in - Trichonomas in the lab and in the field. A study in India found a Trichomonas-free rate of 90% in berberine sulfate group and 95% of the drug group; at the one month follow up, 83% of the berberine group and 90% of the drug group were still free of trich. The authors of the study commented on the lack of side effects in those receiving berberine.(2) The anti-trich dose of any berberine-rich tincture is 10-20 drops several times daily for 3-4 weeks.

Several weeks of hysterical hygiene are called for when dealing with a trich infection. Strip your bed and your bathroom and wash everything, using bleach or vinegar. Wash your hands after toileting. Swab off the toilet seat with dilute bleach. Remember, trich is hard to kill and persistent.

The standard treatment for trich infection is Metronidazole (Flagyl), a "highly toxic drug that is often ineffective due to resistance, particularly by trichomonas …"(3) Flagyl is a very strong antibiotic; it is not safe for pregnant or nursing women, or anyone with a blood disease, a peptic ulcer, or a central nervous system disorder. Side effects - lowering of white blood cells (which fight infection), nausea/vomiting, headache, diarrhea, joint pain, flushing, a metallic taste in the mouth, and numbness in the extremities - are common and are worsened by consumption of alcohol, vinegar, and mayonnaise. Coltrimazole is a milder drug with fewer side effects; it has a 60% cure rate against trich infections.

Herbalist and healer Joy Gardner says regular use of spermicidal jelly can help prevent trich infections.

European herbalists, including my friend Rina Nissim, swear by essential oils to kill all manner of vaginal infections. Valerie Ann Worwood suggests a blend of 5 drops tea tree EO, 4 drops cypress EO, 8 drops lavender EO, and 3 drops red thyme EO to get rid of trich. Of this mixture, she uses four drops diluted in two cups water, or a cup of yogurt, or a teaspoon of olive oil and applied inside the vagina.


1. Rina Nissim, Natural Healing in Gynecology, Pandora, 1986

2. S. Gupre, Am J Des Child, 129(866), 1975 (quoted in "Antimicrobial Actions of Berberine Sulfate," D. Hoffman, Townsend Letter

3. M Torii, et al "In vitro effects of berberine sulfate on the growth of Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas vaginalis," Annals Tropical Med Parasitol, 85(417 25), 1991

Susun Weed

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Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women around the world.

Colon Cleanse? Why you ask? It's pretty simple, statistics are now showing that up to 60,000 people within the United States could die from colon cancer this year alone. Many deaths as a result of colorectal cancer could be prevented by a colon cleanse which would lead to a dip in those statistics regarding colorectal cancer. Many colon cleansing products have now come to the main front to try to aid in reducing this staggering number. MSNBC, CBS News and many other news outlets have done reports on the increasing number of individuals being diagnosed with Colorectal cancer, which can be deadly. The focus has also shifted quite a bit towards colon cleanse and the resulting colon cleansing products that offer solutions.

In this colon cleanse report I'm going to outline to you a few colon cleanse products that drastically reduce your risk of contracting Colorectal cancer and aid in overall better colon health. First and foremost I should say that an improved diet is of utmost importance, as it's not just the colon cleansing products that aid to cleanse your colon but your diet as well. Most forms of colorectal cancer can be prevented by a proper diet and regular checkups with your doctor for early detection. Colon cleanse is something you need to look into now and not later, and the two colon cleansing products I detail can provide significant help.

Whatever foods we consume is eventually processed through the colon as waste matter, better known as feces. It is important that this waste matter is excreted from the body daily. Unfortunately some of us with irregular bowel movements can have a "blockage" or be "backed up" which can lead to toxins remaining in your colon. These toxins can form polyps which can lead to colon cancer. Increasing the fiber in your diet, eating more fruits and vegetables can aid in regular bowel movements, but in cases where you want faster relief with proven results, you can use the colon cleansing products that I'm about to outline.

The first colon cleanse product is ColonMate, which you can read more about in detail at my blog by clicking here. This particular colon cleansing product can aid in flushing excess waste and toxins out of your colon. It will aid in reducing constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Another key aspect of this product is the ability to help destroy bacteria and parasites that feed on your body. A nice added benefit is that you'll actually lose weight after using this colon cleanse product due to toxins and waste matter that were "clogged" now being excreted.

The second product that I recommend for a colon cleanse is called ColoPure. This colon cleansing product focuses on purifying and to detox your body. It's actually been awarded "Best New detox product" by the American Readers Magazine and is said to be the purest way to detox your entire body. It aids in reducing toxic waste, increasing your energy, and eliminating gas, constipation along with harmful bacteria.

These are the two colon cleansing products that I go into deep detail about in my Colon Cleanse blog, so you can read more about it at my blog. The fact is, that colon cleanse is a necessity. Colon cleanse is not anything that should be placed on the "back burner". By taking the time to read this article, you've already taken the first step to better colon health by educating yourself with the issues affecting many Americans today, which is having an unhealthy colon.

Even if you do not take the time to get more details on these colon cleansing products, then be sure at least follow this colon cleanse regimen:

1) Change of diet (increase fiber, fruits and vegetables)

2) Regular daily exercise

3) Regular doctor visits to check for colon cancer risk

Be sure to also check for potential warning signs regarding your colon.

See these warning signs:

1) Bloody stools

2) Irritable bowel syndrome

3) Constipation (Cramps, bloating)

4) Constant fatigue

5) Narrow stools & change in bowel regularity

The stats for colorectal cancer only stand to increase, now is the time to use colon cleanse in tune with these colon cleansing products. You now have a solution for better colon health. I've detailed some colon cleanse prevention tips, listed warning signs, and recommended two colon cleansing products that you can read more about at my blog. It's now time for you to take action.

For more info visit my blog on Colon Cleanse

What is Mesothelioma?Most of people known that mesothelioma is an acronym of mesothelium which is thin membranes lining the chest, lungs, abdomen and sometimes the heart. Mesothelieum protects these organs with a dual layered membrane called visceral and parietal membranes which surround organs and body cavities, such as the lungs or abdomen. The visceral membrane surrounds the organ, and the parietal membrane is a sac covering the visceral membrane. There is a lubricating fluid between it that allows the organs to move. This fluid helps organs move easily between surrounding structure and reduce friction between the lung and chest wall during normal breathing.So What Is Mesothelioma Cancer?Mesothelioma Cancer is a form of cancer which occurs in mesothelium. This cancer cells become abnormal and replicate without control. They will invade and damage tissues and organs and spread throughout the body causing death. It metastasizes and at an advanced stage the disease reach to the other parts of the body like the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs. Mesothelioma cancer will cause fluid to accumulate between the lung lining and the chest cavity.The Cause of Mesothelioma CancerThere are a lot of cases that indicate the cause of mesothelioma cancer but most of them are caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos can be found in insulation in many buildings. Asbestos can also be found in floor tiles, roofing, dust, rocks, cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, and textiles. Asbestos consists of fibers that can enter the body through the skin, the mouth, and, subsequently, enter the lungs, or blood stream. When a person breathes in, the fibers then travel to the ends of the narrow air passages reaching the lining of the lungs and destructing the mesothelial cells (the lining of the lung cells). If swallowed, these fibers can get in to the lining of the abdominal cavity where they play a part in causing a mesothelioma cancer.The Patients of Mesothelioma CancerPeople in the construction jobs such as in shipyards, insulation, boilermaking, milling plants, fireproofing and heating, automotive repair, and pipefitting are at the risk of contracting mesothelioma cancer. Common cases are found from workers such as Factory workers, miners, railroad laborers, gas mask makers, insulation workers and ship builders. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. People who wash clothes of asbestos exposed people are at risk.The Chance of RecoveryIt depends on size and location of the cancer, age of the patient and their response to the treatment. According to the American Cancer Society, the five year survival rate is about 10 percent. Most patients only survive for a year after diagnosis or 4 to 24 months from the observance of the symptoms. Some physicians find it hard to detect mesothelioma cancer because its symptoms are akin to other diseases like lung cancer and pneumonia. The average age of patients is between 50 and 70 years, three-fourths of patients diagnosed are over 65.Three Types of Mesothelioma CancerPrimarily, mesothelioma cancer occurs in three areas, and categorized into:1. Pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer), mesothelioma of the membrane covers the lungs and chest cavity as well as the lungs2. Peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen organs), mesothelioma of the peritoneum. Peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that enfolds the organs in the abdominal cavity.3. Pericardial mesothelioma, mesothelioma of the pericardium. Pericardium is the sac enclosing the heart.Symptoms of Mesothelioma CancerThe symptoms of mesothelioma cancer occur owing to the deposition of fluid in the pleura. The patient would generally feel a pain in the chest region, accompanied by shallow breathing. The other symptoms are include : respiratory problem, continual cough and pneumonia, weight loss due to accumulation of fluid, abdominal problems and swelling of the neck or face, fever, anemia, difficulties in bowel movements, abnormalities observed during blood clots, fibrosis, pleural effusion, calcified plaques, bronchial cancer, and difficulty sleeping.

For many years, Heart disease has been the number one killer in our modern society. It now is battling for first place with cancers.

In order for our arteries and blood vessels to be healthy, our body needs a good supply of Vitamin C (Documented by Dr Linus Pauling (Nobel prize) and Dr Matthias Rath). This supply is essential for the production of collagen (Collagen gives strength to the wall of the arteries and blood vessels) and elastin (Elastin is the elastic fibrous material that keeps blood vessels and arteries together).

If our body suffers from a long-term deficiency of Vitamin C, then tiny holes will appear in the arteries. This will prompt the body to patch these little holes by sticking lipoprotein fats on top of the holes. This is produced in the liver. The body produces cholesterol and triglycerides in its attempt to plug in the tiny breaches. These fatty deposits on our arteries are known in modern medicine as "atherosclerosis". It is however a perfectly natural process of repair the body undertakes when damage occurs on the arteries through lack of vitamins.

These deposits can in turn be responsible for high blood pressure and arrhythmia (Irregular heart beat ). Varicose veins have also been linked to the same cause. Dr Matthias Rath wrote a book "Why animals don't get Heart attacks - but people do?" explaining that animals produce vitamin C in their body and we don't and claims that this is why animals do not get heart attack.

A complete lack of vitamin C over a short period of time will result in Scurvy. A long-term deficiency will result in coronary problems.

Rath and Pauling went on to advise a daily intake of 600mg to 3g of vitamin C together with vitamin B complex (especially B3 (nicotinic acid) and B5 (pantothenate)), proper minerals, trace minerals, coenzyme Q10 and amino acids (carnitine) will be the foundation for healthy arteries and the reversal of cardiovascular problems.

Other researchers have also advised on supplementation with Magnesium, amino acid arginine to lower blood pressure. Magnesium, calcium, carnitine, coenzyme Q10 have also been advised to regulate heartbeat (Dr Ralph Matthias).

A study over 10 years of 10,000 people by Dr James Enstrom (University of California Los Angeles) confirmed that American taking a minimum of 300mg of vitamin C each day were 50% less likely (male) and 40% less likely (female) to develop heart disease.

A further study of 87,000 people has also demonstrated that a proper vitamin E intake lowers the risk of cardiovascular problems by one third and vitamin A intake by 30% (Matthias Raph). A result that has never been matched by any modern drug. Why is it then that we keep being pumped with cholesterol lowering drugs when natural vitamins and nutrients found in everyday food do the trick?

A report published in JAMA by Dr Newman and Dr Hulley (Carcinogenicity of lipid-lowering drugs published on 6 January 1996 ) of the San Francisco Medical School state that Cholesterol lowering drugs cause cancer in laboratory animals.

Why are we so depleted of Vitamin C?

The answer is found in our dietary habits. Cardiovascular problems are very much a disease that increased over the last 100 years. Our eating habits have completely changed in that period of time as well. Our ancestors used to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Meat was expensive and few could afford it.

Our fields were rich in minerals and the food grown on them contained these important nutrients. Nowadays, through over farming and extensive use of chemicals, our fields are depleted from these essential minerals. Our diets are now rich in animal food (meat and dairy) that further compounds the problem with its high content of fat.

The stress factor

Our body reacts to stress by producing the hormone adrenaline. For every molecule of adrenaline produced, one molecule of vitamin C is needed. A depletion of vitamin C in the body will lead to cardiovascular problems.

Other factors

Smoking, lack of exercise, alcohol abuse, use of drugs.

The sad thing is..

As you may be aware from the EEC has now passed laws to restrict the sales of Vitamins, minerals and other natural products. This means that soon, you will not be able to purchase vitamins in concentration high enough (if at all) to help yourself with various health problems.

Patrick Hamouy teaches various forms of "Alternative Therapies" in West London and Brighton. Topics include Indian Head Massage, Reiki Healing, Anatomy & Physiology, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), Oriental Diagnosis, Diet & Psychic Development. He gives consultations in Macrobiotic Diet, EFT and advises on the removal of toxic products from the home environment. Full information at:

What To Do When A Friend Has Cancer

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 PM | 0 comments »

The birth of a child is sweet. For Amy and Warren Taylor, the birth of a healthy baby boy was especially joyous because the fragile infant developed and survived his mother's treatment for stage-three breast cancer-including chemotherapy, blood transfusions and a mastectomy. His healthy birth ended months of uncertainty as to how the cancer treatments might affect him.

When Amy was diagnosed, the Taylors were overwhelmed with information, decisions and life. "When Amy was diagnosed, I told four people that first night and I was exhausted," Warren said.

When someone you know is facing a serious health diagnosis or a condition like breast cancer, there are many ways you can help ease the strain:

1. Help out at home: Mow the lawn, take the trash to the curb, water the plants or collect the mail or newspaper. Offer to fold laundry or clean the house.

2. Help with meals: Provide ready-to-cook meals, frozen and portioned according to the family's size. Make-and-bake meal preparation stores are convenient if you don't like to cook. Restaurant gift cards always come in handy. Go grocery shopping for those family members who remain at home-or invite them for dinner.

3. Take care of the rest of the family: Help the kids at home get to school in the morning or to their after-school activities. Provide rides for the kids or dinner for them before their evening activities. Offer to take them shopping for a special birthday, holiday or get-well gift. Walk the dog or change the cat's litter box.

4. Create a caring community: That's what Warren's brother did when he set up a free, personalized Web site where the couple could post regular updates to keep people apprised of her treatments. The site created through CaringBridge became the conduit for engaging the Taylors' friends and family to provide the encouragement Amy needed to persevere. Approximately 1/3 of the nonprofit's private, personalized sites are for individuals battling some form of cancer.

"When you're fighting cancer, you can feel like you're in a bubble and alone," Amy said. "The responses, the love from people reading my site, their prayers kept me going and helped me realize that I wasn't isolated in this bubble."

5. Don't do it alone: Coordinating daily dog duty or the kid pool to extracurricular activities among a group will help spread out the responsibility and time commitment. A group may even be able to tackle larger projects such as painting or landscaping that will really touch the family.

Doctor's Advice

"When facing a serious health condition, people live in a slow-motion world filled with fear, uncertainty and important medical decisions. They simply can't focus on-or may even forget about-day-to-day activities," said Dr. Jesse Gruman, president of the Center for the Advancement of Health. "Those burdens cause action paralysis. Friends and family can best help by just doing whatever they see that needs doing."

Supporting family, friends and neighbors who are facing a serious health condition, treatment or a prolonged illness can be incredibly fulfilling, and your efforts will be a welcome relief during long days.

Amy Taylor cuddles her healthy son, who she carried through her treatment for breast cancer. Her husband Warren plays with their older daughter. Taylor says she found much support through a special Web site set up by Warren's brother.

Learn More

You can find out more about free, personalized Web sites for people with a serious health condition and set up a site at www.CaringB

Note to Editors: While this story can be useful at any time, readers may be particularly interested during October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 AM | 0 comments »

Every day we see there is some or the other case of Asbestos Cancer. Asbestos Cancer is basically a form of cancer, which happens because of breathing in of Asbestos gas. So many people work in Asbestos mines and most of them after certain period of time suffer from the dreadful Asbestos Cancer. The chance of getting cured is only 2-3% in case of Asbestos Cancer.

Asbestos gas can cause several forms of Asbestos Cancer like Gastrointestinal Cancer Lung Cancer, etc. Asbestos Cancer is caused when the Asbestos gas affects the parenchyma and causes change in cells thereby leading to Asbestos Cancer. The recovery in case of Asbestos Cancer depends on quite a few factors like the size if the Asbestos Cancer, where has the Asbestos Cancer has taken place in the body, Age of the patients etc.

If a person is suffering from Asbestos Cancer then he should get immediate medical treatment and one should just sit around! The sooner you get the Asbestos Cancer diagnosed the better can be the results. One should always consult a good specialist as he can help the Asbestos Cancer in the best way.

The Asbestos Cancer can be treated by several methods. Some doctors use Surgery for treating Asbestos Cancer, while some use Radiation therapy. One can also use Chemotherapy drugs for treating the Asbestos Cancer. One should not go in for the treatment with consulting a doctor as he knows which method would be suitable for a Asbestos Cancer patient.

Deepak Bansal is an internet marketing consultant having experience of 4.5 years in search engine optimization industry. We are specialist in search engine optimization, link building, internet marketing, copyrighting and content development. This article is written by content writing team of - Internet Marketing

4 False Skin Cancer Myths

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:16 PM | 0 comments »

1) Wearing Sunscreen at the Beach is Enough Protection

Even 85% of UV rays can make it through on cloudy days.

That means you are equally at risk in the car, out for a jog or

letting your children outside at any time of year. This happens even when

you are not at the beach. However, you are usually less dressed

at the beach, and covering up is still recommended even when wearing

sunscreen. The sunscreen itself also wears off with water and

should always be applied every two hours or after getting wet.

2) Taking Care Of Your Skin Now Will Protect You Later

Skin cancer can take up to 20 or more years to develop. The Skin

Cancer Foundation states that most people receive about 80% of their lifetime sun exposure before the age of 18. Just one red hot sunburn in childhood is estimated to double

the risk of melanoma later on in life. Taking better care now will indeed

reduce your risk, but it will not fully eliminate the damage already done.

3) A Tan Means You Are Already Protected

People with a darker skin tone are less likely to develop cancer. However

tanned skin is actually damaged skin. Repeated tanning injures

the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer by 20%.

4) It is Impossible to get Burned on Overcast Days

Just because the sun is hidden by clouds does not mean

you do not need protection. As previously mentioned the powerful UV rays from the sun will still penetrate your skin even on cloudy days.

Look over these common myths and understand that the rays of the sun will always be able to find you. Unless you are indoors, you will never be fully protected.

For more important health articles visit Donald's Health Website.

Quite simply, the natural approach to healing is very different from the conventional approach. It does not matter if the health issue is as routine as dog diarrhea, or as devastating as cat cancer.

Conventional Treatment relies on pharmaceutical medications to treat illness. Never mind that such therapies were not created to cure the illness, but incredulously, to suppress it. It is no secret that medications have side effects; the worst of which is that if medication is taken over a long period of time, it begins to override your pets' natural defense systems.

When drugs are used to take the place of a natural defense system, that system eventually atrophies. This sentences your pet to a lifetime of medication, and its side effects. Not only does this diminish your pets' quality of life, it also reduces their life expectancy.

Natural Treatment For those who blindly rely on conventional treatment, the natural approach seems absurd, yet many who have switched proclaim "miracles" for their pets!

The natural approach is based on the knowledge that "we are what we eat!" and that the primary cause of illness is due to nutritional deficiencies. If your pet is not getting the nutrients, enzymes, vital lipids, amino acids, minerals and meat proteins it needs, eventually it will become sick, and diseased.

When a holistic veterinarian examines a symptom, they have a pretty good idea which internal defense systems have been compromised. They then prescribe a complement of nutrients that will target those systems. These remedies are non-toxic, and have no side effects. If a prescription medication is required, it will be for a very short duration, and complemented with healing remedies to offset the side effects.

While this may seem simplistic, animals do not get sick over night. By the time you see outward signs, chances are several systems have been compromised. Several steps may be required (with some ups and downs along the way) before complete recovery is achieved.

Genetic Predisposition: is a condition whereby specific breeds are known to develop specific health issues or conditions, like German Shepherds and hip dysplasia.

The origins of any health condition can be traced to nutrient deficiencies over time. After several generations are administered medication targeted to suppress the symptoms, the future litters' natural defense systems are barely functioning.

The good news is that proper diet and supplementation will not only minimize the risk of genetic predisposition, but if adhered to over several generations, the genetic predisposition in that lineage will begin to reverse itself!

As you can see, whether your pet succumbs to a genetic disposition, or not, depends on you!

Diet and Illness: Diet means a lot more than which brand of commercial pet food you choose. The first thing you need to know is that your cat or dog is primarily a raw meat eater. The bulk of their diet needs to be quality meat protein, not protein derived from grains as is common to all commercial pet food. What little meat is contained in commercial pet foods is graded unfit for human consumption! But somehow, it is ok for your pet. WHAT?

Although many commercial pet food labels include vitamin and mineral supplements, the type of supplements they include are of inferior quality, and not easily absorbed.

Diet and Health: Think about this: If your pets' diet includes quality meat protein, and digestive supplements essential to optimize their GI and Immune systems, it should not get sick in the first place!

Cats and dogs food requirements are very basic. Primarily, they are meat eaters. If you have a large dog, you could mix some vegetables and grains to make the meat go farther, but do not use wheat or soy, which are known allergens.

Whatever diet you choose, you need to include moisture-activated supplements*, like soil-based microflora, to maintain GI balance, multivitamin/mineral complex and essential oils that nourishes a variety of organs and immune defense systems. Older pets also need digestive enzymes.

Can I Do This Myself? Since natural remedies are proven to nourish the body back to health, doesn't it make sense that incorporating natural nutrients into your pets' daily feedings should prevent them from getting sick in the first place? BINGO!

However, unless you have a sound nutritional background, we recommend that you work with professionals to develop a regimen best suited for your pets.

Should you feel confident that you can oversee this without assistance, be mindful that even among all natural and organic supplements, the quality and bioavailability vary widely. Buyer Beware!

If You Think the Natural Approach Sounds Expensive… People routinely spend thousands of dollars on tests, surgeries and medications in hopes of restoring their pets' health. The cost of better food and highest quality supplements is considerably less. Switching to a holistic vet is not just less expensive; you will have a much greater probability of restoring and maintaining the health of your pets!

Healthy Pets are Happy Pets: Health and happiness are key ingredients to living a longer life. Not only will you benefit by having healthier happier pets, they will live an average of 5-7 years longer!

* Moisture-activated supplements become active as soon as they are wet. Incorporating such supplements into dry food at manufacture is not good either, as dry foods readily absorb moisture from the air. High potency supplements must be added just before feeding your pet.

Author: Robert Hart is a principal in Vitality Science, a company that formulates all-natural supplements and remedies for cats and dogs. His articles have appeared in print magazines like Fido Friendly, Pet Portals, health magazines, and numerous newsletters.

To learn more about their products please visit

Prostate Cancer Diagnosi

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 AM | 0 comments »

When you discover the symptoms you shouldn't just throw in the towel but try to see what you need to do about it. First, check with your doctor to conduct screening tests of prostate cancer for you. If you've followed previous advice, you no doubt have a baseline PSA test and previous physical tests to begin your diagnosis.

Yet another digital rectal examination (DRE) to check for size and texture of your prostate through the rectal lining but you should know the drill by now. Now's also not time to get sensitive concerning the test. With this examination your doctor can tell if cancer is present in your prostate by checking to see if he can feel a nodule or other types of prostate irregularity.

Next, the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test will be done and compared with previous results. This test is used to measure the levels of a protein in the blood called prostate-specific antigen. This protein is usually overproduced by prostate cancer cells. So, if prostate cancer is present, there will be an increase of PSA levels in the blood of the victim. Be aware that this isn't completely accurate though is a good indicator.

If after these screening tests cancer is suspected, a biopsy may be performed. Here, a biopsy is used to gain a tissue sample from the prostate to be examined under a microscope. This biopsy tissue analysis is performed to determine the Gleason score or if the tumor is cancerous or not.

At this point, you and your doctor have a good idea IF you have cancer and at what stage it has developed. It's at this point that a strategy for beating prostate cancer is development and options are discussed.

Be aware that in the great majority of cases, the symptoms are caused by prostatitis and are not cancerous. The point however is why anyone would want to stay in denial and think they have cancer instead of going in and getting an accurate diagnosis of the situation. Besides, there are mediations now available to treat prostatitis and help alleviate many of the most common symptomatic complaints.

For more detailed information about Prostate Cancer disease (treatment,symptoms,diagnosis and relaited books), please visit:

Skin cancer article on prevention.

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:16 AM | 0 comments »

Yes I know there are a million and one websites with skin cancer articles and as far as I'm concerned everyone is doing a good job especially when you read that a million or more people each year will get skin cancer. When you think that a small mole or a small blemish on the skin can cause so many problems adding up to that million mark.

I'm sure you know there are many different types of skin cancer, and that the worst of them all is the malignant melanoma type which can have the habit of spreading cancers to other parts of the body.

As with other skin cancer articles the aim is to bring awareness to the problems, and that by taking several simple precautions you can avoid being another in the head count that suffers. If you are fair skinned make sure you have a sun screen of at least the factor of 30 which should be re-applied every two hours. If the sun is very strong be sure to wear a floppy hat or something that will cover your neck.

With most people they tend to be organised when going on holiday, and that a good sun screen is one of the first things to be packed, yet at home the opposite tends to happen. People will go out into the garden to do some general maintenance in a pair of shorts and singlet vest without a thought what the sun may do to them.

After awhile they go back into the house and see their reflection in the mirror, and as they look like a lobster they decide to put on some cream. But by then the damage is done, and that the epidermis layer of the skin is already in trouble.

It is common knowledge that skin cancers can be cured but only if they are caught early enough, yet it only takes a small amount to break off from a malignant melanoma to start a fresh cancer deep inside of you.

If you're not sure about a mole or a blemish on your body please get yourself checked out at the Doctors as soon as possible, and to keep out of the Doctors make sure you cover up with either clothes or sun screen.

Ivan Hince writes articles on Medical and Alternative medical health. For more information on Skin Cancer or any other medical problems please go to the following website.

Why are there still people suffering from bad depressions, psychological disturbing ailments, why can we not even cure a simple flu? Are we really that clever as we tend to think?

In fact, maybe actually the major part of existing illnesses, whether psychological or physical, are not curable in the traditional ways doctors are using.

The underlying cause of every illness

We are going to do an imaginary experiment. Imagine that you are a healthy person, we perform an MRI scan, and we confirm that there is nothing to be found in your body, which would suggest an upcoming disease. We, however, know that you are going to develop a tumor within the next week. We perform a daily MRI scan, to discover when exactly the tumor starts to exist. Then, on day seven, we suddenly discover a cluster of abnormal cells, which indicates an upcoming tumor.

The MRI scans of the first days are indeed clear and don't show any sign of change on the spot where the tumor starts.

Stanford researcher and cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. released landmark research in 1998. In his research, he proves that an undetectable cause is the cause of the tumor in our example 95% of the time.

e=mc, Einstein's famous formula, is the basis of many new theories and insights. The film "The Secret" is based on it, and Dr. Lipton used it as his starting point for his quest to find the cause which underlies the onset of a tumor.

Albert Einstein said: "It is possible there exist human emanations that are still unknown to us. Do you remember how electrical currents and 'unseen waves' were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy."

We can measure many forms of energy already, and in the medical science we are using these techniques frequently to discover abnormalities in the brain, the heart, the bone and the organs. Kidney stones are being crushed by vibrations with a certain frequency.

In our modern day society, we are often very stressed. Many of us know more moments of stress per day than we know moments of quiet and calm. We tend to think, that the stress is originating in our life style and our environment, but if you know that we have 100 million receptors directed to sensing our external environment, and we have 10 thousand billion brain receptors assessing our internal state, you will rethink that idea! We are actually much more prone to stress originating from our own wrong beliefs, than from outside causes. Whenever our body experiences stress, each of our body cells changes in state. When we are relaxed, our cells are open to nutrients and in growth mode. When our body experiences stress, each of our body cells closes down, will not feed it self anymore, and will go into self-protection mode. When our body is stressed for a longer period of time, our cells will be deprived of necessary nutrients, and they will become susceptible to abnormal functioning and disease.

Wrong beliefs: Why are they called "wrong"?

All impressions we gather, are stored in our brain in the form of pictures. In The Owner's Manual for the Brain, Pierce Howard, Ph.D. shows how this process works. Oftentimes, our memories are represented by pictures too.

Every picture has feelings and thoughts attached to it. If you think back at a particular traumatic experience, you probably sense the fear in your body, the moment the thought comes in your mind. If you think back at a nice warm afternoon with your fmily in the park, you will probably feel happy and warm inside when you have that thought.

Every feeling of sadness, anger, fear, or shame; every belief about yourself, others, and the world; every thought about the best course of action in a given situation-all of these exist because of, and are anchored to a picture. A thought is a rational reasoning about something that happens now or that happened in the past. A feeling is an experience of something that happens now or that happened in the past. All these "things which happened in the past" are stored as pictures in your brain. A belief is an interpretation of one or more of these pictures.

If we interpret images from the past, especially from our earliest youth, it is easy to make a misinterpretation. A small child of 4 years old will give a certain meaning to something that happens. Maybe his mother went out shopping and forgot to tell him, and he might be scared to be left alone, because he beliefs that "people can disappear suddenly". Some of these erratic beliefs will be corrected during our lives; some will persist into our adult years. Many of our wrong beliefs will persist, because our brain is not capable to make a new interpretation of the same picture. If we want to correct our wrong beliefs, the easiest and probably only way, is to change the underlying pictures. This, by the way, is normal mainstream NLP (Neuro Lingustic Programming).

In 2001, Dr. Alex Loyd discovered a very effective mechanism in the body that fixes the destructive underlying pictures. This mechanism is the hidden fuse box in the body that heals the pictures when the correct switches are flipped. By healing the underlying pictures, you heal wrong beliefs, which instantly heal destructive energies, which consistently heal...everything. According to his data, 99.5% of the thousands of people who have used The Healing Codes self-treatments as prescribed, have healed completely or dramatically. Furthermore, nobody who has done The Healing Codes self-treatments, as prescribed, has developed a major disease. Heart Rate Variabality results show immediate balancing of the autonomic nervous system. (HRV is one of the very few accurate tests to measure stress).


Stress is the major single factor, which underlies most diseases and illnesses. Stress itself cannot be cured, but we can cure the underlying causes, if we know how. Since stress is almost every single time directly related to a memory of an experience in the past, we have to change the pictures which represent those memories, and to which the negative emotions and limiting beliefs are "glued". Since 2001, a new system exists which allows us to cure the cause of the malfunctioning of our body in cell-level.

Crones Disease is a disease which is understood to be impossible to cure. The latest research findings help to see the underlying causes of Crones Disease and will shine new light on possible solutions and cures.

Right now I'm very excited and thankful for the incredible DVD, "The Secret." Rhonda Byrne and the other teachers from the movie are true proponents of empowerment! When I first watched the movie, things I'd been investigating from a spiritual and scientific aspect instantly fit together. Immediately, I became motivated to apply the law of attraction to bring things into my life that are worthy of my creation!

Following my epiphany, it was clear what I needed to do. I had to delve deep into my current programming regarding my attitudes, values, beliefs, etc.. Aside from that, I had to evaluate my conscious and subconscious mindset. I was able to take swift and instant action while talking ownership of my previous, uncritically accepted way of thinking. Subsequently, I started to eliminate all resistance from my surroundings and construct empowering attitudes, beliefs, values, and relationships. This was performed by making use of simple strategies and incredible insight from "The Secret" and their amazing "Science of Getting Rich" Seminar. For example, when I first wake I think about all that I'm thankful for and construct my day like I believe we were originally intended to do. My intention is to think, speak, use my will, and visualize positive situations and manifestations into my life every day. In my car I listen to "The Science of Getting Rich" program every day to hammer the life-changing concepts into my subconscious mind.

My intentions are coming to fruition at light-speed since learning how to harness the power of the law of attraction through The Science of Getting Rich program!

* My first non-fiction book, "Cracking the Cancer Code," was written within just months after watching the powerful DVD! I could hardly believe how easily the ideas and words kept coming to me like a waterfall.

* My financial collections have sky-rocketed in the last few months due to an explosion in the number of patients I've been working with!

* The rate at which I've been drawing phenomenal business partners to me has been astounding, giving me many sources of income. What it basically comes down to is that I cannot say I believe in coincidence any longer. I think it's simply attractor energy working with me, as I have been fortunate to bring prosperity and abundance into my life like clockwork!

At this point in time, having learned to harness the power of the Law of Attraction, I strongly believe I'm in a better state of harmony with creative Source of the universe. As a very spiritual person, I'm thankful for the continuing knowledge that has come to me after relating with these thought leaders who continue to share the secret and empower thousands. You have no idea how happy and peaceful my life has become and for that I thank you!

Puzzled about what it takes to harness The Secret Law of Attraction to make your yearly salary in a single month? Bob Proctor and other Secret teachers give you The Science of Getting Rich in order to begin living the life you've always imagined.

Coping with Thyroid Cancer

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:15 AM | 0 comments »

The understanding of thyroid cancer and its serious effects have documented different success stories and experiences in coping with the disease. Although thyroid cancer can be a worrisome condition, it should not be a hindrance for us to live our lives to our fullest. Even with the knowledge of the disease that might cause some shock on our side, all is well and good as long as we face the problem with the utmost courage, preparation, and education.

Dealing with thyroid cancer is a big battle as a patient. When you have thyroid cancer, you are hard-pressed to change your lifestyle and set of activities to adapt to your new condition. Suddenly, you are tasked with caring for yourself much more than what you have done to look after yourself before. You will start engaging consultations with medical specialists to deal with the disease. To top it all out, you will be undergoing a battery of tests to monitor the status of your thyroid cancer. Simply put, knowing that you have thyroid cancer might push you to a very stressful predicament.

The encouraging news is you are not alone. Knowing that there are other people who coped with thyroid cancer and succeeded will give you the perspective that can make you victorious despite the hardest times. As long as we devise a plan and faithfully stick with it, coping with thyroid cancer is an adjustment that you and everyone else can accomplish.

Preparing Yourself: Test and Surgery

Thyroid cancer starts with the diagnosis. After which, it is time to start preparing ourselves with the different thyroid tests that our doctor will recommend to us. These tests are important in knowing your real score against the disease. It is best to educate ourselves with the different thyroid tests, its methods, and the expected results produced by these tests.

Diagnostic ultrasound is a thyroid test that is non-invasive and painless. This thyroid test scans out images to show the texture and size of the lump found on your thyroid gland. You do not have to do much to prepare for diagnostic ultrasound as this is like an X-Ray procedure. Meanwhile, fine needle biopsy is a standard procedure to determine if the tumor found in your thyroid gland is malignant or benign. You will be given anesthetic before a needle is inserted to collect the tumor. To analyze the state of your thyroid gland, your doctor may order a radioactive iodine uptake. The iodine will tell you how your thyroid gland functions as the doctor looks for abnormalities in your thyroid gland.

These thyroid test scans will help your doctor determine the stage of your disease. They provide fast results, non-invasive, painless, and can be performed without as an outpatient procedure. In testing for thyroid cancer, you need to take radioactive capsules to help the scanners look at your thyroid gland properly.

Once thyroid cancer is confirmed and detected, it is necessary to opt for surgery to treat your thyroid cancer. Surgery is a primary treatment option. However, although it is necessary, surgery will leave you with long-term side effects. Thus, constant consultation with your doctor is important to guide you through the procedure. While surgery can be scary, thyroidectomy or the removal of the thyroid gland is a relatively safe procedure and you should get over it scot-free.

Watching over Changing Diet

Thyroid cancer results to hyperthyroidism, which is a condition that requires you to control your iodine intake. Thyroid cancer patients need to change their eating pattern to exclude foods that contain sizable amounts of iodine. These include fast food, pizza, seafood, dairy, bread, eggs and different kinds of sauces. Even tap water contains iodine and should be avoided.

This diet shift can be hard for cancer patients. Imagine toning down your diet to a select set of healthy food while not eating the things that you love all your living years. However, this change in diet should not be hard on you if you apply the transition slowly. Involve your family and friends in your dining experience so that changing meals would be smoother for you. You do not need to have separate meals.

With your changing diet, it is recommended to eat more fibers and vegetables. Increase the intake of rice, bran, barley, wheat, cereals, and fruits. These healthy foods can be creatively spruced up to be a treat for you. Learning to love these foods can go a long way in coping with thyroid cancer.

Proper Support

Thyroid cancer patients should not deal with this alone. Trusting your doctor and friends closest to you is essential to carry this burden successfully. Connecting with the right people such as a social worker or dietician will help you get over the hump inside and outside the hospital and your home. There are also different cancer support groups to share your feelings and anxieties. Coping with thyroid cancer is also a process of surrounding yourself with the right people.

Coping with thyroid cancer is not just about diagnosis and treatment. Managing your situation involves understanding different facets of the disease and the consequences of it. Living with cancer should not hinder you to live a happy and fruitful life. Be an inspiration to your friends and family as you live successfully through these trials with a smile.

Lena Butler, writes articles about Thyroid Tests & Thyroid Cancer Question,, Coping with Thyroid Cancer. Other home health and wellness testing articles are used such as TestCountry Thyroid Home Tests