Alternative Treatments For Breast Cancer

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:16 PM | 0 comments »

It is shocking to live with breast cancer statistics rising to 1 in 8 women developing some form of breast cancer in their lifetime. Women 50 and older are at the greatest risk. Breast cancer is usually detected with mammograms or self breast exams. About 200,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year. While the survival rate is increasing, it is important to note the increase in occurrence over the last 50 years. Let's examine what causes breast cancer so we can prevent and deal with breast cancer naturally.

Causes of Breast Cancer

Everyone's cancer is caused by something different, and so pinpointing the cause of breast cancer usually isn't high on the list of priorities once a woman is diagnosed with the potentially deadly disease. But, in general cancer is caused by free radicals, or deformed cells, that attach themselves to your good cells.

Breast cancer specifically has been linked to too much estrogen found in the body. There are several reasons why women have too much estrogen. The birth control pill increases the amount of estrogen in the female body. Hormone replacement therapy also has been shown to cause breast cancer because of its tampering with hormone levels.

High levels of preservatives, herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals used to treat food contribute to breast cancer. And estrogens found in dairy and meat can be overwhelming to the body.

Holistic Treatment of Breast Cancer

Plant estrogens like soy are a great way to combat breast cancer. These plant estrogens give the female body everything it needs without the harmful effects. Women with breast cancer should increase their intake of soy foods. When possible they should try to reduce the amount of dairy in their diet and replace it with soy.

Eating whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and fruit also give the immune system a boost and enable the body to wage its own war against cancer. Vitamin and mineral supplements help to fill in the gaps of nutrition you may miss from your diet. Antioxidants counteract the free radicals floating around your body, bind with them, and the body flushes them right out so they can do no harm.

Mental and spiritual well being is also important in a holistic approach to fighting breast cancer. meditation, stress reduction, improved outlook, and positivity all help improve your mental well being. And as many of us realize, you are what you think about. So change your focus, look for the beauty in life, and take care of yourself, inside and out.

Exercise is a fantastic way to improve your immune system, build a physically healthy body, and improve your mental well being at the same time. Yoga, Tai-Chi, and walking are all beneficial ways to exercise the body and mind without overdoing it and causing damage.

Progesterone cream delivers the hormone, progesterone, to the body in the fastest way possible - transdermally, or through the skin. Progesterone helps to regulate the other hormones in the body, especially estrogen levels. As a woman ages, her natural progesterone levels decrease leaving her exposed to excess estrogen. In research conducted in 1995, progesterone was shown to have protective effects on breast tissue because it inhibits the growth of more breast cancer cells. Estrogen does the opposite and encourages breast tissue growth. Pro-Gest is a good progesterone cream for women with breast cancer.

Breast enlarements

The Cervix

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:15 PM | 0 comments »

I am the gateway; I am the door. I connect the inside to the outside. I decide which outside comes in. I control the flux and the flow. I hold the wise blood, or let it go. I protect the growing babe, or thrust it unformed into a world unsuitable. None leave, none enter, except by my grace, my decision. I am the passage of birth. I am the mark of the sun. I am as near as the reach of your finger, yet mysterious and hidden. Many women, most men, born through me, go their whole life without gazing upon me.

I offer blood to Mother Earth. I spin stretchy strings of fertile mucus to Grandmother Moon. I am as sensitive as the best hound's nose, as authoritative as the wisest crone. I am not, and have never been, innocent. I am all seeing, though darkness is my constant companion, and my eye but single. (How curious that women in India believe I have two eyes.)

I know how to be firm and potent, how to stand strong against those who would storm my portal. I know how to be loose and soft, how to welcome those who bring future's hope. I know how to efface myself and withdraw, making way, stretching myself to the utmost, opening wide in sweet surrender.

I pulse within you. I am your cervix, the mouth of your womb.


The cervix is the neck of the uterus. It projects into the upper part of the vagina and can be felt with the fingertips, especially in a squatting position. With the aid of a speculum, a mirror, and a flashlight, you can see your cervix, too.

During labor, the cervix dilates, allowing the baby to leave the womb, enter the vagina, and be born. The cervix also opens, just a little, to help push menstrual blood out of the uterus, and to allow sperm inside so fertilization can occur.

Medical opinion holds that the cervix is "insensitive to pain," a statement that I challenge.

The cervix is covered by a thin layer of cells, called the epithelium. And the epithelium has two kinds of cells: ones that grow in columns, and ones that are flat and scaly. The columnar ones make up the inner surface of the cervix and are red, like our lips. The flat ones (squamous cells) make up the outer surface and are pink, like some skins. The place where they meet is the squamo-columnar junction, or transition zone, one of the most common sites of cervical cancer.

A healthy, fertile, cervix looks pink, with a pretty round, red mouth, the os. (Before puberty, the entire cervix is red as pink squamous cells have yet to cover it.)

A cervix that is infected, irritated, or growing abnormally usually looks lumpy, bumpy, very red, and weepy. (A vinegar wash is needed to make the white lesions of HPV visible.)

A variety of organisms, including parasites, bacteria, and viruses, as well as wear and tear from childbirth and intercourse can affect the health of the cervix. The major categories of cervical distress are - going from least to worst - cervicitis, erosion, dysplasia, HPV infections, and cancer.

Cervicitis: Inflammation of the Cervix

Acute cervicitis is inflammation - reddening, swelling, and sometimes bleeding - of the cervix. Cervicitis can follow a difficult birth, vacuum aspiration, or trauma. It can be triggered by use of hormones such as birth control pills and menopausal hormone pills, or by irritation from the string of an IUD. But, usually, cervicitis is caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection such as Trichomonas vaginalis, Candida albicans, or Haemophilus vaginalis. Cervicitis can be symptomless, or it can cause pain on intercourse, itching and burning of the genitals, and/or discharge. Specific treatment with drugs or herbs to eliminate the infective organisms is usually effective.

If redness and irritation continue in the absence of infection, daily application of aloe vera gel, honey, or vitamin E oil, directly on the cervix for 2-3 weeks is generally effective.

Chronic cervicitis occurs when inflammation and infection of the cervix continues unchecked for many years. The cervix thickens, cysts protrude, tears and scars from childbirth and gynecological procedures accumulate, and, depending on the infection, noxious-smelling discharges, sometimes with pelvic pain, may come and go. Orthodox medicine uses antibiotics and surgery to clear the inflamed tissue, rather like using a backhoe to clear the ground; feminist doctors consider this over-treatment. Alternative approaches, like a careful gardener, work to remove infections, reverse precancerous changes, and increase the health of the woman and her cervix with as little disruption as possible. If the condition worsens or fails to respond to treatment within 3-12 months, surgical remedies are indicated.

Cervical Eversion/Erosion

Not the same thing, but frequently confused, even by doctors. When columnar cells grow too quickly, they push aside the squamous cells, causing eversion and erosion. In an eversion, there is generally a clear dividing line between the cells. In an erosion, there is no definite border.

Cervical eversions show a clear dividing line between the two types of cells, though the columnar cells are spilling out of the os, instead of confining themselves to the inside of the cervix. Cervical eversions revert to normal when the hormones triggering them - such as birth control pills - are removed. Some women have a "congenital" eversion which is present at birth, regresses until puberty, may be especially prominent if she is pregnant, and regresses after menopause. Eversion generally requires no treatment; if confused with erosion, over-treatment is likely.

Surgical procedures - such as endometrial biopsy, D&C, aspiration extraction of the contents of the womb, radiation implantation, cone biopsy, cryosurgery, and laser ablation - as well as trauma from childbirth and intercourse, can, in the presence of inflammation and infection, lead to cervicitis or erosion.

Cervical erosion is a term that is often applied to any redness seen on the cervix, from an abrasion to a full-blown infection. "[It] conjures up a frightening picture of the cervix wasting away like bare earth after a heavy rain, [and] is not only erroneous, but absurd."(1) Conservative doctors may suggest removal of the "eroded" tissue. Alternative methods are quite successful in healing cervical erosion; complementary medicines can ease side-effects and hasten healing if drugs or surgery are chosen.

Cervical Dysplasia: Abnormal Cells in the Cervix

Dysplasias often regress with no treatment. Over-treatment in both orthodox and alternative circles is common.

HPV Infection

This silent infection rarely causes symptoms and usually is dealt with by the immune system. A few of the sixty known varieties can cause cervical cancer. Poor women are more likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer and more likely to die of it and more likely to be helped by mandated vaccination programs against it. Unfortunately, the vaccine is only useful before a woman has had any contact, sexual or otherwise, with HPV.

Cervical Cancer

When abnormal cell growth triggered by HPV is unchecked by the immune system, it can invade adjoining tissues and even spread through the blood to distant sites. Untreated, cervical cancer is lethal. Caught early, virtually all cases are cured.


Keeping your cervix healthy is a lot like keeping your whole self healthy, but with a few special considerations.

Imagine how difficult it would be to keep your face healthy if you never looked at it or touched it. Though it may seem odd, looking at your cervix and touching it, at least once in your life, is important. And it's easy.

You will need a mirror, a flashlight, a plastic speculum, some private time and space (though I have done this in groups), and a reference book like A New View of a Woman's Body. With some wiggling and jiggling, you can arrange yourself, the mirror and the flashlight so you can see your cervix. Amazing!

How do you get a speculum? You can ask to keep the one they use the next time you have a gynecological checkup. Can you buy one at the drug store?

As part of the uterus, the cervix is made healthier by those herbs that nourish and tonify the womb: raspberry leaf infusion, motherwort tincture.

As part of the vagina, the cervix is exposed to dangerous bacteria, viruses, and fungi, usually from, though not limited to, sex. Additionally, the cervix suffers trauma when the vagina is traumatized. Keeping good gut flora keeps the gut healthy, and so keeping good vaginal flora keeps the cervix and vagina healthy. That's why I start my day with a cup of plain yogurt, and avoid bubble baths, douches, and feminine hygiene sprays, and am very, very fussy indeed about what I allow to enter my vagina.


(1) How to Stay Out of the Gynecologist's Office, Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centers, 1981

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Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women around the world.

If your birth date falls in the range of June 22nd through July 22nd, you were born under the sun sign of Cancer the Crab. You probably know your Horoscope, but did you know that Numerology shows us a particular behavior for Cancer based on your specific Date of Birth? We can find out this modifier by calculating your Birth Day number.

===> Birth Day Calculation

Your Birthday number is the date of the month you were born on, reduced to a single digit by fadic addition. For example, actor Tom Cruse was born on July 3rd, 1962, so his Birthday number is (3) as shown below.

Birthday = (Day part of your birth date) = (3)

The Birth Day number values, and their affects on your Cancer Horoscope are shown below.

===> Birth Day (1) - Temperamental

You tend to be too moody at times; work on being less gloomy when the mood hits you. People see you as being venerable; don't let their perception become reality.

===> Birth Day (2) - Sensitive

You have a strong social conscience and are sensitive to how other people are treated around you. Be tactful when taking others to task for their bad behavior.

===> Birth Day (3) - Thin Skinned

You are easily hurt by the words and actions of others. Work on developing thicker skin, and learn to laugh at their petty deeds. Leave them in your dust.

===> Birth Day (4) - Introspective

You tend to spend too much time looking back on your life experiences. A certain amount of examining past actions is a good thing, but you need to go forward to be successful in life.

===> Birth Day (5) - Intuition

You have an almost magical sixth sense of when someone needs help with something. Use your intuition wisely, and people will thank you for it.

===> Birth Day (6) - Introvert

You have a tendency to look inside yourself too much. While examining your inner being is a good quality, you have to also look at the world around you. Moderation is the key.

===> Birth Day (7) - Protective

You have a strong desire to protect your friends and loved ones from the world. While this is to their benefit, you need to make sure that when they do something wrong, they learn the lesson life is trying to teach them.

===> Birth Day (8) - Walled Away

You have built walls against the outside world to protect your feelings of insecurity. But, these walls can be barriers to your friends and loved ones. You need to learn to drop those walls when people who have your good at heart want inside.

===> Birth Day (9) - Easy Target

You are over-sensitive to the words and actions of your friends and loved ones. Don't be so easily hurt when they're trying to get your goat; learn to laugh at yourself. Taking offense when no harm was meant just makes for future problems.

Keith Abbott is the developer and owner of 'Numerology 4 You' where you can order your own Numerology chart, including your Yantra Magic Square reading. Visit him on the web today at

The Secrets To Healing From Within

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:16 PM | 0 comments »

Modern medicine is based upon the notion of battle. We battle germs and fight for life. As soon as we feel pain or discomfort, we immediately try to stop it from happening, look for some way to soothe what we are going through. We feel we must change our illness or problems, overpower them with our expertise. But this leads to a never ending battle, after one problem is conquered, another arises.

Healing from within brings inner peace with it. It arises in a different way. We are taught to stop, pay attention and respect all that comes to us. We do not view pain as bad, as something that must be removed at any cost. Pain arises from lack of balance and brings many messages along with it. When we see our pain as a messenger and learn how to listen to it, healing begins in all kinds of ways.

The first step in healing from within is to see pain as an ally, to learn how to "dialogue" with it. At first this requires a complete turn around. Instead of tensing up and gearing for battle, we learn how to pause and understand there is a lesson that we have to learn. When we do this we find the pain or problem often comes holding a gift in its hands.

Illness often comes when we feel defeated. We may not wish to struggle anymore. Some people become ill when they are overly exhausted. The illness is the only way they can give themselves permission to stop, rest, and make much needed changes in their lives. Each illness has it's own story.

When someone is in physical pain and suddenly understands what is troubling them, the physical pain often subsides. For full healing to take place it may be important to make changes in one's total life. During illness the body is rebelling. It is demanding that we pay attention to all that has been unattended. We may have been pushing ourselves for too long. Now our body is fed up. Stop and listen to me, it pleads. When we learn how to listen and how to reply, an entirely new life begins. Then pain and illness become an opportunity for vital change.

Learning To Listen

We usually listen only to part of ourselves. The rest is rejected. But no matter what we are rejecting, sooner or later we must come up against it and face it straight on. Rejecting something over and over never makes it go away. It comes back to you then over and over just to be accepted. Everything needs to be loved and accepted, including our illness and pain. The best way is to make friends with the pain. If we can relax into it and explore it, many possibilities arise. When we let go, and allow ourselves to listen to what the pain is saying to us. Incredible changes can happen then.

To do this, simply close your eyes, stop fighting, and ask the pain what it is saying to you, what does it need from you right now? Then become very quiet and listen deeply. An answer may not come right away. Patience is needed. Answers come in different ways. Some hear answers within. Others see images, some have dreams. Some sense a new way to deal with the illness. A true exploration begins. Exercise: Making Friends with the Pain

Look at your illness. Picture it and give it some kind of shape. What does it look like to you? Describe or draw it. What is this image saying to you about yourself and the life you are leading?

Next, ask the image any questions you may have and let it answer you. (Ask what it wants from you and what it would need to go away). See if you can give it what it needs.

This attitude is called making friends with the pain. When we do this we become better able to understanding what the true causes are. For example, if we feel that life is meaningless, our bodies can start to express this by shriveling up and dying. If we have held onto difficult attitudes, our bodies will bear the burden of them. Persistent negative attitudes become wounds upon our entire selves.

Our attitudes are messages we give our body. Once we begin the crucial work of taking responsibility for and changing our attitudes, our entire body can begin to experience on-going ease instead of dis-ease. We must look at the basic attitudes we live with and ask ourselves if they are conducive to our health, or do they contain the very seeds of pain?

In order to heal from within, it is essential to change negative attitudes and patterns, to those that are positive and produce well-being. Health comes with learning to say "yes" to all of our experience. Wellness emerges out of the balance and harmony of all parts of ourselves. When we are well, we feel accepting and in harmony with ourselves and the entire world. This state of being brings refreshment and healing day by day.

Cc/Dr. Brenda Shoshanna/2007

Receive psychological, spiritual and practical guidance in award winning program, Journey Through Illness and Beyond. Top psychologist provides information, guidelines and exercises which turn a time of illness into one of growth and opportunity. Dr. Shoshanna has presented over 500 workshops on all aspects of relationships, personal development, loss and change. Free ezine and articles at . topspeaker@

Bear Creek, Wis. – If you find yourself routinely counting calories now that the warm weather's here, you might want to let Sauerkraut aid your efforts to get that summer body in better shape, a Wisconsin food expert says.

Sauerkraut – traditionally a staple of German cuisine – is fermented cabbage, a cruciferous vegetable known to provide a wonderfully tart complement to any summer food fare.

"It's a remarkably healthful and versatile food, one that fits in quite well with a low-calorie, health-conscious diet," said Ryan Downs, co-owner of Great Lakes Kraut Co. "Turkey Sauerkraut Burgers, Low-Carb Sauerkraut and Cauliflower Mash, and Tropical Surprise Salad are just a few of the tasty and healthier dishes you can make with Sauerkraut without having to count too many calories."

A one-cup serving of Sauerkraut has just 32 calories and contains no fat or cholesterol. Sauerkraut also is loaded with vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, and copper.

"Sauerkraut's got necessary ingredients for keeping a summer body healthy, trim, and fit," Downs said. "Even world-famous celebrities like Heidi Klum and Halle Berry love it and hold dear their favorite Sauerkraut-related recipes. Heidi loves her grandmom's Sauerkraut Soup, and Halle has publicly shared her recipe for Sauerkraut and Kielbasa."

Recent highly publicized scientific studies like those done by researchers at Michigan State University and the University of New Mexico show that chemical compounds in Sauerkraut and cruciferous vegetables in general offer the body improved cancer-fighting abilities.

Tropical Surprise Salad is a great side dish for those lazy, leisurely days of grilling and eating summer food favorites.

"Try it," Downs said. "It'll make you feel good about eating a little healthier."


1 ripe mango

1 can (15.25 oz.) pineapple tidbits with juice

1 cup Silver Floss® or Krrrrisp Kraut® Sauerkraut, rinsed and drained

1 jar (6 oz.) maraschino cherries, drained

Wash and peel mango. Cut flesh away from seed and cut into ½-inch cubes. In a large bowl, combine mango cubes, pineapple with juice, Sauerkraut, and cherries. Mix well. Chill before serving.

Servings: 6½-cup servings

Serving suggestions: Serve on leaf or romaine lettuce.

Silver Floss and Krrrrisp Kraut Sauerkraut, winners of the ChefsBest™ Award as America's best-tasting Sauerkraut, are manufactured by the world's largest Sauerkraut producer, Great Lakes Kraut Co., LLC, Bear Creek, Wis. With processing facilities in Bear Creek and Shortsville, N.Y. — the best cabbage growing regions in the world — the company combines modern technology and four generations of Sauerkraut-making expertise to produce the country's leading brands. Silver Floss canned and jarred Sauerkraut is found in the canned vegetable section of grocery stores in the East, South, and Midwest. Krrrrisp Kraut refrigerated Sauerkraut is located in the meat department at grocery stores nationwide. For more information about Great Lakes Kraut and its award-winning brands, visit Femi Cole is a public relations specialist for Infusion Inc. in Green Bay, Wis. He can be reached by calling (920) 435-9800, Ext. 231, or by e-mailing fcole@

Prevent Yourselves From Breast Cancer

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:15 PM | 0 comments »

Breast cancer is the irregular increase of cells within the bosom. These cells would aggregate like a chunk, which would be called as the bosom tumor. The tumor can be felt from the exterior of the bosom still when it is yet innocuous. At this innocuous phase, it is called as a harmless tumor. Benign tumors can be surgically operable. If that is done, the danger of the progress of the bosom cancer is really minimal. But if the tumor is allowed to get on, so it would remain to the cancerous phase. During this phase the cancer would proliferate to such an extent within the surrounding tissues that it would be inconceivable to withdraw it totally. When the malignant cells participate the bloodstream, there is no manner away. The outcome is sure death.

Every woman should know their own breasts so that any changes are noticed soon and can be reported to a physician. Knowing your breasts includes having a mammogram every two years if you are between the ages of 50 and 69 and getting a clinical breast exam by a doctor or trained health professional at least every two years from the age of 40. Regardless of age, all women should do their own monthly breast self-examination a few days after her period. When doing breast self-examination, things to look for include: puckering of the skin, the appearance of what is sometimes called 'orange peel skin', any place in your breasts that feels lumpy or harder than the rest and bleeding from the nipples or crusting.

It is important to note that most breast problems are not breast cancer and most lumps are not cancerous. When a lump is not cancerous it is referred to as 'benign'. A cancerous lump is called 'malignant'. The following are the precautions that women must take to prevent the onset of breast cancer:

If you are overweight, then seriously work at reducing your weight. Science has proved a direct relation between obesity and breast cancer. At the same time, lean women have a significantly lesser chance of contracting the disease.

Do not present any supplements in your system that could alter the domestic hormonal equilibrium of the system. In women, the two principal feminine role deciding hormones are progesterone and estrogen. These hormones preserve the appropriate equilibrium of the feminine characteristics, including the form and the role of the breasts. A modification in this equilibrium could take on several feminine health related diseases, among which bosom cancer is just one of them.

All women over the age of 40 are at a risk of breast cancer. Hence they should keep their lifestyle healthy. The diet should be kept as natural as possible, and artificial spices and preservatives must be avoided. Elderly women should not lead sedentary lifestyles; they must involve themselves in some kind of physical activity or the other, depending on their lifestyles.

Breast Cancer

Blood is a parts of the body. Blood has different components sch as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. The red blood cells (rbc), platelets also called monocytes because it is belong to the "myeloid" group and other white blood cells belong to the "lymphoid" group. Lymphoid cells are affected. Disease progresses quickly. This is most common among children. Blood cancer or Leukaemia is actually a group of diseases, each of which impede with the normal functioning of blood cells and progressively weaken the system.leukaemia is classified as either Acute or Chronic. Blood and urine samples may also be tested for various substances, called tumor markers, which may indicate cancer.

Tumor markers are typically chemicals made by tumor cells, but tumor makers are also produced by some normal cells in your body. Lymphoid cells are affected. Disease progresses over a long period.Usually affects adults, more men than women.Myeloid cells are affected. Disease progresses over a long period of time. More common among adults. One of the major goals of the trial was to compare the two groups in terms of risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), a common and sometimes fatal complication of allogeneic transplants in which the patient's immune system attacks the transplant.

Causes of Blood Cancer

1. Exposure to radiation.

2. Exposure to chemicals.

3. Human T-cell Leukaemia virus (HTLV)

4. Genetic factors (chromosomal abnormalities).

Symptoms of Blood Cancer

1. Tiredness.

2. Bleeding.

3. Bruising.

4. Fever.

5. weight loss.

Treatment of Blood Cancer

Chemotherapy is destroy the abnormal cancer cells. If the leukaemia returns (relapses), intensive treatment may be given. This involves a bone marrow or a stem cell transplant.Stem cell transplant involves transplanting stem cells (the most basic type of cell, from which all types of blood cells develop), rather than bone marrow cells. Stem cells can be harvested (collected) from a leukaemia patient's own blood or from a donor. Bone marrow or stem cell transplants allow much higher doses of chemotherapy to be given. Before transplantation, very high doses of chemotherapy and sometimes radiotherapy are given to destroy all the bone marrow, both abnormal and normal.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for health doctor. She also writes articles for depression treatment and cancer treatment.

Kidneys are part of the urinary tract. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs about the same size as a fist. They are located near the middle of the back, one on either side of the spine. Urine collects in a hollow space (renal pelvis) in the middle of each kidney. They make urine by removing wastes and extra water from the blood. It passes from the renal pelvis into the bladder through a tube called a ureter. Urine leaves the body through another tube (the urethra). The kidneys are part of the body system called the urinary system.

It is made up the Kidneys,Ureters,Bladder,Prostate (in men) and Urethra.The kidneys filter the blood. As the blood passes through the kidneys, waste products and unneeded water are collected and turned into urine. The urine is gathered in an area called the renal pelvis at the centre of each kidney. From here it drains into the bladder down a tube called the ureter. There are 2 ureters one from each kidney. Another tube called the urethra carries the urine from the bladder out of the body.

Kidney cancer most happens in people over 40. Risk factors include smoking, having certain genetic conditions and misusing pain medicines for a long time. Each kidney has about 1 million nephrons. Inside the nephrons, waste products in the blood move across from the bloodstream (the capillaries) into the urine-carrying tubes inside the nephron. These tubes are called tubules. As the blood passes through the blood vessels of the nephron, all unwanted waste is taken away. Any chemicals needed by the body are kept or returned to the bloodstream by the nephrons. In this way, the kidney helps to regulate the levels of chemicals in the blood such as sodium and potassium. So the right levels are maintained to keep the body healthy.

Causes of Kidney Cancer

Kidneys is a part of urinary system, which removes waste and excess fluid and electrolytes from your blood, controls the production of red blood cells. Different cancers have different risk factors. First is Cigarette smoking increases the risk of getting kidney cancer by about 40%. Cigarette smokers are twice as likely as nonsmokers to develop kidney cancer. Second is overweight person has a much higher risk of getting kidney cancer and last is job increases the risk of kidney cancer.others risk factors is High blood pressureand some Medicines, such as pain-reliever (phenacetin).

Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Common symptoms of kidney cancer include is Blood in the urine (making the urine slightly rusty to deep red) ,Pain in the side that does not go away ,A lump or mass in the side or the abdomen ,weight loss ,Fever ,Feeling very tired and Fatigue.

Treatment of Kidney Cancer

Surgery is the standard treatment for contained kidney cancer. Arterial embolization is a type of local therapy that shrinks the tumor. Sometimes it is done before an operation to make surgery easier.Biologic therapies are used more frequently. Biological therapy uses the body's natural ability (immune system) to fight cancer. It uses substances that travel through the bloodstream, reaching and affecting cells all over the body. Radiation and chemotherapy are not very effective in treating kidney cancer. Chemotherapy is also a type of systemic therapy. Medications such as alpha-interferon and interleukin-2 (IL-2) have been successful in reducing the growth of some renal cell carcinomas, including some with metastasis.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for health doctor. She also writes articles for depression treatment and cancer treatment.

The liver is the largest internal organ in the body. It is also known as primary liver cancer or hepatoma and hepatocellular carcinoma is a cancer arising from the liver.The liver performs several vital functions. It processes and stores many of the nutrients absorbed from the intestine. It also makes some of the clotting factors needed to stop bleeding from a cut or injury. Hemangioma (he-man-ge-O-muh) is the most common type of benign liver tumor. It starts in blood vessels and Hepatic adenomas are benign tumors that start from the main type of liver cells (hepatocytes). Women have a much higher chance of having one of these tumors if they take birth control pills, although this is rare. Stopping the pills can cause the tumor to shrink. Hepatic adenomascancer begins in many spots throughout the liver and is not confined to a single tumor. This is most often seen in people with liver cirrhosis and is the most common pattern seen in the United States.

Hepatic tumors also called Liver cancer. Hepatic tumors is are tumors or growths on or in the liver. There are many forms of liver tumors premary is Malignant. Malignant, primary liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma (also named hepatoma, which is a misnomer). These growths can be benign or malignant (cancerous). They may be discovered on medical imaging (even for a different reason than the cancer itself). Most of the time when cancer is found in the liver, it did not start there but spread to the liver from a cancer that began somewhere else in the body. These tumors are named after the place where they began (primary site) and are further described as metastatic. Symptoms can include a lump or pain on the right side of your abdomen and yellowing of the skin. However, you may not have symptoms and the cancer may not be found until it is advanced.

Some researchers believe that cancer starts with damage to DNA the material that contains the instructions for every chemical process in your body, including the rate of cellular growth. DNA damage causes changes in these instructions. Liver cancer also occurs as metastatic cancer, which happens when tumors from other parts of the body spread (metastasize) to the liver. In the liver cancer some cells begin to grow abnormally. One result is that cells may begin to grow out of control and eventually form a tumor a mass of malignant cells. In the United States, most cancer found in the liver spread there after originating elsewhere. Rather than being called liver cancer, this type of cancer in the liver is named after the organ in which it began such as metastatic colon cancer in cancer that starts in the colon and spreads to the liver.

Causes of liver Cancer

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is the main causes of liver cancer. Liver cancer relates to (correlates with) the frequency of chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Studies in animals also have provided that hepatitis B virus can cause liver cancer. For example, liver cancer develops in other mammals that are naturally infected with hepatitis B virus-related viruses. Finally, by infecting transgenic mice with certain parts of the hepatitis B virus, scientists caused liver cancer to develop in mice that do not usually develop liver cancer.

Symptoms of liver cancer

Liver cancer is very common larges countries in world wide. Generally is discovered at a very advanced stage of cancer disease for several reasons. In addition, patients from these regions actually have more aggressive liver cancer disease. live cancer tumor usually reaches an advanced stage and causes symptoms more rapidly. Abdominal pain is the most common symptom of liver cancer and usually signifies a very large tumor or widespread involvement of the liver and other symptom is weight loss. These symptoms are less common in individuals with liver cancer in the additionally symptoms is ascites (abdominal fluid and swelling), jaundice (yellow color of the skin), or muscle wasting.

Treatment of liver cancer

The treatment of liver cancer is overall condition of the patient. First treatment if liver cancer is Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a powerful drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is anot effective not some cases of liver cancer but type of chemotherapy is known as chemoembolization is an important part of treatment for HCC. chemoembolization causes many of the same side effects as other forms of chemotherapy, including abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Second treatment is surgery. Surgery is best treatment for localized resectable cancer is usually an operation known as surgical resection. In some cases, the area of the liver where the cancer is found can be completely removed. Alcohol injection has been shown to improve survival in people with small hepatocellular tumors. It may also be used to help reduce symptoms in cases of metastatic liver cancer. The most common side effect is leaking of alcohol onto the liver or into the abdominal cavity.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for health doctor. She also writes articles for depression treatment and cancer treatment.

Lung Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:16 PM | 0 comments »

Lung cancer is the malignant transformation and expansion of lung tissue, and is the most lethal of all cancers worldwide, responsible for 1.2 million deaths annually. It is a leading cause of cancer death in men and women in the United States. Cigarette smoking causes most lung cancers. The more cigarettes you smoke per day and the earlier you started smoking, the greater your risk of lung cancer. High levels of pollution, radiation and asbestos exposure may also increase risk. There are many types of lung cancer. Each type of lung cancer grows and spreads in different ways and is treated differently. Treatment also depends on the stage, or how advanced it is. Treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Lung cancer that originates in the cells of the lungs is called primary lung cancer; however, cancer may also spread to the lung from other parts of the body. Metastatic cancers spread to the lungs most commonly from the breast, colon, prostate, kidney, thyroid gland, stomach, cervix, rectum, testis, bone, and skin (melanoma). More than 90% of primary lung cancers start in the bronchi such lung cancer is called bronchogenic carcinoma. The specific types of lung cancer are small cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma. The last three types of lung cancer are often referred to as nonsmall cell lung cancers. Alveolar cell carcinoma originates in the small air sacs of the lung (alveoli). Although alveolar cell carcinoma can occur at a single site, it often develops simultaneously in more than one area of the lung. Less common lung tumors are bronchial carcinoid (which may be cancerous or noncancerous), chondromatous hamartoma and sarcoma. Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system; it may start in the lungs or spread to them.

Lung cancer is the rapid growth of abnormal cells in the lung. It can start anywhere in the lungs and affect any part of the respiratory system . When we breathe in, the lungs take in oxygen, which our cells need to live and carry out their normal functions. When we breathe out, the lungs get rid of carbon dioxide, which is a waste product of the body's cells. Cancers that begin in the lungs are divided into two major types, non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer, depending on how the cells look under a microscope.

Causes of Lung Cancer

1. Breast cancer

2. Colon cancer

3. Rectal cancer

4. Stomach cancer

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

1. Shortness of breath, wheezing, or hoarseness.

2. Difficulty swallowing.

3. Fatigue.

4. Loss of appetite or weight loss.

5. Constant chest pain.

6. Breathlessness.

Treatment of Lung Cancer

1. Chemotherapy

2. Radiation therapy

3. Surgery

Juliet Cohen writes articles for health doctor. She also writes articles for depression treatment and cancer treatment.

Can A Prostate Cancer Diet Work For You

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:15 PM | 0 comments »

Many people think that once they have been diagnosed with cancer, there is nothing they can do except seek medical treatment. While medical treatment is extremely important, it is wrong to think that you cannot aid your healing at home. Did you know that if you suffer from prostate cancer, a prostate cancer diet can help you heal faster? You need to take care of your body when you have cancer and one of the best ways to do this is to eat a healthy diet and exercise.

Men that suffer from prostate cancer should do everything that he can do aid his body during the healing process. This is important throughout treatment and once he goes into remission. A diet rich in healthy foods can certainly help a man through his prostate cancer treatments. Here are some ways that you can follow a prostate cancer diet and make sure that you are healing in no time flat.

• Take your vitamins: Cancer takes a lot out of your body. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you will want to make sure you are getting adequate amounts of the necessary vitamins and minerals everyday. Your doctor can recommend a good vitamin supplement to take during your treatment.

• Go low fat: It is always important to eat a diet that is low in fat, but it is even more important to do this if you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. When you follow the prostate cancer diet, stick to foods that are low in saturated fats and avoid any food with trans-fat. Eat lean meats such boneless, skinless chicken breast, and turkey. Also, remember to stay away from fried foods.

• Get plenty of fruits and vegetables: The rule of thumb when it comes to following a good prostate cancer diet is to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Dark green veggies are rich in iron, while orange veggies are good anti-oxidants. This is what you want to look for when you add these types of foods to your diet.

• Legumes and Dairy: It is also important that you follow a diet that contains legumes (peas and beans) and plenty of low fat dairy. Low fat string cheese, yogurt and skim milk are ideal when following prostate cancer diet. Soy is also an excellent option for anyone that is suffering from cancer.

In addition to eating correctly while you are following the prostate cancer diet, you also need to make sure that you are getting the proper amount of exercise. This cannot only help you feel rejuvenated; you will also help your body heal faster. As you can see, following the proper diet and exercising are the keys to helping your body heal from prostate cancer.

You can also find more info on Prostate Exam and Laser Prostate Treatment . P is a comprehensive resource to know more about prostate cancer treatment.

With more emphasis being put on the state of our global environment these days, do you ever stop to assess your local environment? Your home, neighborhood, office, or your regular grocery store… Each one has it's own "environment" made up of the air circulating throughout, the chemicals and materials that went into building and cleaning them, and even the people and energy the fill each area. All of these considerations go into making where we live and work a healthy or non-healthy environment. Often we spend so much time in these places that we overlook big issues that contribute to our health and well-being when we should be extra diligent in recognizing the harmful components and replacing them with better choices. Doing so qualifies as stress reduction when you really think about it. You are choosing to reduce the stress these things have on your body and mind.

One of the most powerful ways to reduce the stresses of your daily environment is called Quantum Biofeedback. When used along with a general awareness of the places you go each day and the things you expose yourself to, Quantum Biofeedback is a safe, easy way to balance the effects of your environment. Certain elements of your local environment may, to some extent, be out of your control like electrical fields and air pollution and some may have already taken a toll on you causing illnesses, aches, pains, or unexplainable issues. Why not take the steps now to not only reduce your exposure to these harmful stressors, but also clear your body of the effects of years and years of living side-by-side with them by having a Biofeedback session?

Quantum Biofeedback is a technologically advanced interface born out of traditional biofeedback that can administer therapy to reduce multiple kinds of stress, environmental being only one. Quantum Biofeedback uses a highly sophisticated device called the SCIO/EPFX to read the body's physiological reaction at the subconscious level to the frequencies of over 9000 different items like natural remedies, organs, and environmental stresses. This safe, non-invasive process takes place at the office of a Certified Biofeedback Specialist. The client is "linked" to the SCIO/EPFX by way of a safe, comfortable headband and a chair pad that rests where the client is seated for the duration of the session. After the "testing" phase is over, the SCIO/EPFX returns the findings to the Specialist who then acts as an analyst and coach informing the client of their current stressors so that they can take steps to reduce them. Because the SCIO/EPFX is communicating with the subconscious mind, the effect of the therapy can be very deep and incredibly powerful. If you are ready to find out more about what a SCIO/EPFX can do for you, contact a Certified Biofeedback Specialist today for a Quantum Biofeedback session.

Finding a qualified Biofeedback specialist can be hard. Visit our website today and join the love healing center. We specialize in Stress Reduction.

The Media and Health Issues

Posted by Prue Morland | 9:17 AM | 0 comments »

There are many important health issues that seem to always come to the forefront in our world of today. Diseases like cancer, AIDS and heart disease, health issues that most people are more concerned about. The other health issues are that cause a panic, like bird flu and mad cow disease. These health issues are rare, but they get so much media attention that people start to worry more about them then the health issues they should be worried about.

The media's goal is to create a story that will get people watching. They do offer great information, but usually it is blown out of proportion.

The media plays a big role in the publics view of health issues. Unfortunately, the media is less concerned with people's health then they may seem.

The media has a habit of turning a small issue not a big one. Bird flu is a good example. It never became as huge of a health issue as the media made it seem. They quoted medical professionals out of context often, making it look as though it was hitting the US. This type of media influence can be very bad.

When people focus more on what the media is saying about rare health issues they end up worrying and focusing on that particular issue. In the mean time they are forgetting to worry about the real health issues that offer a real threat towards them, like cancer or heart disease. The media may be helpful in many cases, but when it comes to health issues, people should take what the media has to say with a grain of salt and stick to discussing health issues with their doctor.

Believing in good balanced diet, taking vitamins and minerals. Daily exercise, yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, drinking enough water, meditation, relaxation, positive thinking, and trying to be happy.

Age, weight and body mass index are all variables that can indicate the likelihood of erectile dysfunction according to a new study.

The GlaxoSmithKline-supported study has associated higher age, weight and BMI with a raised risk of prostate cancer, which is a leading cause of sexual dysfunction in men. The prostate, a gland which is part of the male reproductive system, is located at the base of the abdomen on men and functions primarily to produce seminal fluid. The importance of the prostate gland is related more to its effects when things go wrong as opposed to its functions.

Scientists presented the findings at the 22nd Annual Congress European Association of Urology (EAU) in Berlin.

Principal investigator Claus Roehrborn, professor of urology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre, Dallas, said: "The question here was: does inflammation at baseline predict the presence or absence of erectile dysfunction, decreased libido or level of sexual activity?"

The trial, which included men age 50 to 75 years and which required patients to have had a negative prostate biopsy in the six months prior to enrolment, found the answer to be positive.

The study also found an association between erectile dysfunction and chronic inflammation.

Prostate Cancer isn't the only risk which is raised by higher age, weight and BMI. These factors can contribute to a host of other conditions which can led in time to male sexual dysfunction.

Most cases of erectile dysfunction are usually a result of health conditions, medicines, or habits that interfere with blood flow around the body and penis. It therefore goes without saying that a healthy lifestyle improves male sexual health. For example a good diet, exercise, not smoking and drinking in moderation can all help improve erectile problems. General health is of great significance because it affects the blood flow around the body (including to the penis), problems with blood flow are among the most common causes of erectile dysfunction.

Diabetes is a life-long disease marked by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood and is on the increase in the UK due to poor dietary habits and obesity. Diabetes is a common risk factor for erectile dysfunction, and men with diabetes are up to four times as likely as other men to develop ED. They also tend to get it at a younger age.

Erectile Dysfunction is also more likely to happen as a man gets older, particularly after he's 60. The occurrence of some degree of ED is 39% in men 40 years old, and 67% in those aged 70 years. ED can happen at any age, even after years of satisfying sex.

High blood pressure (also called hypertension) can cause changes in blood vessels leading to them stiffen or narrow. This can restrict the blood flow to the penis, leading to erectile problems. Some medicines used to treat high blood pressure can also contribute to erectile dysfunction

Heart disease and high cholesterol levels can affect the flow of blood to the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction. High cholesterol levels are responsible for a build up in fatty deposits in the blood vessels leading to disturbances in the flow or a complete block in blood flow. Men with heart disease are twice as likely as other men to develop erectile problems.

This information has been brought to you by, the UK's leading online pharmacy specialising in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). If you wish to discuss any of the above issues in more detail, do not hesitate to contact or call +44 (0)870 199 5287

This information has been brought to you by, the UK's leading online pharmacy specialising in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). If you wish to discuss any of the above issues in more detail, do not hesitate to contact or call +44 (0)870 199 5287

The secrets of green tea

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:17 AM | 0 comments »

The green tea is from China, but has recently become widespread all over the world, actually the most used drink, recognized by its natural effects on the human spirit.


The plant of which leaves and buds we make the famous green tea is called Camellia sinensis ("sinensis" means "Chinese" in Latin) or Thea sinensis (the older name), an evergreen shrub or a small tree that is usually trimmed to below 2 m when cultivated for its leaves. It grows at 4000 m altitude in Himalaya. The Camellia sinensis flowers are yellow-white, 3-4 cm in diameter and with 7-8 petals.

Its popular name, green tea, comes from the procedure of making it. Its leaves are speedy dried with hot draught, which gets to the chlorophyll conservation. We may say that the younger light green leaves are preferably harvested for tea producing.

Preparation methods

There are three methods for you to obtain the Camellia sinensis treatment: infusion, combined infusion and powder.

Infusion of green tea. Though it's the most known practice to obtain the tea, the infusion is less used in therapeutic system, because the higher the quality of the tea, the lower the water temperature. To obtain 250 ml of tea, steep 1-2 tea bags in hot water and let it there 7-8 minutes, for a light perfume and good taste and, for concentrated green tea, 15-25 minutes. Preferably, the mug should be warmed beforehand so that the tea does not immediately cool down. The specialists advice you to consume more than 5 mugs of green tea/ day.

Combined infusion. You'll obtain it following the next procedure. Put one teaspoon in a mug of water (200 ml) and let it to macerate at moderate temperature since evening till morning, when filter it. The acquired juice is put apart and the green extract is scaled with another 250 ml of hot water then let it infuse for 20 minutes and finally filter. The both juices are combined, obtaining approximate 500 ml of green tea combined infusion. It is a better way to prepare the green tea and with more intensive therapeutic effects.

Green plant powder. It's especially recommended to those persons who are not allowed to drink liquids and it's obtained by grinding the leaves of Camellia sinensis.

Medical effects

Firstly, the leaves contain alkaloid substances with a stimulating effect on nervous system, similar to coffee's effects, but not as detrimental as the last one. The leaves of the Camellia sinensis have been also used in traditional medicine to treat asthma, angina pectoris, bronchodilator, peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease. The green tea fights against the aging too, preventing the texture degeneration. It contains also C and B vitamins and magnesium, manganese and zinc.

Advices for you to get well:

• Drink at least one mug of green tea every day for health, good energy and longevity.

• Drink 4-5 mugs of hot tea /day if you want to loose weight, because the green tea has antiadipose and diuretic effects. This treatment is used to come down the cholesterol level.

• For curing the cancer, take one green tea powder spoon twice in a day, for 90 days, then take a 2 weeks break and repeat the treatment.

• If you have a migraine sufferance, drink a cup of concentrated green tea made by infusion adding the juice from the half of a lemon.

• The green tea combined with the black tea is good for the diabetes treatment. We recommend you to take a spoon of green and black tea powder three times in a day, for minimum three months.

• Rinse your mouth with green tea to prevent the dental caries.

• Make yourselves a natural lukewarm mask with green tea and 2 spoon of honey and lemon juice.

Don't consume green tea after 5 pm, because it may produce sleeplessness.

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10 Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Posted by Prue Morland | 5:17 PM | 0 comments »

Colon cancer is a tricky disease. You can go without symptoms for many years until the disease has progressed into the later stages. However, just because this is possible does not mean you should not be on the look out for the signs and symptoms of colon cancer. Because when it is caught in time, you can completely recover from colon cancer. This is particularly why colon cancer screening is so important. However, there are many things you can keep an eye out for as well.


Rectal bleeding is a major sign of colon cancer. However, bleeding can be a sign of many other conditions such as hemorrhoids, fissures, the consumption of certain foods or iron supplements. Make sure to eliminate the possibility of these conditions before becoming overly concerned.


If you have pain in your lower abdomen, it could be a sign of colon cancer. Again, this can also be a sign of many other conditions, so it is important to see your doctor.

Change in Bowel Movements

A change in bowel movements is always a sign that something is amiss. It could be due to a change in diet, stress or some other factors, but again, see your doctor to find out for sure. This is especially the case when you have dramatic changes such as suddenly having watery stools, frequent stools, constipation or feeling as though your bowels have not entirely emptied.


Sometimes, a sudden onset of anemia can be a sign of colon cancer. Visit your doctor to find out the cause.

weight loss

A sudden, dramatic or unexplained weight loss can be a sign of colon cancer. It is a somewhat rare symptom, so should definitely warrant immediate medical attention.

Abdominal Tenderness

Sometimes, the lower abdomen can be tender to the touch if you have colon cancer. It all depends on where the cancer is located in the colon, really.

Narrow Stools

If your stool suddenly appears thin or narrow, it may be a sign of colon cancer. This is especially the case if your stools become narrow all of a sudden. Stools typically take on a narrow appearance due to an obstruction in the bowels.


A sudden loss of energy can be a sign of many conditions, but it can also be a sign of colon cancer. If you feel run down and unable to function, it may be a good time to head off to the doctor.


Again, bloating can be a sign of many conditions, but it is also indicative of colon cancer. You may simply feel bloated for no reason or your abdomen may be visibly distended. In either case, it is a good idea to have the condition checked out with your physician.

Shortness of Breath

As you may have gathered by now, symptoms of colon cancer can imitate many other conditions as well. If you feel out of breath often or feel as though you can not catch your breath, see your doctor.

So you see the common theme here? See your doctor! Symptoms of colon cancer can be sneaky and the key to successful treatment is early diagnosis. Do not risk it. If you feel "off" and exhibit any combination of the above symptoms, let your physician know about it.

This article is written by Christy Berger. A longer version of this article can be found along with other home testing and early disease articles at Colon Cancer Signs & Symptoms and 10 Early Signs & Symptoms of Colon Cancer. You can also read signs and symptoms of Colon Cancer in the frequently asked questions about colon cancer testing.

Colon cancer is commonly referred to as bowel or colorectal cancer, and is the name given to cancerous growths in the rectum, appendix and colon in ether benign or malignant form. Cancer of this type is usually benign, however not always. Cancer of this type is usually identified through colonoscopy and treated by therapy followed by chemotherapy.

Rather than wait until you have colon cancer, it is best to have regular screenings to check. Although this is the safe option, for many people it is not practical, or they may have even started to experience signs after having had a recent screening. One thing you can do would be to do regular colon cancer testing, by using instant home test kits that can give early warnings for signs and symptoms of colon cancer.

This guide does not constitute medical advice, so should you be worried about the possibility of having colon cancer it is best to check with your doctor. If you are experiencing on of the following symptoms then it is most likely that you are merely worrying, however it is still best to check. If you are experiencing all of the problems mentioned below then you should be more concerned and should certainly ensure that you get them checked out. Being able to identify a cancerous growth early is the best way to ensure that you are going to be okay, so as soon as you start to experience problems is the best time to consult a medical practitioner.

Toilet Habits

Because colon cancer is in the area close to your bowel you can expect your toilet habits to be somewhat different. If you are going to the toilet more or less this could be an indicator that your body is adjusting to a growth in the area.

Your Stool is Shaped Differently

Because the passage way through which your stool usually passes through your body may be blocked, it is possible that it will a thinner shape as a result.

Stomach Cramps

Bloating may be caused by an obstruction in your bowel. In later stages of colon cancer you can expect to experience more pain in this area, because the growth may start to pierce the bowel wall.

Blood in your Stool

Blood may be in your stool if you have colon cancer. In some cases this blood may be nearly invisible if it has had time to dry, or be bright red depending on where the tumor is. An instant fecal occult blood test can help you to determine if here is blood in your stool. In many cases a bowel tumor can be found in different parts of your body, with the rectum being the most likely place for you to be able to see red blood. It is worthy of note that there are other reasons why this could occur, it is also the case that even although there may be blood in your stool the tumor will not be bleeding consistently.

weight loss

Unexplained weight loss is a common side effect of colon cancer, and one which you should not put down to being a coincidence if it is happening at the same time as other symptoms such as toilet related problems that you have been experiencing.

This article is written by Christy Berger. A longer version of this article can be found along with other home testing and early disease articles at Colon Cancer Early Signs & Symptoms and How to detect Colon Cancer Early. You can also read some more signs and symptoms of Colon Cancer in the frequently asked questions about colon cancer testing.


Posted by Prue Morland | 9:17 AM | 0 comments »

A Mammogram is a simple test that just may save your life.

The biggest key to beating any form of cancer is early detection. When it comes to breast cancer your best weapon is a routine test called a Mammogram.

A Mammogram is an X-ray of the breast. During this procedure the breast may need to be compressed to obtain the most accurate picture. Yes you may experience some discomfort but it will only be temporary.

Some women have expressed concern about mammograms because of being exposed to radiation, but the amount of radiation used for this test is very low administered at a very safe level.

At What Age Should Women Start Getting Mammograms?

The American Cancer Society recommends that all women over the age of 50 should start to have annual mammograms. Women from ages 40 to 50 should get tested every two years. Talk with your doctor for advice that is specified for your medical history.

What Helps Prevent Breast Cancer?

Research has discovered that regular exercise throughout your lifetime can help reduce a women's risk of not just breast cancer but many other health related issues as well.

How Much Exercise?

Studies suggest that women age 40 and younger that exercise on average about four times per week can cut their risk by 50% when compared to women that rarely exercise.

Some other things that you can do that will help are…

1. Reduce your alcohol consumption.

2. Eat plenty of whole grain foods, vegetables and fruits.

3. Keep your weight down.

4. Exercise.

It is important for women to pay close attention to the amount of alcohol they consume. There is mounting evidence that there is a definite link between alcohol and an increased risk of breast cancer.

The belief is that alcohol increases the amount of estrogen in a woman's body and experts believe that high estrogen levels feed breast cancer.

Remember the old saying "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure?" Well a simple Mammogram is one of the best a woman can do for herself.

Learn how a simple test could save your life!


Understanding Prostate Cancer Cryo Treatment

Posted by Prue Morland | 9:15 AM | 0 comments »

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your doctor may talk to you about getting prostate cancer cryo treatment for your illness. Cryoablation, or also called "cryo" is the newest and latest form of effective treatment of prostate cancer. The idea behind prostate cancer cryo treatment is to freeze the cancer cells and kills the cancerous tumor. Many doctors and patients prefer this treatment to more traditional forms of treatment because it works well and is easier on the body than radiation or radical surgery.

Only your doctor can decide what kind of prostate cancer treatment is right for you. After you have been diagnosed with cancer, your doctor will discuss your treatment options. If he or she tells you that the prostate cancer cryo treatment would work well for you, then it is an option you should consider. Here are some important things about the prostate cancer cryo treatment that you should know before having the procedure done.

How Cryoablation Treatment Works:

You may wonder how this type of treatment works. When your procedure begins, you will be under local or general anesthesia. About six cyroprobes are inserted near the area and liquid argon is passed through the probes. This freezes the area where the cancer is located and the cancer is frozen, causing it to die. This whole procedure usually takes less than two hours and you will most likely not have to spend a lot of time recovering in the hospital. Most patients are allowed to go home within a few hours after the prostate cancer cryo treatment is completed.

Care After the Procedure:

Once the procedure is completed, you will be given complete recovery instructions. Most patients do report slight swelling and bruising in the area. Most men are able to resume regular activity within a week. Most men will need a urinary catheter in place for one to three weeks to allow for normal healing.

Why Choose this Procedure:

There are many reasons why doctors and patients are now using prostate cancer cryo treatment. For one, most doctors feel that it works very well. This procedure is well suited for first time cancer patients and those experiencing a reoccurrence of prostate cancer. In addition, this treatment is popular because the recovery time is minimal. Side effects are mild, especially compared to invasive surgery and chemotherapy treatment.

If you have prostate cancer, then you should consider prostate cancer cryo treatment as an option. This is an excellent choice for many men and works very well for most. Your doctor can give you more information on this form of prostate cancer treatment.

You can also find more info on Prostate Cancer Detection And Treatment and Prostate Cancer New Treatment . P is a comprehensive resource to know more about prostate cancer treatment.

Everyone can remember when their mothers said, "Eat your broccoli, it is good for you." Research is showing that your mother did know best! In this article, we will discuss research on cruciferous vegetable extracts and how it can fight cancer.

Dr. Paul Talalay of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine showed that sulforaphane a phytonutrient found in broccoli can help fight cancer in laboratory mice. Other studies have shown that diets rich in broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and other greens can significantly reduce your risk of breast, bowel, and stomach cancer.

Dr. Paul Talalay discovered the once unknown reason why these vegetables can help prevent cancer. Dr. Talalay discovered that broccoli contained sulforaphane compounds, these compounds have been shown to cause cells to expel cancer causing toxins in laboratory animals. Dr. Talalay also discovered that when you isolate these sulforaphane compounds and feed them to mice, this compound accelerated the detoxification process in the animal's cells.

Dr. Talalay's published report showed how his research team isolated these broccoli sulforaphane's and fed them to groups of mice in high doses. After several days the scientists found that the cells in the mice had triggered a chemical enzyme known to neutralize carcinogens within the cells. Dr. Talalay stated that research beyond this published paper will analyze the long term effects of this newly found chemical enzyme and predict that sulforaphane compounds will block tumor formation in the animals to be studied, hoping this will hold true with humans as well.

Dr. Talalay preformed earlier studies which have shown specific proteins in cells called phase I enzymes, can take chemicals and turn them into carcinogens or cancer causing agents. He also found another protein called phase II enzymes which could block the action and formation of carcinogens. Dr. Talalay found that broccoli sulforaphane compounds actually activated this phase II enzyme which helps to protect cells from carcinogens.

Further research needs to be conducted to determine how much broccoli will need to be consumed to effectively have an anti-cancer effect on the body. There is over 10 years of research done on cruciferous vegetables proving that cruciferous vegetables can reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases. A large database has been compiled from this research which brings together and confirms how cruciferous vegetables affect the body.

In sort, cruciferous vegetables can speed up the production of enzymes helping the body neutralize cancer agents. Studies also show that cruciferous vegetables can protect our DNA from being damaged and slow the aging process. Another study has also shown that in women cruciferous vegetables can help regulate metabolic processes and help eliminate bad estrogen all the while maintaining good estrogen which can reduce the risk of beast cancer.

Many of us know that eating our vegetables is an important part of maintaining a healthy life style, but when it comes down to it, at dinner time we always skip them. Fortunately, several manufactures offer mixed vegetable formulas that contain broccoli, spinach, carrots, and cabbage in an easy to swallow tablet you can take each day. If you find your self skipping the vegetables on your dinner plate, you can always stop in to your local or internet health food store and purchase a mixed vegetable formula to help maintain better health and prevent cancer.

Visit VitaNet Health Foods, VitaNet sells high quality vegetable concentrates like Natures Plus Mixed Vegetables to boost health and wellness. Please link to this site when using this article.

Common Factor Between Mesothelioma And Money

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:15 AM | 0 comments »

Apart from the common "m", is there anything else in common between Mesothelioma and money? This is no kidding. Mesothelioma is as valid as a legal issue as it is one of the biggest medical concerns since the last century.

The first so called diagnosed case of Mesothelioma came forward in from of this whole world in the 1890s. And the first ever legal step against step to compensate for the cause of Mesothelioma was taken in 1929. Within a gap of around forty years the medical case took a new dimension to form a legal case as well.

Mesothelioma as a disease

You must have a comprehensive idea about Mesothelioma. A severe disorder in the human body that affects the body's most protective outline covering the crucial internal organs like the abdomen, heart and lungs. The disease is called Mesothelioma that is caused mainly due to inhalation of asbestos dust in the form of airborne particles mostly when your body remains continuously in an environment full of asbestos particles and fibers.

You are right. The next thing you would like to know is how a person will come in contact with such huge amount of asbestos. It is only possible if the person works in an asbestos firm or stays in a place where an asbestos milling company is in close proximity. The first one is a direct threat though the second one can be to some extent considered passive.

What is legal in Mesothelioma?

Till this point it is okay that Mesothelioma is a lethal disorder in the human body and the patient can at the most live for three years from the period of diagnosis of this disease. Till date the Medical reports have given this record yet several researches are taking place across the globe to combat Mesothelioma from its roots. But does it allow you smell something legal in it? Not yet!

Mesothelioma becomes legal because Mesothelioma can be checked completely through some preventive measures. The industries don't maintain the pollution control measures and compel their workers to suffer from the asbestos dust. Most of the consequences result out of negligence from the authority's side and ignorance from the patient's part. Thus a legal case can always be filed and fought. If you as a patient can prove that you are a victim of such a situation that was forcefully imposed on you and you were unaware of the ill consequences, you can earn even millions of dollars as compensation. So did you get the justified way to find the connection between the "m" factor between money and Mesothelioma?

Find more Mesothelioma and asbestos info online.

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Much has been written about how green tea was discovered. Some of them are utterly fantastic, such as the one about Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, who tore off his eyelids in frustration at not being able to stay awake during meditation and that a tea plant sprouted from the spot where his eyelids landed.

And then there is the one about the leaf that fell on an open pot of water that a Chinese emperor was boiling. He liked the refreshing taste that the leaf introduced into the water and soon found that the brew could cure headaches and body aches, among others. He even decreed that his people should start drinking this magical elixir.

Regardless of which story you may have heard, green tea is extracted from the Camellia sinensis shrub. It has been determined that the extracts are rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Polyphenols are also known as antioxidants which act on harmful free radicals inside the body. These are the major causes of diseases. Besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, green tea is able to eliminate harmful cells without damaging healthy ones.

Aside from suppressing harmful cells, here are a few other areas in which green tea benefits your health:

Reduces the risk of heart diseases. Green tea has the ability to lower cholesterol levels. The antioxidants target the bad cholesterol and leads to a balance between the good and bad cholesterols.

Stimulates blood flow. This is due to the presence of caffeine in green tea. It mildly stimulates the heart, which in turn increases the blood flow throughout the body.

Suppresses appetite. One of the most popular attributes of green tea is that it aids weight loss. It has been found that green tea affects a hormone known as leptin, which decreases appetite.

Enhances metabolism. Hand-in-hand with lowering leptin levels, green tea also increases noradrenaline levels. Increasing the activity of this particular neurotransmitter results in the burning of bodily fat.

Slows aging and its effects. The presence of free radicals in the body leads to unwanted diseases and aging. By counteracting them through the presence of antioxidants, green tea is able to slow down premature aging and at the same time contributes to clearer, younger-looking skin.

When shopping, be warned though that there are many bottled leisure drinks nowadays capitalizing on the popularity of green tea. They promote themselves as healthy green tea beverages when in reality, they are nothing more than sugar water infused with a less than significant amount of green tea extracts. You are better off buying the real powdered product or in capsule forms.

It is quite apparent that green tea is an expert in many areas of providing good health. Aside from the benefits mentioned above, there are anecdotal accounts from ancient China about how green tea prevents tooth decay, promotes longevity, relieves constipation, treats depression, and keeps the eyes sharp. These are the stuff that legends are made of. Put them all together and you have your own personal health legend--the guru known as green tea.


Another wise person once said good health need not come at an expensive price. Find high quality, low cost green tea capsules plus other vitamins and supplements now and enjoy a good and healthy life.

The colon is part of the body's digestive system. The digestive system removes and processes nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water) from foods and helps pass waste material out of the body. The digestive system is made up of the esophagus, stomach, and the small and large intestines. The first 6 feet of the large intestine are called the large bowel or colon. The last 6 inches are the rectum and the anal canal. The anal canal ends at the anus (the opening of the large intestine to the outside of the body).

Being age 50 or older is actually the number one risk factor for colon cancer. But other things impact colon cancer development, too. For example, studies indicate that all of these factors can contribute to colon cancer: alcohol, smoking, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity.

A diet high in animal fat and low in dietary fiber, which is the typical American diet today, has been linked to colon cancer. A review of the relationships between diet, exercise, and colon cancer suggests that diets high in vegetables and regular physical activity are the most significant factors in reducing the risk of colon cancer. Strong evidence shows that physical activity can reduce the risk of colon cancer by up to 50 percent. Some scientists hypothesize that fiber (from vegetables) might bind to potential carcinogens and cause them to be excreted before they can cause harm; other suggest that, in enhancing the movement of material through the GI tract, exercise or high-fiber diet reduces the time that carcinogens have to come in contact with colon cells. Other scientists suggest that high levels help protect the GI tract and delay the development of stomach, colon, and rectal cancer. Alternatively, the breakdown products of fiber produced by colonic bacteria, including acids that lower colon pH, might make carcinogens inactive.

Although these logical reasons point to a beneficial effect of fiber, a major study of women fails to support the protective effect of dietary fiber against colorectal cancer. However, a recent study of 400,000 men and women across nine European countries shows as much as a 40 percent reduction in risk.

Colon Cancer Center

Breast Cancer Ribbons-Showing Your Support

Posted by Prue Morland | 9:17 AM | 0 comments »

You see them everywhere from jewelry, to car magnets, to symbols on grocery products, to major companies displaying them on their advertisements. The pink ribbons show everyone that you care about and are interested in finding a cure for breast cancer. Whether you just wear a pink ribbon or you are more socially active in the issue depends upon your own personal experiences with breast cancer.

Today, prominent people in the movie industry and corporations are showing their support of many different causes. One of the more popular one, particularly for women, is the breast cancer ribbon. You will see prominent people wearing the pink ribbons on their fancy designer gowns as they walk down the Red Carpet at the Oscar's or Emmy's. They are not ashamed to show their fans that they care about a special topic of interest to the community.

It is rare today that you do not know someone that has been touched by breast cancer. If you are lucky your acquaintance survived the ordeal and is back to living a fairly normal life. For those of us that have lost someone close to us it is harder because we know that early detection might have saved them.

The pink ribbon is considered to be an international symbol for breast cancer-regardless of country, the pink ribbon serves a universal meaning. One of the very interest facts is that no one company, organization or foundation owns the rights to this worldwide symbol. Each company, organizations or foundation can create their version of the pink ribbon and this will give them the rights reserved on their copyright, for example Avon has its own, as does Estee Lauder. This is one the reasons why you see so many different pink ribbons being displayed.

Pink Ribbon Day is always on the fourth Monday of October. It marks the culmination of breast cancer activities during the month of October. It is recognized as breast cancer's national day in support of awareness and research, and generates a range of activities with an education and fundraising focus. Pink Ribbon Day raises funds for research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

So, whether you have your own personalized pink ribbon that you share with friends and relatives or you are using a corporate one, you are showing your support for this very important cause. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each ribbon goes into breast cancer research-to help those looking for a cure for all of us.

You can help increase your communities breast cancer awareness and support breast cancer research at the same time by proudly wearing your ribbon. Each and every one of us can make a different in the fight against breast cancer. And, all you need to do is purchase a small pink breast cancer awareness ribbon. So, what are you waiting for-they are in all of the stores. Just pick one up and show your support!

For more information on breast cancer visit - a website that specializes in providing breast cancer related information and resources including information on the breast cancer ribbon.

Mesothelioma: Do you need a lawyer?

Posted by Prue Morland | 9:15 AM | 0 comments »


If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma in the last five years, you may wish to meet with an attorney to discuss your legal rights. Anyone who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma should consider this option. If you have a loved one who is deceased because of mesothelioma, their spouse or an executor of the estate should also consider legal representation. There are different avenues to consider regarding representation and the possibilities of obtaining compensation. We believe it is important that you choose representation by a firm that is exclusively devoted to mesothelioma claims. We believe you should choose a firm that has years of experience and a proven track record with mesothelioma claims. Some people do not want to file a lawsuit. For such people, they may want to know that a number of companies have filed for bankruptcy protection and have established bankruptcy trusts that pay smaller amounts to mesothelioma victims. Sometimes, if it is too late to file a lawsuit or if the mesothelioma victim is strongly opposed to filing a lawsuit, we can recover some compensation by filing claims with bankruptcy trusts. This is a decision that should not be made quickly and should only be made after consultation with an experienced legal representative.


All states have statutes of limitation that provide that a claim is barred if it is not timely filed. Some states require that a claim must be filed within one year of the date of diagnosis, while other states provide that the individual has as long as five years from the date of diagnosis. This not only varies from state to state, but sometimes varies depending upon the state of exposure or where the lawsuit is filed. It may be necessary, if some period of time has expired after the date of diagnosis, to file the claim in a different jurisdiction to avoid the running of the state of limitations. As a general rule, it is always better to get the process moving as quickly as possible to avoid any potential issues with a statute of limitations.


A lawsuit will not necessarily be filed in the state where you live. Some jurisdictions are more liberal in awarding substantial jury awards. If you or your loved one live in a state where juries tend to be more conservative, it might make sense to discuss bringing the case in an alternative jurisdiction. Oftentimes cases can be brought in another state where there was exposure or where a defendant may be located or incorporated. If there is a potential problem with the statute of limitations in the state where you live, the problem can sometimes be avoided by filing in another state. This should only be decided after meeting with your legal representative.


Typically, we can do all of the work on your case in or near your home. If your deposition is taken, this can also be done in your home or in a conference room near your home. Only if the case is not settled, might you have to be present in court for any period of time. Even if your case goes before a jury, you generally only need be present for a small portion of the trial.In the overwhelming percentage of these cases, however, settlements will be reached prior to the trial date. Because of this, it is always best to hire experienced counsel with a track record of success. Experienced counsel who have obtained substantial awards in the past may be more likely to obtain significant settlement offers from the defendants prior to going to trial.


Because mesothelioma cases have become more lucrative, the number of law firms that are seeking mesothelioma cases are on the increase. You may encounter lawyers that you know who now claim to be interested in taking your case. It is important to have experienced legal representation from lawyers who have experience negotiating settlements in mesothelioma cases.If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma in the last five years, talk to an experienced mesothelioma lawyer to discuss your legal rights today.

Patricia Hughes writes articles for the Maune Raichle Law firm 1-800-358-5922. The firm specializes in mesothelioma cases. For more information go to:

Isn't it the most pathetic situation when someone knows death can strike any moment? For the Mesothelioma cancer patients the gap between life and death is very little. The only hope is to resist through treatments for the time being.

Parallel to the Government initiative, many charitable and voluntary organizations have started working on researches related to Mesothelioma and its curing possibilities. It is indeed a good sign that all over the world more and more people are becoming conscious about this matter and trying to get involved in the rescue mechanism from this deadly and yet incurable disease.

Different Mesothelioma Foundations have taken the challenge to research and find out a definite cure for this cancer and doctors, biologists and pharmaceutical organizations have joined hands in support to this charitable mission. It's really a grand mission and should be applauded by all sectors of the society. In the civilized society why should such a disease sprout where a mineral becomes the cause of fatality. Is there no way of bringing an end to this situation?

Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America (MESORFA)

MESORFA is working to its level best in the American continent to uproot the problem of Mesothelioma as soon as possible. The prominent oath taken by this Foundation states that they are supporting and funding to all such research works that can find remedy and cure for Mesothelioma at the earliest not causing another case of fatality.

How is MESORFA really instigating its charitable mission to help out the real victims of Mesothelioma? Let's take a quick look.

Mesothelioma Laboratory at USC and Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center in Los Angeles are the two main centers conducting research work as well as giving treatment to the patients of Mesothelioma. The Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America (MESORFA) is funding these Research centers.

Veglin, the drug discovered

Already the Mesothelioma Laboratory at USC has made a successful endeavor. A particular drug has been formulated through the research that has proved effective on the Mesothelioma cancer patient. Veglin is the name of the drug and it is being used in a prescribed dose to remove the tumors through a shrinking process and this in turn is helping the fluid gathered in the lungs to reduce and come out. The healing rate is quite fast. The Lab is looking forward to discover an ultimate curing medicine for Mesothelioma. Had this charitable organization not stretched out its helping hands it would have never been so easy for such researches to take place.

Find more Mesothelioma and asbestos info online.

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Ample Support For Breast Chek Kit

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:15 AM | 0 comments »

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. In the UK, approximately 750 women are diagnosed each week which amounts to over 41,000 new cases each year. 250 women die of the disease every week. However, the earlier a cancer is detected, the higher the chance of successful treatment and survival.

To pick up potential problems at the earliest possible opportunity, you need to be aware of any changes in your breasts, which could be change in size, one breast may have become noticeably larger or lower, nipple change if it becomes inverted (pulled in) or changes its position or shape, rash on or around the nipple, discharge, from one or both nipples, puckering or dimpling around nipple, swelling under your armpit or around your collarbone (from lymph nodes), lump or thickening that feels different from the rest of the breast tissue, constant pain in one part of your breast or in your armpit.

If you notice a change, see your GP straight away. Your GP may be able to reassure you after examining your breasts, or you may be asked to come back at a different time in your menstrual cycle to rule out a hormonal cause. Alternatively, you may be sent to a breast clinic for a more detailed examination.

One of the simplest methods for early detection is for all women to be "breast aware" by checking their breasts for lumps or changes each month. In reality, though, very few women regularly do this – some women may be unsure how to do a breast examination and others may find it difficult to distinguish normal breast tissue from a genuine lump.

More than 80% of cases occur in women over 50. Taking the contraceptive pill slightly increases the risk. Taking hormone replacement therapy significantly increases your risk somewhat more, but the health benefits derived from hormone replacement are better overall. Obesity and heavy drinking also significantly increase the risk.

Your risk of getting breast cancer doubles if you have one close relative (mother or sister), when compared to women with no cases in the family. Having two close relatives affected increases your risk further.

Biopsy (a tissue sample) it the most important method used to diagnose breast cancer. The sample of tissue is removed from the breast lump by a hollow needle and then examined under a microscope. The shape and appearance of the cells in the tissue sample reveals whether the lump is benign, which is true of the vast majority, or if it is cancerous.

The main treatment for breast cancer is surgery followed by a short course of radiotherapy or chemotherapy, depending on the type of tumour and how advanced it is.

In the early 1970's, only half of all women diagnosed with the disease survived for five years, but now due to scientific advances, over three quarters survive for that long and most of them will live for very much longer.

The most important thing to do is to check yourself regularly and if feel any lumps go straight to your GP for further examination and advice.

Most likely, there is nothing more frightening for a woman than the discovery of a lump in her breast. Her mind is quickly flooded with cancer and all of its consequences. Most women have a friend, a sister, or a coworker who has been diagnosed with the disease and know how difficult dealing with it can be. Fortunately, 80% of all breast lumps are not cancer, as most are cysts or a benign clump of tissue. From puberty on, a woman's breasts undergo many changes. Because of these continual changes, breast tissue requires adequate nutrition. Although everyone benefits from a healthy diet, there are additional nutrients which can specifically benefit women including B vitamins, calcium D-glucarate, broccoli extract, green tea, maitake mushrooms, and iodine.

Because scientists can learn a lot about diseases from simply observing it, they have learned that certain cultures have a very low incidence of breast cancer, among these being China and Japan. As compared to women in America, Canada, and parts of Europe, the Asian cultures have a much lower breast cancer rate and it seems likely that something in their diet could be protecting these women from the disease. As Asian women adopt a western diet their breast cancer rates climb. It has also been recognized that certain types of vegetables play a large role in the prevention of all types of disease, including cancer. Based on this, scientists have carried out many studies to determine what it is about these nutrients that can prevent breast cancer.

Deficiencies in vitamin B12 can result in a serious type of anemia, as well as nerve damage, and is now being researched to see if these deficiencies can also, in part, cause breast cancer. A scientific study proved that women who had the lowest levels of B12 in their blood had the highest rates of breast cancer. Another study discovered that when B12 was applied directly to cancer cells, it actually stopped cancer cells from growing. The researchers conducting this experiment believe that giving B12 to women with breast cancer as a part of a chemotherapy regime might help to keep cancer in check.

Similarly, low folic acid intake is linked to the development of all cancers because folic acid is crucial to the making and continual repair of DNA. A recent study discovered that high intakes of folic cancer may actually reduce the risk of breast cancer, as women who eat lots of foods that contain folic acid have much lower rates of breast cancer. Although there is no clear-cut, single cause of breast cancer, many factors are required for the disease to appear, including estrogen. Studies have shown that women who have higher levels of estrogen tend to develop breast cancer more often. This means that women who got the periods before age eleven or entered menopause after the age of fifty-five have a higher risk of breast cancer. Another factor affecting breast cancer is the consumption of alcohol. Since alcohol raises estrogen levels, a woman who consumes even moderate amounts of alcohol increases her risk of breast cancer. However a recent study has shown that folic acid can overtake this link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer as those women who drink one alcoholic drink a day and have high levels of folic acid have the same rate of breast cancer as those women with high folic acid intakes who did not drink.

While women need estrogen to soften skin, thicken hair, and fill out hips and breasts, estrogen can also nourish breast tumors and help them to grow bigger, stronger, and more deadly. Thanks to good nutrition, American women get their periods early and go through menopause later in life. Today, women also have fewer pregnancies, with the average number of children being one or two. Each of these factors increases the time in which women's bodies are exposed to estrogen, meaning increased opportunities for estrogen to cause trouble. We are also continuously exposed to cancer-causing chemicals and toxins, coming from contaminants in the food we eat and pollutants in the air we breathe. Although the body does have a system that eliminates some of the excess estrogen and toxic chemicals before they cause harm, an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase can interrupt the excretion process, allowing the hormone or toxin to continue to cause harm. Fortunately, scientists have discovered a natural substance found in foods, calcium d-glucarate (CDG), which can stop the activity of beta-glucuronidase. CDG, which is found in fruits and vegetables, has been shown in experimental studies to significantly slow breast cancer growth. There are also many other trials currently underway studying its ability to decrease the breast cancer risk in women at high risk for the disease.

Iodine, which is the trace element in a hormone found in the thyroid gland and is involved in several metabolic functions, functions as a protection of breast tissue from cancerous cells. A study exposing breast cancer cells and breast tissue without any cancer to a type of seaweed containing high amounts of iodine concluded that the seaweed killed all of the cancerous cells and did not harm the normal breast cells. Researchers believe that it is because many Japanese women eat this kind of seaweed, containing great amounts of iodine, that they have very low rates of breast cancer.

For a great deal of time, cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, have been observed by scientists for their ability to reduce the risk of diseases including cancer. It appears that the phytochemical sulforaphane, found in broccoli, is one of the chemicals responsible for this beneficial ability. Sulforaphane increases certain enzymes in the body called phase 2 enzymes, which deactivate cancer-causing chemicals. When breast cancer cells were exposed to sulforaphane in a lab experiment, the compound inhibited the growth of the cancer cells up to eighty percent.

There is a good amount of research that has concluded that green tea beverage consumption is associated with a lower incidence of breast cancer. Researchers have long noted the low rates of breast cancer in Japan, where green tea is consumed at great amounts. The active compound found in green tea that is responsible for breast cancer inhibition is EGCG, which stops the cells from growing, causes them to lose their ability to replicate, and die.

For many years, maitake mushrooms have been linked to good health in all that eat them, partly because they contain an important compound called D-fraction. D-fraction not only stops the growth of cancerous tumors, but it also alerts and stimulates immune cells to fight the disease. Due to its success, maitake is now being used in clinical trials of women with breast cancer, improving many symptoms including reduction of the tumor.

These nutrients should not be used in place of traditional treatment for breast cancer, as none of these nutrients can cure breast cancer. However, they can be a part of plan of treatment. If you have breast cancer, talk to your healthcare practitioner about these nutrients and remember that nutritional supplements are supplements to your food, medication, and treatment, to enhance and prevent, not a replacement. Supplements like B vitamins, calcium D-glucarate, broccoli extract, green tea, maitake mushrooms, and iodine can be found at your local or internet health food store.

Visit VitaNet Health Foods, VitaNet sells high quality herbs like Source Naturals Calcium D-glucarate to help fight cancer. Please link to this site when using this article.