Another brick in the wall!

Posted by Prue Morland | 1:17 AM | 0 comments »

Prostate cancer is one of the main reason men face their death. After lung cancer, prostate cancer is the main cause of death among men all over the world. Studies have always been made in the desperate attempt of finding a cure or a way to prevent prostate cancer.

Many studies are still taking place and the results are announced to be amazing. What is maybe the most amazing of all things today is the fact that a vaccine against prostate cancer has been found. This vaccine can prologue a man' s life with almost five months, even if he is suffering from the last stage of prostate cancer. When other treatments did not work and pain was still present in all these prostate cancer patients, a piece of light was revealed.

There were many studies made to see the effects of this amazing vaccine against prostate cancer. The company that produced the vaccine along with some brilliant doctors have conducted a study on thirty one people that suffered from an advanced state of prostate cancer. These people did not respond to any hormone treatment and their live expectancy period was about one year. This vaccine against prostate cancer meant a serious change and gave a lot of hope. These thirty one prostate cancer patients were given the vaccine three times in a period of almost sixty days. A number of twenty men out of these prostate cancer developed a very strong immune system response. The protein that gave this strong response was found on the surface of their prostate cell. The prostate cancer patients that have shown this strong response had an average time in their disease progression of about thirty four weeks, opposed to thirteen weeks in the prostate cancer people that had a very weak response.

Furthermore, six out of the thirty one prostate patients showed significant decrease of that protein that was culprit for prostate cancer. What this actually means is that in those prostate cancer patients the disease will progress slower. Side effects were few and very mild. Fever and some chills was all that these prostate cancer patients felt after using the vaccine.

However, this vaccine is not yet on the market, because more studies have to be made. The proper dosage must be determined and if this vaccine can be used together with other prostate cancer treatments. Another thing to see is if this vaccine is works in people that suffer from a less advanced state of prostate cancer.

For more information about prostate cancer symptoms and about early symptoms prostate cancer please review this web site