It is important to know that there are a lot of risk factors for prostate cancer that we cannot control. The chances to develop prostate cancer are small in men under 50 years old, but after this age, the risk grows a lot. It was seen that there are races more affected than other: for example an African-American has an increased risk of prostate cancer.

The prostate cancer can appear due to genetic history as well. If a man in your family had had this disease, there are increased chances that you develop prostate cancer too.

There surely are a lot of unknown factors that lead to prostate cancer. It is very important to follow a lifestyle that will lower the chances to develop prostate cancer, and you will be also be able to avoid other diseases too.

Scientists think that there exists the possibility that obesity to affect levels of hormones related to prostate cancer risk. That is why, it is good to prevent obesity, and you can do that by doing physical exercises and following a healthy diet. It is important that you go to the doctor, he will advice you what to do, and together you will develop a plan for the physic activity.

It was seen that there are some drugs, vitamins or minerals that may lower the risk of prostate cancer, strategy known under the name of chemoprevention.

There was made a study involving the drug named finasteride, which is used to treat prostate enlargement, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, and the conclusion was that this drug can reduce the rates of prostate cancer by 25 percent. But it was seen that the men who took finasteride were more predisposed to experience loss of sexual desire, impotence or breast enlargement than those who took a placebo. It was also seen that the men that developed prostate cancer while using finasteride had aggressive forms of the disease. The reasons why that thing happened are not known yet.

There is another drug that seems to prevent the prostate cancer, its name is duasteride, but studies that have the purpose to confirm this finding are not ready yet.

Some other drugs that might prevent prostate cancer are the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs have the role to inhibit the COX-2 enzyme, which is found in prostate cancer cells. In this category of drugs, we can mention ibuprofen and naproxen. In what concern these nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, more studies must be performed, in order to determine exactly the role they have on prostate cancer.

It was discovered that soybeans and other legumes contain phytoestrogens, chemicals that may help prevent prostate cancer. The scientists don't know yet how phytoestrogens could produce this effect.

Tomatoes, pink grapefruit and watermelon are rich in lycopene, and this substance acts like an antioxidant, and it lowers the cancer risk.

Taking daily doses of mineral selenium, vitamin E, or a combination between them may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. There are studies in progress, researchers are trying to find out exactly which are the effects of these substances.

It is known that prostate cancer is the most cause of death in men, after the lung cancer.

It affects many men, but a small percentage of them dies because of the disease. This type of cancer is the most slowly- progressive from all the other types of cancer.

It is good to talk with your doctor about the risks and how you can lower them, to follow a healthy diet, and to take physical exercises. But it is also important not to take herbal medicines, drugs, or nutritional supplements without medical guidance, because there may appear some risks.

For more information about early symptoms prostate cancer and about prostate cancer symptoms please review this web site