The green tea is from China, but has recently become widespread all over the world, actually the most used drink, recognized by its natural effects on the human spirit.
The plant of which leaves and buds we make the famous green tea is called Camellia sinensis ("sinensis" means "Chinese" in Latin) or Thea sinensis (the older name), an evergreen shrub or a small tree that is usually trimmed to below 2 m when cultivated for its leaves. It grows at 4000 m altitude in Himalaya. The Camellia sinensis flowers are yellow-white, 3-4 cm in diameter and with 7-8 petals.
Its popular name, green tea, comes from the procedure of making it. Its leaves are speedy dried with hot draught, which gets to the chlorophyll conservation. We may say that the younger light green leaves are preferably harvested for tea producing.
Preparation methods
There are three methods for you to obtain the Camellia sinensis treatment: infusion, combined infusion and powder.
Infusion of green tea. Though it's the most known practice to obtain the tea, the infusion is less used in therapeutic system, because the higher the quality of the tea, the lower the water temperature. To obtain 250 ml of tea, steep 1-2 tea bags in hot water and let it there 7-8 minutes, for a light perfume and good taste and, for concentrated green tea, 15-25 minutes. Preferably, the mug should be warmed beforehand so that the tea does not immediately cool down. The specialists advice you to consume more than 5 mugs of green tea/ day.
Combined infusion. You'll obtain it following the next procedure. Put one teaspoon in a mug of water (200 ml) and let it to macerate at moderate temperature since evening till morning, when filter it. The acquired juice is put apart and the green extract is scaled with another 250 ml of hot water then let it infuse for 20 minutes and finally filter. The both juices are combined, obtaining approximate 500 ml of green tea combined infusion. It is a better way to prepare the green tea and with more intensive therapeutic effects.
Green plant powder. It's especially recommended to those persons who are not allowed to drink liquids and it's obtained by grinding the leaves of Camellia sinensis.
Medical effects
Firstly, the leaves contain alkaloid substances with a stimulating effect on nervous system, similar to coffee's effects, but not as detrimental as the last one. The leaves of the Camellia sinensis have been also used in traditional medicine to treat asthma, angina pectoris, bronchodilator, peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease. The green tea fights against the aging too, preventing the texture degeneration. It contains also C and B vitamins and magnesium, manganese and zinc.
Advices for you to get well:
Drink at least one mug of green tea every day for health, good energy and longevity.
Drink 4-5 mugs of hot tea /day if you want to loose weight, because the green tea has antiadipose and diuretic effects. This treatment is used to come down the cholesterol level.
For curing the cancer, take one green tea powder spoon twice in a day, for 90 days, then take a 2 weeks break and repeat the treatment.
If you have a migraine sufferance, drink a cup of concentrated green tea made by infusion adding the juice from the half of a lemon.
The green tea combined with the black tea is good for the diabetes treatment. We recommend you to take a spoon of green and black tea powder three times in a day, for minimum three months.
Rinse your mouth with green tea to prevent the dental caries.
Make yourselves a natural lukewarm mask with green tea and 2 spoon of honey and lemon juice.
Don't consume green tea after 5 pm, because it may produce sleeplessness.
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