Colon cancer is thought to be the second most common of all cancer types. It usually affects men, but women can develop colon cancer as well. If detected in its primary stages, colon cancer can be cured very easy.
The most common and best way to treat a case of colon cancer is through surgery. A colon cancer that is about three to five centimeters long can be removed through surgical resection. The drainage sites of primary lymphatic must also be re sectioned. If your colon cancer is not too low, less than five centimeters from your anus, colostomy is used. This colon cancer procedure means that your colon is taken out through your abdominal walls. A bag must also be placed in order to drain the stool. Surgery is very successful in almost all colon cancer cases. Moreover, if the colon cancer is found at the beginning stage, than cure rates through colon cancer surgery are that much grater. More than eighty percent of all colon cancer patients are cured after their first surgery. However, there are people who will develop colon cancer even after they have had surgery. In this case, they will have to do another resection. The number of colon cancer patients that have a second operation is a lot smaller, because
recurrence of colon cancer is rare. Although, the number of people cured by surgery is very big, when it comes to the second colon cancer surgery, numbers are not so good. Only twenty percent of all colon cancer recurrence patients actually get cured after the second resection.
After surgery, for a period of almost one year, you will also do some therapy. This therapy increases your chances of survival if suffering from colon cancer. However, this therapy is only used for people that are in one of these colon cancer stages: THM 3 colon cancer, or Duke' s B2 colon cancer or C colon cancer. This is standard therapy and it lasts almost one year after you have had surgery. Fluoroulacil and levamisol are used for these stages of colon cancer. If you suffer from TNM colon cancer, stage 4, therapy with radiation will also be used together with the standard therapy. This has now become standard for all colon cancer patients that have had surgery, because studies have shown that the survival rate in these patients opposed to those that only have surgery is much grater.
For more resource on different colon cancer subjects please click this link You can also find valuable information about colon cancer diet or even about stage3 colon cancer
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