Lymphocytes are the blood cells that increase the body' s resistence to illnesses. The lymph nodes are the places where those particular cells collect. There are lymph nodes everywhere in your body. The groin, the neck, the armpits and the heart are only some of the places where lymph nodes can be found. When in these nodes cancer develops, the proper medical term given for this particular cancer type is lymphoma.
This may came as a surprise to many, but lymphoma is actually a very common cancer types. In many countries, lymphoma is fifth or sixth on the most common cancer types list. This disease, lymphoma mostly affects people that are over fifty years old. So one can safely say that age is a risk factor when it comes to lymphoma. However, lymphoma is the third most known type of cancer that affects children and younger adults. Gender can also be thought as a risk factor in lymphoma cases. This type of cancer is mostly found in men than in women.
Although, lymphoma is a very common type of cancer, the actual cause of this disease is relatively unknown. Most of the doctors and scientists say that there is no single cause for lymphoma. However, this medical condition has been thought to have as a starting point the weakness of your immune system. People that are infected with viruses like AIDS are also thought to be more at risk of developing lymphoma.
At first, lymphoma is just a lump, that grows in time. The lymphoma patient will feel no pain at first, but as the tumor grows, symptoms will appear, including some pain and discomfort. Fever, weight loss, sweating are also some of the other lymphoma signs. However, many of the cases that are suspected with lymphoma actually pose no threat, due to the fact that the lump is benign. To be diagnosed with lymphoma, you must go see a doctor which will do a biopsy of your tumor. If you indeed suffer form lymphoma, some other tests must also be done to see the extent of your lymphoma case. Scans, blood tests and even a biopsy of your bone marrow are the following tests that have to be done for your doctor to see just how serious is your lymphoma case.
Lymphoma, although not a very spread type of cancer a few time ago, is starting to gain much ground these days. Unfortunately, there are not many ways or even some ways of preventing a lymphoma case.
So, if you want to find out more about lymphoma cancer or even about symptoms of lymphoma please visit this link
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