If your birth date falls in the range of June 22nd through July 22nd, you were born under the sun sign of Cancer the Crab. You probably know your Horoscope, but did you know that Numerology shows us a particular behavior for Cancer based on your specific Date of Birth? We can find out this modifier by calculating your Birth Day number.

===> Birth Day Calculation

Your Birthday number is the date of the month you were born on, reduced to a single digit by fadic addition. For example, actor Tom Cruse was born on July 3rd, 1962, so his Birthday number is (3) as shown below.

Birthday = (Day part of your birth date) = (3)

The Birth Day number values, and their affects on your Cancer Horoscope are shown below.

===> Birth Day (1) - Temperamental

You tend to be too moody at times; work on being less gloomy when the mood hits you. People see you as being venerable; don't let their perception become reality.

===> Birth Day (2) - Sensitive

You have a strong social conscience and are sensitive to how other people are treated around you. Be tactful when taking others to task for their bad behavior.

===> Birth Day (3) - Thin Skinned

You are easily hurt by the words and actions of others. Work on developing thicker skin, and learn to laugh at their petty deeds. Leave them in your dust.

===> Birth Day (4) - Introspective

You tend to spend too much time looking back on your life experiences. A certain amount of examining past actions is a good thing, but you need to go forward to be successful in life.

===> Birth Day (5) - Intuition

You have an almost magical sixth sense of when someone needs help with something. Use your intuition wisely, and people will thank you for it.

===> Birth Day (6) - Introvert

You have a tendency to look inside yourself too much. While examining your inner being is a good quality, you have to also look at the world around you. Moderation is the key.

===> Birth Day (7) - Protective

You have a strong desire to protect your friends and loved ones from the world. While this is to their benefit, you need to make sure that when they do something wrong, they learn the lesson life is trying to teach them.

===> Birth Day (8) - Walled Away

You have built walls against the outside world to protect your feelings of insecurity. But, these walls can be barriers to your friends and loved ones. You need to learn to drop those walls when people who have your good at heart want inside.

===> Birth Day (9) - Easy Target

You are over-sensitive to the words and actions of your friends and loved ones. Don't be so easily hurt when they're trying to get your goat; learn to laugh at yourself. Taking offense when no harm was meant just makes for future problems.

Keith Abbott is the developer and owner of 'Numerology 4 You' where you can order your own Numerology chart, including your Yantra Magic Square reading. Visit him on the web today at