Health Warning: Belief happens when someone makes you believe something. But What if they were wrong? And even worse, what if they know they were wrong?

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied." Herophilus

"If you eat all your greens up you will grow up big and strong."

Does that sound familiar?

It should! It is what I heard when I was younger and it is most likely what you heard at some point too.

But long gone are the lessons that we learnt from our mothers and fathers. We now have a new mother and father and they are called:


The Media has consistently groomed us since we were little kids and we have unwisely followed every one of their steps and lessons by the book!

But is what they told us right?

That all depends upon whom it is right for! It is definitely not right for us, so it must be for the people who are making all of the money. Any guesses who?

For years we have followed fad diet after fad diet in the attempt to get healthy.

"Just go on this diet and you will feel better than ever" rings out from every advertisement.

You have heard it all before and fallen for it time after time.

So many lies infest our minds that we do not know which ones are true or false. That is why I am here to help you find your way through the myriad of lies and find the truth that is going to help you defeat your illness.

Just take a look at some of the lies that we are stupid enough to fall for:

"Prescription drugs will make you healthier."

They do not make you better. Get this simple lesson into your head: they suppress the symptoms and only make illness worse in the long run.

"The U.S. health care system is the best in the world."

The health of U.S. citizens is declining rapidly. U.S Citizens pay double, triple, and even quadruple the price for prescription drugs than any other country.

"You can get all the nutrition you need from three balanced meals a day."

Again, believe it if you want to. In fact, today's foods are nutrient depleted, and they come from depleted soils. They are also processed and manufactured which kills almost all the nutrients. Which in turn is absolutely no good for the body.

Not to say that all is wrong, they do have the right ideas about the balancing of the food we eat. The human body needs food that indeed balances, but unfortunately the food we are eating today certainly does not provide the necessary ingredients for a balanced life. The human race is in for a rude awakening very soon, but that won't save the people who don't get off their butts and do something about it.

We Have Used the Wrong Ingredients and this has unbalanced our health scales.

Which side of the scales are you on? I needn't be a psychic to find this one out.

For as far back as I can remember, people have been saying:

"You need to have a healthy Balance".

Listen up; this could be one of the most important things you will ever hear. You are living out of balance, hell so many people today are living out of balance, and as I do hope you can figure, this is not the best way to live.

What you don't know about your health is hugely affecting how your life is and what it will eventually become.

• Our Body functions are a mystery to us, we are not told a thing!

• We are not told what we need to live and have a vibrantly healthy life, even a normal life!

• And we are not taught about the little intricacies that are within us, which we should be looking after.

Your Body has to perform millions of complex functions every moment in order for it to survive.

The Clock & You

Try to imagine that your body is a clock. Everything within the Clock needs to work in harmony for it to run smoothly and for it to tell the correct time. That is exactly the same for the Human Body. If things are not running smoothly, this is when the trouble starts.

Your body operates on an electro magnetic current. A fine balance that exists in your biochemistry creates electrical power in your body.

This electrical power within your body depends on your blood stream to make it function properly. So, you can imagine what happens when your blood is out of balance.

Our blood stream relies on the balance of its pH Level.

When we have imbalance in our bodies we start to show signs of disease, which could include the following symptoms:

Low energy,


Poor digestion,

Excess weight,

Foggy thinking,

Aches and pains,

As well as major disorders.

What you have to do is bring all the good things back into your life, and with my help & The Health Warrior Way we certainly will.

Say goodbye to disease, and hello to:



Clear thinking,

Smooth operation of all body systems,

Clear, bright eyes and skin,

And a lean, trim body.

Everywhere I look I can see that people are out of balance. I for one was tired, fat, ill, feeling old before my time, and I always told myself, that was my life. That was what nature had intended. But nature didn't, and I learnt that. I got off my lazy ass and did something about it. I wasn't always The Health Warrior.

I can almost guarantee, that you know at least one person who is suffering from one of the top three Killers in the United States—Heart Disease, Cancer, or Diabetes.

Just look at the shocking statistics, this will be you, this will be your kids and this will be the whole planet if we don't get off our lazy fat guzzling asses and do something about it.

1/2 of the population will die from Heart Disease or Diabetes &

1/3 will die from Cancer.

Do you want this? Hell, do you want your kids to have this?

Well this is it, but the absolutely mammoth news to get into your head is that….

…..These 3 KILLERS are Preventable and Reversible, each one of them being a direct result of poor diet and nutrition. So Simple, But yet so far away from most sufferers.

If you eat the proper foods and get the best nutrients, in balance, this will help you avoid illness, together with the pain and horrific quality of life that so often we are stuck with before our demise, sometimes by decades.

You don't want that, I don't want that for you, that's why I'm trying to get this simple but powerful message across.

Even mainstream medicine agrees:

"Foods contain nutrients essential for normal metabolic function, and when problems arise, they result from imbalances in nutrient intake and from harmful interaction with other factors."

According to the 1988 Surgeon General's Report on Health and Nutrition, this is related to:

"What we EAT"

Since this report, people have stupidly made attempts to follow one diet craze after another. They are killing themselves. This is not only an attempt to drop excess weight, but also as a way to find their way back to good health. However,

"We (as a country) are now fatter than ever. And we're certainly no healthier."

The problem is that while diet and nutrition is the key to a healthy weight, overall health and well being, it simply must be a diet that properly balances our body chemistry.

The diet trends and crazes that have swept over the nation in recent years only cause more damage to us by making our bodies more out of balance than ever. Get this into your head… These useless diets Are Killing You!

Diets, which are hugely popular, including the "Popular Celeb" diets, Health regimes, low-fat diets, the food pyramid, and vegetarianism all create wildly imbalanced body chemistry. And this is completely messing up the human body.

Even if one way of eating does get rid of extra pounds (usually temporarily), lower cholesterol levels and lessen digestive trouble for some people, it does not fulfil the promise of simple good health.

A good thing for you to do is to FORGET what you have heard in the doctors' office and diet books about your health! Forget it all, start from new, can't you see that what you thought you knew is a load of rubbish.

Have YOU ever heard your doctor talk about YOUR pH when you have gone for a check-up?

The single most important measurement to your health is the pH of your blood and tissues. By keeping this in BALANCE, you will keep yourself HEALTHY!!!

It's not that simple when we live in a toxic world and the food we eat has been all but destroyed.


The author of this material believes in a natural, no drug approach to creating vibrant health, energy and vitality throughout life. A main part of his views are placed on promoting and maintaining the perfect balance within the human body. The author realizes that within medical and scientific fields there are widely differing opinions and attitudes. This material is written for the sole purpose of sharing educational information and scientific research gathered from the studies and experiences of healthcare professionals, scientists, nutritionists, informed health advocates and the author. The information contained in this eBook is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute medical practice nor medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease, nor is it intended to prescribe any of the techniques, materials or concepts presented as a form of treatment for any illness or medical condition. Please, before beginning any practice relating to health, diet or exercise consult a suitably licensed & qualified physician, medical practitioner or healthcare provider about the appropriateness of any opinions or recommendations in regard to what symptoms you have or your own medical state. Should you choose to make use of the information contained herein without first consulting a health care professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your natural right. However, the author assumes no responsibility for which choices you choose to make after your review of the information contained herein and your consultation with a licensed healthcare professional.

None of the statements in this article or in the book have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), or the American Medical Association (AMA).

There comes a time when you have to say enough is enough. The Health Warrior is one person who is sick and tired of the way the health of the planet is deteriorating. Pick up Your free "Disease & Illness Ebook By Clicking Here